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Pardon the LAMP but I think this is pretty cool. I'm tailgating at last year's opener at Hammer's, throwing the ball with Billnut Jr., when along comes an NFL Network camera crew asking if they can get some footage for their pregame show. Of course we oblige and my son makes a nice grab (on a pretty good throw if I may say so), then Billnut Jr. ad libs a TD dance. After processing what just happened, I call home to my wife and tell her to fire up the DVR and record the

. Sure enough we make the show as a bumper coming off the commercial, and Rich Eisen remarks "Very nicely done." A great memory and souvenir that I will cherish forever.
Posted (edited)

Dude is missing speed, big time! Also glad we got rid of Fitz that throw was almost a slomo, catch was only made because no defenders where anywhere to be seen! Can't believe the props Rich had for that play... :D

Edited by bladiebla

I want to know why you're still wearing a Fitzpatrick jersey

Going into last season I had high hopes for Fitz. Didn't a lot if us? Obviously I was proven wrong but as I look back over the years I realize I end up seeing every Bills QB through rose colored glasses. I have to admit, I'm a sucker for Bills QBs. I thought Losman and Edwards would pan out long after most here had given up. The old jerseys in my closet (Losman, Edwards, now Fitz) are a sad reminder of our string of ineptitude. This year I wised up and went with a jersey that can't let me down - an old school Jack Kemp throwback! :thumbsup: Happy Father's Day everyone.


Very cool....


Hammer's grass looked impressive too...


Hammer only invests in the best grass for a parking lot, you won't find any astroturf on his field.


Hammer only invests in the best grass for a parking lot, you won't find any astroturf on his field.

The secret fertilizers are BEER and........It will cost you a beer for the other fertilizer.

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