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Please, take a chill pill.

For those Johnny Come Latelys...

Ralph did piss off a LOT of people in the league.

He did that when he fired Wade and refused to honor his contract.

That was a frigging HUGE No-No.

He lost a ton of respect.


George Young actually worked for the League office in NYC for a few years after his NY Jints won TWO SUPERBOWLS. He's the engineer of those teams and, like it or not, NYC is the media capitol of the universe and NFL. George earned a serious amount of respect across the league not only as the GM of the Jints, but in earlier serivce to the Colts. He DIED of cancer. That engenders a TON of sympathy - unless of course you hail from western new york and your heart is as cold as the dog turds in your back yard in January.


Ralph also was widely known as a tightwad - almost as tight as Dan Rooney - who also had a hard time getting into the HOF because he made a bunch of enemies along the way.


Another factor arguing against Ralphie is that he's an owner, and the rules of the HOF have changes regarding eligibility recently and it's a lot harder for non-players to gain entry. Here's a test: Who would you rather have in the HOF - Jim Kelly or Rusty Jones?


Finally, perhaps the most egregious recent gaff that Ralphie committed in the eyes of the HOF voters is that he had a pissing contest with John Butler that was a little too public. Although I side mostly with Ralph on this one, when JB came down with the Big C, Ralph was viewd as petty and awfuly slow to forgive and forget some of the sh-- that went down. Ralph did not come up big on that one, and that was public knowledge within the league.


I've said a number of times before in this forum that Ralph would never get into the HOF until George Young did. I do believe he belongs there, and I hope he gets to make his acceptance speech. The sooner the better. He should have made it in before Lamar Hunt did. IMHO.

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