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I can't be stopped - you can only hope to contain me.  :unsure:


"NASA scientists have concluded that the state of California is moving north and will collide with the state of Alaska in roughly 150 million years." (From that amazing facts site).


Wow, AD. You're hosed. Here come the lefties. 150 million years will seem like a few hours once we get this cloning thing worked out.

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Wrangell is the only Alaskan city to have existed under four nations and three flags. The Stikine Tlingit Nation, the Russians, the British and the Americans.


The arctic circle is an imaginary circle around the globe where on December 21 the sun never rises for twenty four hours and on June 21 for twenty four hours it never sets.


The Malaspina Glacier is larger in area than Rhode Island.


Mount McKinley is North Americas largest peak at 20,320 feet.



No realli! She was Karving her initals on the m00se


with the sharpened end of an interspace t00thbrush given


by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and


star of many Norwegian m0vies: "The H0t Hands of an Oslo


Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge M0lars of Horst



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The "first electronic computer" was built in 1889 for the U.S. Census Bureau.


Idaho is the only state in the U.S. that has never had a foreign flag flying over it.


Number, in feet, of a Slinky if stretched out flat: 87.


Most common language spoken by NYC cab drivers, Urdu.

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The coastline of Alaska is longer than the coast line of the entire United States.


There are six distinct natural regions that make up the state of Alaska: The Interior; The Arctic; The Bering Sea Coast: The Alaskan Peninsula: The Aleutian Chain: South Central Alaska: South Eastern Alaska.


Talkeetna is the jumping off point for climbing expeditions to Mount McKinley.


Flanked by the Alps-like Chugach Mountains, Valdez is often called "Little Switzerland", where forty feet of snow has accumulated in town, in one season.


Kodiak is the second largest commercial fishing port in the United States.



Mynd you, m00se bites Kan be pretty nasti ...

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61% of college women, but only 28% of college man, say they're in a "steady relationship."


20% of French women say being asked to undress during a job interview isn't sexual harassment.


McDonalds hired 45 Ph.D. scientists to help it develop "carrot sticks" in 1991.


Janis Joplin was nominated "Ugliest Man on Campus" while in college.

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Most of Antarctic receives so little precipitation it would normally be considered a desert.


There are two mammals that lay eggs, the spiny anteater and the platypus. The platypus is also the only venomous mammal with spurs on its feet that can inject venom.


Scientists have recently identified a group of great apes in Africa that may be a new species or subspecies.It's larger than a chimpanzee, has a skull and nesting habits of a gorilla, but other morphology and diet is more like that of a chimpanzee.


The earth is in the early stages of one of it's periodic shifts in magnetic polarity. This will take several thousand years, but as the shift progresses, the poles will begin to weaken, will migrate randomly large distances over short periods of time, and secondary magnetic poles may pop up in random locations around the globe. While not an extinction event like a hit from a large asteroid, the process of a shift in polarity will wreak havoc on navigation communication, and will raise the risk of exposure to damaging ultraviolet radiation.


Now for the most useless piece of trivia of all time: The combination to Mr. Wilson's safe in the old Dennis the Menace television series is 18-24-36.

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TransAlaska Pipeline Facts:


1.  Construction began in April 29, 1974 and was completed June 20, 1977

2.  It cost $8 billion to build and was COMPLETELY funded by private entities.

3.  It's diameter is 48 inches and it's 800.3 miles in length

4.  It crosses three mountain ranges : Brooks, Alaska, and Chugach

5.  The highest elevations it crosses are: Atigun Pass at 4,739 feet, Isabel Pass at 3,420 feet and Thompson Pass at 2,812 feet.

6.  It crosses 34 major and 800 minor rivers and stream.

7.  During its prime pumping days, the average throughput was about 47,000 gallons per minute

8.  Starting in Prudhoe Bay, the pipeline terminates in Valdez where the oil is loaded onto tankers.

9.  Crude oil travels at an average of 6 mph through the pipeline.



Crude oil through the pipeline also travels at a temperature of 140 F. That's why it's the world's only above-ground pipeline; to minimize the ecological damage to the permafrost.


Just heard that last night on The History Channel. :unsure:

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In the late 1970's, the St. Louis Cardinals and the San Diego Chargers played the first-ever NFL game (preseason) in Japan.


At that time, the Japanese were not that familiar with American Football, so on media day the Japanese journalists asked the NFL players a lot of very basic questions regarding football.


One of the Japanese journalists asked Conrad Dobler (who was with the Cardinals at that time) what the difference was between offense and defense.


Conrad thought about it for a second, then answered: "Well, when you guys attacked Pearl Harbor, you guys were on offense and we were on defense. And when we attacked Hiroshima, we were on offense and you guys were on defense".

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Porn star Marilyn Chambers was photographed at the mother holding the baby on the 1972 boxes of Ivory Snow. It was long rumored that Chambers was the baby, but she was born April 22, 1954.


Upon learning of her role in porn, Ivory quickly changed the box photograph.


Also, it is said that in every Marilyn Chambers porn flick, there is a box of Ivory Snow with her photo on it somewhere in the movie. Personal verification of this fact is ongoing.

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