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Can someone tell me something interesting?


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Courtesy of Fun facts!


Humans are the only species on earth that have face-to-face sex.





In college the girls upstairs had a cat that was a total slut and used to bang all of the male cats in the neighborhood. We once witnessed this in front of our place and the cats did it face to face.


Maybe only slut cats do this> :w00t:

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1903....Binney & Smith Co. introduces the first Crayola Crayons. There are 8 colors in a box: black, blue, brown, green, orange, red, violet & yellow.





where did the name Crayola come from?

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Martin Van Buren, the eighth President, is sometimes credited with creating the word "OK." Van Buren was from Kinderhook, New York. During his campaign, Old Kinderhook (O.K.) clubs formed to support the President. Later, "OK" or "okay," came to mean "all right."


Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to ride in a car while in office.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the first to ride in an airplane.

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Martin Van Buren, the eighth President, is sometimes credited with creating the word "OK." Van Buren was from Kinderhook, New York. During his campaign, Old Kinderhook (O.K.) clubs formed to support the President. Later, "OK" or "okay," came to mean "all right."


Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to ride in a car while in office.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the first to ride in an airplane.



I wonder if that's where the Seinfeld Episode with the "Van Buren Boys" came from...


they were a gang who's symbol was holding up 8 fingers (8th president). So, one hand looked like you were giving the OK symbol.... hmmmm

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The Toronto Blue Jays purchased the Skydome for 21.2 million dollars last year. The building price was $375 million dollars.


I want their real estate agents name. The $500K house I was looking at would only cost me $28,600 if they could get me a similar deal.

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Were the offspring pebbles or stones?


Is that why we call Rockpile "Rock"


Is Babyrock really just a pebble?



All good questions, Guff! :w00t:


I think most people call me Rock because they are lazy.


babyrock registered as babyrock; her younger sister registered as pebbles.


Why do people call you "Guff" :w00t:

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In 1976 a Los Angeles secretary named Jannene Swift officially married a 50-lb rock. The ceremony was witnessed by more than 20 people.




You forgot to mention the firestorm of opposition that arose immediately afterward when conservative pro-family activists decried the threat that this rock-woman union would have on the concept of marriage and the family.

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You forgot to mention the firestorm of opposition that arose immediately afterward when conservative pro-family activists decried the threat that this rock-woman union would have on the concept of marriage and the family.



I am absolutely in favor of Rock-woman unions. :doh:

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In breaking news the Yankees just claim Antartica.




Speaking of the Yankees, Howard Stern and Artie Lange were talking about them today.


They were sarcastically saying how that if MLB ever did tell George Stenibrenner that he couldn't spend anymore on his team, he would just start paying players to retire... Ok, we can't have Beltran? Here, Carlos... here's $25 million saying you retire... right now...


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It is said that President Abraham Lincoln was a homosexual.


Jean Baker, professor of history at Goucher College and the author of "Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography," told Discovery News, "I believe that Lincoln engaged in homosexual acts with several men, but this was an era before any understanding of the concept of self-identifying as an homosexual. The word was not even used during Lincoln's life."


Lincoln Poem:


"I will tell you a Joke about Jewel and Mary

It is neither a Joke nor a Story

For Rubin and Charles has married two girls

But Billy has married a boy

The girlies he had tried on every Side

But none could he get to agree

All was in vain he went home again

And since that is married to Natty

So Billy and Natty agreed very well

And mama's well pleased at the match

The egg it is laid but Natty's afraid

The Shell is So Soft that it never will hatch

But Betsy she said you Cursed bald head

My Suitor you never Can be

Beside your low crotch proclaims you a botch

And that never Can serve for me"



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