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A thirteen year-old Canadian, Briar MacLean, was reprimanded by school officials for potentially saving the life of one of his fellow classmates. After defending the victim from an armed student, the vice principal chastised MacLean, saying that he should have gotten a teacher involved instead of acting quickly.

MacLean told the National Post that he was in a morning class in his middle school in Calgary when he saw a bully antagonizing another student. “He put him in a headlock, and I saw that,” he said.

The fight escalated when MacLean “heard the flick, and I heard them say there was a knife.”

MacLean instinctively jumped and pushed the bully away from the other student and then continued about his day unfazed. However, later he was called into the office and not allowed to return to classes for the rest of the day.

The vice principal called MacLean’s mother, Leah O’Donnell, saying that her son was involved in an incident where “he decided to ‘play hero’ and jump in.” The vice principal added that the school did not “condone heroics,” and that the proper course of action would have been to get a school administrator to handle it.

O’Donnell said, “I asked: ‘In the time it would have taken him to go get a teacher, could that kid’s throat have been slit?’ She said yes, but that’s beside the point.”

“What are they teaching them?” O’Donnell said. ”That when you go out into the workforce and someone is not being very nice to you, you have to tattle to your boss? You’re not going to get promoted that way.”


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/03/7th-grader-saves-classmate-from-bully-with-knife-is-punished-for-playing-hero/#ixzz2VHLsZMtB


Well, if you want to raise Men without chests (as many on the Left advocate) you have to start early............


Hero Teen Punished by School for Stopping Knife-Wielding Bully.


This sort of behavior by “educators” needs to be stigmatized and punished, with names named. But bear in mind that “Sir John A. Macdonald junior high school does not ‘condone heroics,’” and that its principal’s name is Michael Bester, from whom we can be fairly certain to expect nothing in the least bit heroic, ................................................ever.







Per Prof. Ann Althouse:



"In the time it would have taken him to go get a teacher, could that kid’s throat have been slit?"


"She said yes, but that’s beside the point. That we 'don’t condone heroics in this school.'"


The school seems to hold the belief — often seen amongst strict gun control advocates — that the traditional role of self-defense and the defense of others ought to be relocated in government personnel. The police might not arrive the minute you need them, and yet it still seems best to train people to stand down and shelter in place. If only everyone were nonviolent, wouldn't that be nice?


Suddenly, I'm seeing this as the cause of the bullying problem. Everyone knows that the way to stop the bully is to hit him. To forbid self-defense is to empower the bully. The bully knows you pussies will keep doing what you're supposed to do.


Apparently this is a story in Canada, but it's rampant in the US as well. Face it, they want people to be sheeple instead, that's the goal of ALL government throughout history. The rampant disregard fr the Bill or Right is only a mirror of history....


Our Founders however, knew this would happen, and warned of, even as they wrote the document to try to protect it. Unfortunately, the understanding of the Constitution, and thereby, our knowledge of how to defend our rights, has been lost on us....


11-Yr-Old Suspended For TALKING About Guns...


OWINGS, MD -- The father of a middle schooler in Calvert County, Md. says his 11-year-old son was suspended for 10 days for merely talking about guns on the bus ride home.


Bruce Henkelman of Huntingtown says his son, a sixth grader at Northern Middle School in Owings, was talking with friends about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre when the bus driver hauled him back to school to be questioned by the principal, Darrel Prioleau.


"The principal told me that with what happened at Sandy Hook if you say the word 'gun' in my school you are going to get suspended for 10 days," Henkelman said in an interview with WMAL.com.


So what did the boy say? According to his father, he neither threatened nor bullied anyone.


"He said, I wish I had a gun to protect everyone. He wanted to defeat the bad guys. That's the context of what he said," Henkelman said. "He wanted to be the hero."


The boy was questioned by the principal and a sheriff's deputy, who also wanted to search the family home without a warrant, Henkelman said. "He started asking me questions about if I have firearms, and [the deputy said] he's going to have to search my house. Search my house? I just wanted to know what happened."


No search was performed, and the deputy left Henkelman's home after the father answered questions in a four-page questionnaire issued by the Sheriff's Office.


Principal Darrel Prioleau did not respond to calls and emails seeking comment. Robin Welsh, the deputy superintendent of Calvert County Schools, said federal privacy rules prohibited her from commenting on a specific case, but she said students are not suspended without cause.

"There has to be some violation within the code of conduct that would trigger some type of consequence or intervention," said Welsh, who said the county school system does not have a zero tolerance policy.


Based on information about Henkelman's case provided by WMAL.com, the ACLU of Maryland said the suspension, later reduced to one day, was a poor choice by school administrators.




Did anybody bother to check the "annotations" on this?




Also, this is another example of "treating everybody the same". If they can only succeed in pushing us all down to the LCD, then nothing distinguishes us from one another, and this means some of us can no longer become "distinguished", never mind "heroic". Then treating us all the same, becomes truly "fair".


Besides, what if hero kid becomes emboldened? Consider the danger in that! What if he ends up as an Army medic(you try running around on a battlefield, helping people, but doing it unarmed, as this kid was), or a cop, or dare I say: a general officer? Or worse, a conservative politician(because, let's face it, there's about 0 chance of him becoming a liberal one)?


Think of how unfair that is to the other, weak, spineless, mediocre/lowest common denominator kids. How are they supposed to compete with him once he distinguishes himself? It's this kind of unfairness that unfairly redistributes wealth(in many forms) to kids like this, at the expense of the LCD kids.


Face it, they want people to be sheeple instead, that's the goal of ALL government throughout history.

Yup. I'm amazed at the number of people who refuse to believe the lessons of history apply to N America.


I cannot believe that this school is wasting such time with this kid. There are students chewing pop tarts into the shapes of guns that need suspending!

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