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No! Sharyl Attkisson’s computer breached? Get OUT!


Well, this is interesting. A few months ago, there were whispers that CBS News was becoming, shall we say “testy”? Let’s settle on “testy” with its award-winning, intrepid journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, because…well…she just wouldn’t leave stories alone. First it was the

“non-story” — nothing to see there! Then it was Benghazi — where no one knew anything, no photos from the situation room were available, some stupid video caused death and mayhem, um, scratch that, but
, anyway!


There she was asking questions and refusing to stop picking at the big bumps showing from under the rugs, and for which no one was ever held accountable, ever.


This was bad journalism, you know. People at CBS — the news network that brought us Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and Katie Couric — seemed to feel that asking questions of the Obama administration was edging dangerously close to advocacy.


We don’t know if David Rhodes, president of CBS’s news was among the number who feared for Attkisson’s integrity, or whether he ever communicated about it with his brother Ben, who happens to be a national security adviser for the Obama administration, but surely their conversations would never traipse into conflicts of interest. Let’s take that on good faith, shall we?


Because, heaven knows, professional journalists abhor advocacy in all forms, under all administrations, and routinely guard themselves against conflicts of interest.


And then, too, there was Attkisson sounding all paranoid, saying that she thought her computer had been breached, somehow. You know, tampered with. She certainly sounded silly! I remember seeing the tweets fly by my timeline saying, “she’s a craaaazy lady” and advising CBS News to put her out to pasture, somewhere.


I think CBS News will have a difficult time letting Attkisson go, though, now that CBS — having had her computers checked out by forensic specialists — admitted a few hours ago that, uh, yeaahhh…someone pulled data from Sharyl Attkisson’s computer.


But don’t be alarmed, says CBS:

To be clear, the federal government has not been accused in the intrusion of Attkisson’s computer; CBS News is continuing to work to identify the responsible party.



Well, that’s a relief. I’m super glad they took the time to caution readers not to immediately suspect the federal government — which never does anything worth reporting on in any sustained or investigative manner — might be behind it.


As Ed Morrissey notes, “It doesn’t pay to jump to conclusions”. And he’s right. So, we won’t.


But we will note, as Ed does at that link, that Attkisson’s computer was tampered with in “late 2012″ and,

What was going on in “late 2012″? Well, that would have been the controversy over the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi. And, checking the record, we see that Attkisson had
, relying on anonymous military sources that called into question the Obama administration’s claim that they couldn’t have responded in time to assist in the attack.




Oh, pshaw, now, don’t get all cynical! Everyone knows the Benghazi story was dead by then! The big news was the presidential election, only a couple weeks away!


Seems to me, though — a story like this — we ought to ask a couple of questions, at least.

For instance, Glenn Reynolds asks:

It would be interesting, wouldn’t it, to pull out some of the Romney campaign’s computers and see if they show the kind of evidence that CBS’s experts found on Attkisson’s computer?



Actually, he asks a second question:

Say, if they can do that, couldn’t they plant incriminating stuff on your computer, too?

Eww, I hadn’t thought of that!. Well, that sort of shoots to crap that whole “if you have nothing to hide, you have no worries” idea, doesn’t it?


- See more at: http://www.patheos.c...h.yO876yv8.dpuf

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