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Byrd Skipping mandatory mini-camp

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In four years Byrd will be what, 30? How many 30 year-old safeties get tagged? If he has become so dominant at his position that he's worth tagging at age 30, then the Bills' investment will have paid off. They're wayyyyy over-thinking this.


Agree. I can't believe the bills would be dumb enough to pass on that deal. Those figures can't be the correct ones. If its true, there is no reason why Byrd isn't in buffalo signing a new deal

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Agree. I can't believe the bills would be dumb enough to pass on that deal. Those figures can't be the correct ones. If its true, there is no reason why Byrd isn't in buffalo signing a new deal


He's not. Those figures haven't been reported by any credible outlet. That "writer" is just speculating.


No one save the principles in the negotiations knows what real numbers are on the table. But we do know they want more than the tag value over a long period of time.


With about 24 hours to go till H hour, I don't expect Byrd to sign his tag, come into camp and be a good soldier. If he does, there will be no more contract negotiations until after this season ends, and The Bills might just slap him with the F tag again. I don't see him doing (or being allowed by Parker to do) that. I think they want either A. The Bills to cave and give him top dollar, or B. Make a trade with another team for his services, or C. Somehow make The Bills give up their rights to his services so Parker can get a clean top dollar contract with another Free Safety impaired team. Frankly, I think C. is their preferred option.

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Why is Parker starting to air Byrd's dealings over Twitter?




First thing I though of when I saw it. Classic Parker. Takin' it to the streets. Whaley must be pleased.




He's not. Those figures haven't been reported by any credible outlet. That "writer" is just speculating.


And then I read this. Thanks for the clarification.



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No one save the principles in the negotiations knows what real numbers are on the table. But we do know they want more than the tag value over a long period of time.


With about 24 hours to go till H hour, I don't expect Byrd to sign his tag, come into camp and be a good soldier. If he does, there will be no more contract negotiations until after this season ends, and The Bills might just slap him with the F tag again. I don't see him doing (or being allowed by Parker to do) that. I think they want either A. The Bills to cave and give him top dollar, or B. Make a trade with another team for his services, or C. Somehow make The Bills give up their rights to his services so Parker can get a clean top dollar contract with another Free Safety impaired team. Frankly, I think C. is their preferred option.


What's stopped Parker from pursuing C the entire time? Surely there's a "Free Safety impaired team" out there somewhere that values Byrd as much as he does, no? The only "right" the Bills have had since FAgency started is the right of first refusal, essentially. They certainly haven't stood in his way of finding and negotiating with other teams for his services.



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Just saw this on twitter. If this is what he is really what he is asking for and we are unwilling to pay it then this is inexcusable. We are treating this like he is asking for $80 million. There is no reason why they can't pay this kind of contract.


@nfldraftbites# Bills Eugene Parker seeking 4 Year deal for Jarius Byrd worth 30-32 Millon. Bills to forfeit right to Franchise Tag at deal conclusion12:12pm - 12 Jul 13


NFL draft bites?




Have they ever made a credible report?


Just asking. And doubting.

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NFL draft bites?




Have they ever made a credible report?


Just asking. And doubting.


Nope. But I'd say 8 mil for 4 years is likely ideal for a guy hoping to get one last pay day after this. The dollars match the basic range I've been discussing (the 15% being 7.333, and the comments about paid like weddle/goldson being 8), and Parker would obviously love 4 while the bills prefer 5 I'd think.


Likely the site just using that amount of common sense if I had to guess

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Nope. But I'd say 8 mil for 4 years is likely ideal for a guy hoping to get one last pay day after this. The dollars match the basic range I've been discussing (the 15% being 7.333, and the comments about paid like weddle/goldson being 8), and Parker would obviously love 4 while the bills prefer 5 I'd think.


Likely the site just using that amount of common sense if I had to guess


A comment and a thought:


What is the signing bonus in your contract scenario?


My thought is one I haven't seen expressed anywhere and it seems to be a plausible part of the solution to a contract impasse: give Byrd a commensurate (even small) signing bonus AND a front-loaded contract with the first one or two years of salary guaranteed.


This way he still gets a big chunk of guaranteed money but the cap hit with the smaller signing bonus proration allows the Bills to keep plenty of space for when other contracts come up.


I believe that in their free agent frenzy, the Dolphins did exactly this so that they didn't hamstring their salary cap beyond this year.


This would allow the Bills to take advantage of their existing salary cap surplus without getting themselves into later trouble.

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A comment and a thought:


What is the signing bonus in your contract scenario?


My thought is one I haven't seen expressed anywhere and it seems to be a plausible part of the solution to a contract impasse: give Byrd a commensurate (even small) signing bonus AND a front-loaded contract with the first one or two years of salary guaranteed.


This way he still gets a big chunk of guaranteed money but the cap hit with the smaller signing bonus proration allows the Bills to keep plenty of space for when other contracts come up.


I believe that in their free agent frenzy, the Dolphins did exactly this so that they didn't hamstring their salary cap beyond this year.


This would allow the Bills to take advantage of their existing salary cap surplus without getting themselves into later trouble.

Screw signing bonus, I want as much as possible to hit this year in salary or roster bonus. We have the dollars we rolled over from last year that must be spent or forfeited and we rolled fitzs hit into next year already. I wouldn't mind if we accounted for a ton of it this year.


If we had him hit like 15m this year followed by 5m per year for the following 3 that wouldn't bother me at all. I want us AT the cap this year.

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A comment and a thought:


What is the signing bonus in your contract scenario?


My thought is one I haven't seen expressed anywhere and it seems to be a plausible part of the solution to a contract impasse: give Byrd a commensurate (even small) signing bonus AND a front-loaded contract with the first one or two years of salary guaranteed.


This way he still gets a big chunk of guaranteed money but the cap hit with the smaller signing bonus proration allows the Bills to keep plenty of space for when other contracts come up.


I believe that in their free agent frenzy, the Dolphins did exactly this so that they didn't hamstring their salary cap beyond this year.


This would allow the Bills to take advantage of their existing salary cap surplus without getting themselves into later trouble.


But it is problematic for teams with cash flow issues. Based on nothing but pure hunch, I think the Bills may fit into that category.

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But it is problematic for teams with cash flow issues. Based on nothing but pure hunch, I think the Bills may fit into that category.


No indication of cash flow issues, and no indication SJBFs scenarios would make them worse. Any fully guaranteed dollars have to go into an account the day it's signed anyway, and giving him a singing bonus paid today and accounted for years, vs a roster bonus paid today and accounted today really doesn't make a cash flow issue to do the latter

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Well we're all agreed that a front loaded salary might be a solution but the cash flow aspect is interesting.


I remember reading that some of the league's cash poor teams have had to take out loans in order to pay signing bonuses.


This was a few years ago before the league presumably became more prosperous so I don't know if this practice still exists.


It seems instinctively that it would be hard to be a cash poor team in a time like this.

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Is there anyone here who disagrees with this? I can't believe it isn't going to get done if this is what they're asking for. It's inexcusable indeed. This is a roster without playmakers. Come on.


Totally agree.

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We have $20 million in cap space we shouldn't need to take out any loans. We should be able to give him $8 million a season and get it over with. Byrd in my opinion is better than Goldson, Weddle and Berry and they are all making roughly $8 million a season. With as much cap space as we have this needs to get done. You don't say ur gonna build through the draft and then let our star players walk after their rookie contracts expire. Pay him

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We have $20 million in cap space we shouldn't need to take out any loans. We should be able to give him $8 million a season and get it over with. Byrd in my opinion is better than Goldson, Weddle and Berry and they are all making roughly $8 million a season. With as much cap space as we have this needs to get done. You don't say ur gonna build through the draft and then let our star players walk after their rookie contracts expire. Pay him


Having cap space doesn't mean they have the liquidity on hand.


But according to No Saint it doesn't affect cash flow to front load a contract. I am not sure that is correct if you are talking about fully guaranteed salaries instead of signing bonuses, but I admittedly know very little about how capanomics works.

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@nfldraftbites Numbers thrown Around on #Bills Jairus Byrd. Byrd's side wants 4 Year Deal 30-35 million w/ 40% Guaranteed. Bills want 5 Year Deal2:53pm - 12 Jul 13


According to this other tweet from them it appears that we are trying to get a 5 year deal for the same price. If a fifth year is added then they are gonna have to up it to $40 million because leaving the price the same way on a 5 year contract woild mean he would be making around $6 million a season. He's worth more than that

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Having cap space doesn't mean they have the liquidity on hand.


But according to No Saint it doesn't affect cash flow to front load a contract. I am not sure that is correct if you are talking about fully guaranteed salaries instead of signing bonuses, but I admittedly know very little about how capanomics works.


Signing bonus is paid today, and spread over years of cap


Roster bonus is paid today and accounted for today.


Guaranteed salary or bonus in year 2 is paid in year 2 but put into trust today.


Essentially I'm advocating setting it up as cash to cap in nature since we have a lot of cap that we need to use and having that hit today, if we do an extension today (which seems unlikely)


@nfldraftbites Numbers thrown Around on #Bills Jairus Byrd. Byrd's side wants 4 Year Deal 30-35 million w/ 40% Guaranteed. Bills want 5 Year Deal2:53pm - 12 Jul 13


According to this other tweet from them it appears that we are trying to get a 5 year deal for the same price. If a fifth year is added then they are gonna have to up it to $40 million because leaving the price the same way on a 5 year contract woild mean he would be making around $6 million a season. He's worth more than that


I really don't read that as 5 years at the same price, though it could be interpreted as that.



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I really don't read that as 5 years at the same price, though it could be interpreted as that.


Yeah and I put almost no value in that reporting either.


Maybe we'll see but it's funny how these guys have a pipeline to negotiations that Schefter, et al don't have.


Sounds too much like throwing plausible ideas around and passing it off as insider knowledge in order to drive up traffic/followers.

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Yeah and I put almost no value in that reporting either.


Maybe we'll see but it's funny how these guys have a pipeline to negotiations that Schefter, et al don't have.


Sounds too much like throwing plausible ideas around and passing it off as insider knowledge in order to drive up traffic/followers.


Agreed. I was just pointing it out as another layer of defense against the Ralph is cheap crowd.


I just will be very frustrated if we throw out cap space after rolling fitzs hit forward though. Hopefully if not byrd we do similar for some other guys like wood, maybe chandler at mid season if the ACL looks good, or anyone else. Shove future years spending against these cap dollars while we have them. We will be without rollover next year and have fitzs hit so lets out as much of 2014 into 2013 as we can.

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Byrd created 9 turnovers last year alone. He has more interceptions in the past 4 years than the entire Bills team.



Really more than the whole team? Did he play for someone else or is he not part of team?

Think you meant REST OF team but appears there is no TEAM in BYRD.


If we had him hit like 15m this year followed by 5m per year for the following 3 that wouldn't bother me at all. I want us AT the cap this year.


Absolutely NO. His agent Parker will just insist on a reworked deal 2 years from now. He did that to Bills before.

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T-Minus 23hours and 2inutes and still nothing.



Not holding my breath that's for sure.



And if the rumors are correct that Byrd won't sign his tag unless the Bills promise not to tag him again next year, you might as well just cut his @$$. He does nothing for us in the long run, he only holds up the progress of the future replacements that we drafted in April. If they make a promise not to franchise Byrd, I'll be extremely pissed. Part of me will lose a little respect from this organization.

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