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Sweet burn. Maybe Stevie can work out with David Boston because we see how that took his career to the next level.


I didn't go full-court with the burn because a.) I don't really care enough to, the guy's one of our good players, why disparage that? and b.) because you're one of the good ones.


I've said all I have to say on this matter in threads gone by.


Here is picture showing which vertebrate he cracked

(cracked is different than a break, have had both)

In fact I may have cracked mine today when I fell.



Do any of you recall the mystique behind London Fletcher's handshake with R Fitz ?

And then how it was brought to press ?

Oh boy i hope Bills PR dept is not still a bunch of out of touch students minoring in analytics and majoring in political sciences.

Stevie is a gamer though.


This just came over at Buffalo Rumblings and hadn't seen it yet:




It's good to see him practicing now, but I guess it should silence some complaints about him being slow to get back into camp.


it shows that he was really out of shape.


He did a pc vid to "show" us that, "no, I am really working hard, see."


If you crack vertebrae doing power ropes you obviously have not been doing any kind of real S&C work.


Stevie better get it together or he will be out of the league in two years.


Relax, Ms. Johnson.



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