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Well, since the White House says not to worry, I won't...

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Huge Asteroid Makes Its Closest Pass To Earth Today


An asteroid nine times the size of a cruise ship is dropping by Earth on Friday, and it's not coming alone. Asteroid 1998 QE2 will be about 3.6 million miles from our planet at its closest approach. And its proximity has already given scientists a surprise: It has its own moon, measured at about 2,000 feet wide.


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"Has the president been briefed about the asteroid?"


No, he's going to hear about it on TV. Entirely appropriately, for once. Stupid !@#$ing question.

Well it's not like he could save us or anything. Republicans Bush Congress someone prevented him from doing his job. I just hope Will Smith is up to it.

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If the Republican sequester hadn't forced Obama to cut Nasa's funding a few years ago, this asteriod would never have been allowed to get this close.


Now that's just wrong. You know the Republicans don't always see eye to eye with you heathens, but we do favor at least the good guys surviving.

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Well it's not like he could save us or anything. Republicans Bush Congress someone prevented him from doing his job. I just hope Will Smith is up to it.


Will Smith is only good at fighting aliens. For asteroids, you need Morgan Freeman.


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If the Republican sequester hadn't forced Obama to cut Nasa's funding a few years ago, this asteriod would never have been allowed to get this close.


Will Smith is only good at fighting aliens. For asteroids, you need Morgan Freeman.




!@#$ Will Smith and Morgan Freeman. We need Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Billy Bob Thornton and Steve Buscemi!

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It doesn't matter who else, as long as we have Steve Buscemi. He gets the best lines.


That’s easy for you to say. I owe 100 grand to a fat-ass loan shark which I spent on a stripper named Molly Mounds.

Edited by Gary M
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Not in Red Dawn. Powers Booth said Denver got nuked.


I think you need to check your 80s trivia. I recall Omaha, Washington and Kansas City getting nuked. That and 400 million screaming Chinamen.

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I think you need to check your 80s trivia. I recall Omaha, Washington and Kansas City getting nuked. That and 400 million screaming Chinamen.


Yep. Denver was where they were eating sawdust "...and sometimes, each other."

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