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You have the right to vote

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You have the absolute right to vote, but only if you vote for the correct candidates.


However, this is nothing more than partisan pieces of crap being partisan pieces of crap:


Pocan said he was inspired to support the amendment after a voter ID law effort in Wisconsin was defeated because of a “right to vote” clause in that state’s constitution.


Of course if this guy is a champion of the democratic process and of the right of people to choose their elected representatives through the voting process, I wonder if he made any comments condemning his fellow partisan hacks when the Democrats in Wisconsin all fled the state to avoid a vote they were going to lose.

Edited by Koko78
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They are just trying to circumvent voter I.D. laws and make it ok for felons to get the vote.


Well that and make it so they can more easily bus in out-of-state-voters to vote in state elections.




Perhaps not a coincidence that it's the same state...

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