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I add a fifth scandal---"Fast and Furious". How can these "journalists" look themselves in the mirror?



Fact: Over the past few weeks, four major scandals have broken over the Obama administration, and it is a very sad (and frightening) truth that our pathetic, American, lapdog mainstream media is not responsible for breaking even a single one.

Verizon? Nope, not our guys. That was the Brits over at The Guardian.

IRS? Nope, not our guys. The IRS broke their own scandal with a planted question.

The Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press phone records? Nope, not our guys. Believe it or not, the Associated Press didn’t even break that story. Like the IRS, we only found out because the Justice Department outted itself in a letter notifying the AP of what it had done.

Benghazi? Are you kidding. With a couple of rare exceptions (Jake Tapper, Sharyl Attkisson) the media has spent the last 8 months attacking those seeking the truth (Congress, Fox News) not seeking the truth. It was the GOP congress that demanded the email exchanges around the shaping of the talking points, not the media.

Left up to the media, we wouldn't know anything about Libya. All of the media's energy was collectively poured into ensuring the truth was never discovered.

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More thoughts on why;



“Unfortunately, Friedersdorf is so convinced the media’s groupthink accurately represents facts that he can’t see how utterly apt Unz’s title is. . . .


Compare and contrast the coverage of the Valerie Plame scandal (body count, zero, for those keeping score), with the coverage of Benghazi.


Alternatively, consider l’affaire Plame (body count zero), with the protracted somnolence – it never rose to the level of reporting – produced by the DOJ’s Fast ‘n’ Furious embarrassment. At last count, over two hundred people lost their lives as a result of Fast ‘n’ Furious, one of them being United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.


Ho-hum. Got something snarky about the Tea Party?”



Update: “Obama media minions now know what it felt like when Jim Jones brought out the Kool-Aid: Disillusioned but still obedient.”




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To be fair, they did break the Trayvon Martin case.


To be fair, they did break the Trayvon Martin case.



Yes, and they were very nice about editing and interpretating the 911 tapes so we didn't have to. I also think they did some very deep and intuitive reporting on the racist city that Sanford is. They went all the way back to a hundred years to find that some white guy refused to shake a black guy's hand. Oh, and they wouldn't let Jackie Robinson play in an exhibition game 70 years ago.

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Yes, and they were very nice about editing and interpretating the 911 tapes so we didn't have to. I also think they did some very deep and intuitive reporting on the racist city that Sanford is. They went all the way back to a hundred years to find that some white guy refused to shake a black guy's hand. Oh, and they wouldn't let Jackie Robinson play in an exhibition game 70 years ago.


Now you're just being sarcastic. The MSM is usually really good about playing the part of government watchdog. Remember when a handful of soldiers paraded naked jihadists around Abu Grahib? The MSM was all over it and demanded that we know how high up the ladder it went - Rumsfeld? Cheney? Bush? What did they know and when did they know it?


And let us not forget the firing of 6 US attorneys. They were all over that making sure we knew why it was done and what "mistakes were made" (thank you Alberto "The Eunuch" Gonzalez).


They probably just aren't as anxious to report on these stories because government scandals involving the AG providing illegal assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the IRS using it's power to harass and stifle political adversaries, the DOJ tapping AP phone lines, and the President allegedly standing by refusing to make a move for fear of offending a mob engaged in an attack on a US embassy just aren't as important or as interesting as a president replacing 6 US attorneys.

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Now you're just being sarcastic. The MSM is usually really good about playing the part of government watchdog. Remember when a handful of soldiers paraded naked jihadists around Abu Grahib? The MSM was all over it and demanded that we know how high up the ladder it went - Rumsfeld? Cheney? Bush? What did they know and when did they know it?


And let us not forget the firing of 6 US attorneys. They were all over that making sure we knew why it was done and what "mistakes were made" (thank you Alberto "The Eunuch" Gonzalez).


They probably just aren't as anxious to report on these stories because government scandals involving the AG providing illegal assault weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the IRS using it's power to harass and stifle political adversaries, the DOJ tapping AP phone lines, and the President allegedly standing by refusing to make a move for fear of offending a mob engaged in an attack on a US embassy just aren't as important or as interesting as a president replacing 6 US attorneys.

This is just the top of the home page on the Drudge report:


NSA, FBI secretly mining data from Internet firms...


Top secret PRISM program...


Obama administration collecting phone records of millions daily...

Secret court order requires VERIZON to hand over ALL CALL DATA...

White House: Critical tool against 'terrorist threats'...

Specifically targeted Americans, not foreigners...

'Homeland Security': Laptops, phones can be searched based on hunches...

NSA SEES ALL: Phone Sex, Banks, Emails...

CIA: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher...

'1984' Published 64 Years Ago Today...


Every line a different story. Makes me not unhappy over 1/2 my life has passed.

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Hey, here's a simple solution to the problem:


When you move to a different country, LEARN THE !@#$ING LANGUAGE.

My Dad always said the country started to fall apart when we let the Irish, Italian and Polish in. Edited by ....lybob
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My Dad always said the country started to fall apart when we let the Irish, Italian and Polish in.

Like my grand daddy always said "if we knew they was gonna be so much trouble, we'd have picked the cotton ourselves."






Whatever happened to DiE anyway? We're deep into summer and I have heard little to nothing about the entitlement that warm weather brings to black folks.

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New York Times quietly changes published editorial to make it less damning of Obama


The New York Times edited its damning editorial condemning the Obama administration for collecting phone call data from Americans to make it less stinging shortly after the editorial was published onlineicon1.png Thursday afternoon.

The editorial originally declared that the Obama “administration has lost all credibility” as a result of the recently revealed news that the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have been secretly collecting call dataicon1.png from American users of Verizon under the authority of the Patriot Act.

But hours later the stinging sentence had been modified to readicon1.png the Obama “administration has now lost all credibility on this issue.” [Emphasis added]



The new version of the article contains no indication that it has been changed.




Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/06/new-york-times-quietly-changes-published-editorial-to-make-it-less-damning-of-obama/#ixzz2VXTYBP2k

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Hey, here's a simple solution to the problem:


When you move to a different country, LEARN THE !@#$ING LANGUAGE.


That particular issue isn't even about that....there are plenty of services for people who speak other languages...that one is just about some psycho running external enforcement for CRC in DOL.

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CBS decides to buck the trend.............................


CBS News: State Department covered up misconduct, interfered with IG probes


FTA: CBS News reports that the State Department has interfered in internal investigations into criminal conduct and wrongdoing by high-ranking officials, including one ambassador who prowled public parks for prostitutes. A very familiar name appears in this exposé, too:


CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.


The Diplomatic Security Service, or the DSS, is the State Department’s security force, charged with protecting the secretary of state and U.S. ambassadors overseas and with investigating any cases of misconduct on the part of the 70,000 State Department employees worldwide.


CBS News’ John Miller reports that according to an internal State Department Inspector General’s memo, several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated, or simply called off. The memo obtained by CBS News cited eight specific examples. Among them: allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut “engaged in sexual assaults” on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s security detail “engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries” — a problem the report says was “endemic.”



And here’s a good way to exercise diplomacy in a critical theater — allow your personnel to get strung out on drugs:

The memo also reveals details about an “underground drug ring” was operating near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and supplied State Department security contractors with drugs.



What did Foggy Botton do when the allegations came to light? The case of the prostitute-patronizing ambassador ends up involving Patrick Kennedy, a familiar name from the Benghazi scandal and cover-up:

In one specific and striking cover-up, State Department agents told the Inspector General they were told to stop investigating the case of a U.S. Ambassador who held a sensitive diplomatic post and was suspected of patronizing prostitutes in a public park.


The State Department Inspector General’s memo refers to the 2011 investigation into an ambassador who “routinely ditched … his protective security detai” and inspectors suspect this was in order to “solicit sexual favors from prostitutes.”

Sources told CBS News that after the allegations surfaced, the ambassador was called to Washington, D.C. to meet with Undersecretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy, but was permitted to return to his post.



Remember that State Department whistleblower Eric Nordstrom publicly rejected the Accountability Review Board on Benghazi, claiming that it purposefully pushed responsibility onto lower-level careerists, and specifically charged that the ARB was trying to protect Kennedy at a minimum. It seems a little coincidental that Kennedy’s name pops up in another cover-up at State now. What did Kennedy do about the oversexed ambassador, especially considering the risk this created for security and for potential espionage penetration of the State Department?


Congress needs to find out who ordered the cover-ups on these investigations — and how much else might be going on at State now.




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Is that why oc kept saying that the pols sucked?

Per LABillz, I would never ever say such a thing:




All that and college, a decent job, outdoorsy, and good English? That is the opposite of suck.


There are of course other applications of the word suck here that I will leave to other posters.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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