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Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction

Chef Jim

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Time to step out of character a bit and ask advice. Well it's not really advice more of a question so I think I'm ok. My mom had hip surgery on mother's day. She has been suffering postoperative cognitive dysfunciton on and off ever since. I know we have a few doctors on here but I'm really looking for stories regarding family members. If so how long did it last and have any of you known someone that just never recovered. She's 87 was in pretty good health prior. I do know this is very common and I'm not too worried I'd just like some stories. Thanks in advance.

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Time to step out of character a bit and ask advice. Well it's not really advice more of a question so I think I'm ok. My mom had hip surgery on mother's day. She has been suffering postoperative cognitive dysfunciton on and off ever since. I know we have a few doctors on here but I'm really looking for stories regarding family members. If so how long did it last and have any of you known someone that just never recovered. She's 87 was in pretty good health prior. I do know this is very common and I'm not too worried I'd just like some stories. Thanks in advance.


Why only doctors? You an anti-Fockerist?

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Time to step out of character a bit and ask advice. Well it's not really advice more of a question so I think I'm ok. My mom had hip surgery on mother's day. She has been suffering postoperative cognitive dysfunciton on and off ever since. I know we have a few doctors on here but I'm really looking for stories regarding family members. If so how long did it last and have any of you known someone that just never recovered. She's 87 was in pretty good health prior. I do know this is very common and I'm not too worried I'd just like some stories. Thanks in advance.


The only people I know suffering from cognitive dysfunction have never recovered. But I'm not sure it was post-operative...you can go over to PPP and ask them if you want, though.

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The only people I know suffering from cognitive dysfunction have never recovered. But I'm not sure it was post-operative...you can go over to PPP and ask them if you want, though.


Well they were born with their impairment. My mom on the other hand...........

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I'm not really sure what my mother had............About ten years ago, she had hernia surgery, then the mesh got infected and had to be taken out, but she was left with a really bad case of MRSA, when it wasn't as common yet.


She battled it for maybe two months (I can't remember now), first in the hospital and then in a nursing home.


She started losing her mind after awhile. Making no sense. She never swore and now she's telling nurses to eff off!.........I think partly because they wanted to just get rid of her, they declared the MRSA cured, and she was sent home. She lived two doors down from me, and I had to sleep there every night because we didn't know what she was going to do - and we had an aide there during the day.


I thought she had hopelessly lost her mind forever. I saw a novena in the paper and did that (first time I did that).


We then took her to a psychiatrist/neurologist who had treated my father when he was alive for Alzheimer's. He put her on an anti-depressant.


Then, soon after, she'd have patches where we'd say Wait, she's making sense. But, we didn't trust it. Then, they became longer.............Gradually, she totally became herself again.


Nobody ever had an answer as to what it was or what cured it - my bet is it was a combination of things, and as the surgical wound kept healing and the staph infection kept lessening, and with the anti-depressant helping her, it all came together..........Or it could have been the novena, depending on what you might believe.


But, my main point is that it's 100% possible to go from bonkers craziness to back to yourself.

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I'm not really sure what my mother had............About ten years ago, she had hernia surgery, then the mesh got infected and had to be taken out, but she was left with a really bad case of MRSA, when it wasn't as common yet.


She battled it for maybe two months (I can't remember now), first in the hospital and then in a nursing home.


She started losing her mind after awhile. Making no sense. She never swore and now she's telling nurses to eff off!.........I think partly because they wanted to just get rid of her, they declared the MRSA cured, and she was sent home. She lived two doors down from me, and I had to sleep there every night because we didn't know what she was going to do - and we had an aide there during the day.


I thought she had hopelessly lost her mind forever. I saw a novena in the paper and did that (first time I did that).


We then took her to a psychiatrist/neurologist who had treated my father when he was alive for Alzheimer's. He put her on an anti-depressant.


Then, soon after, she'd have patches where we'd say Wait, she's making sense. But, we didn't trust it. Then, they became longer.............Gradually, she totally became herself again.


Nobody ever had an answer as to what it was or what cured it - my bet is it was a combination of things, and as the surgical wound kept healing and the staph infection kept lessening, and with the anti-depressant helping her, it all came together..........Or it could have been the novena, depending on what you might believe.


But, my main point is that it's 100% possible to go from bonkers craziness to back to yourself.


Thanks man. They thought it was a UTI so they put her on antibiotics which help for a bit. Then they had stopped giving her xanax and they think that be what it is. So basically they don't know what it is. I imagine she'll snap out of it at some point.


Sue, try google.






Hope everything turns out ok for her.

Moms are always moms no matter how old we get.


Gee, I hadn't tried that. :thumbdown::D

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Stopping Xanax like that could definitely be doing it, or at least a big part of it. Why would they take her off that now??


And, speaking of antibiotics, my mother was on heavy duty ones with the MRSA and another theory was that that may be playing a role.

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She will snap out of it Chef... My father is almost 80 and had complications from surgery in December... Thought he was a goner... My brother had a rougher time dealing with the stuff he was saying... Me, not at all... LoL... If you get my point! ;-) ;-)


Is she doing any kind of physical therapy? My father has to do that and it seemed once he got on that routine, things got better and back to normal. Anybody know if there is a connection between physical exercise and getting back up to speed with cognitive function...


Oh... Let the jokes flow if needed... ;-)

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Stopping Xanax like that could definitely be doing it, or at least a big part of it. Why would they take her off that now??


And, speaking of antibiotics, my mother was on heavy duty ones with the MRSA and another theory was that that may be playing a role.


She said they ran out of Xanax. :w00t: But seriously I have no idea why they took her off it. She had an issue in the past of hallucinations when she went off it in the past but nothing like the kookiness she's been experiencing of late.


She will snap out of it Chef... My father is almost 80 and had complications from surgery in December... Thought he was a goner... My brother had a rougher time dealing with the stuff he was saying... Me, not at all... LoL... If you get my point! ;-) ;-)


Is she doing any kind of physical therapy? My father has to do that and it seemed once he got on that routine, things got better and back to normal. Anybody know if there is a connection between physical exercise and getting back up to speed with cognitive function...


Oh... Let the jokes flow if needed... ;-)


Of course you had no issue with your dad. He was speaking your language. :lol: And no she as not yet done any PT. There is no way she can do it while in this state.

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It is really crazy how these places actually are running out of drugs. She might be right on that one!............In cany case, it sure doesn't seem like a good idea, esp. if she's had hallucinations before!

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She said they ran out of Xanax. :w00t: But seriously I have no idea why they took her off it. She had an issue in the past of hallucinations when she went off it in the past but nothing like the kookiness she's been experiencing of late.




Of course you had no issue with your dad. He was speaking your language. :lol: And no she as not yet done any PT. There is no way she can do it while in this state.


I did say let the jokes flow.


My brother seemed to take it personal and get flustered... Always trying to correct him. That is all I am saying. I don't mind you cracking wise, it is expected. PT does seem to help. He was in rough shape. Just trying to help. Let a little time go by, Mother's Day was only a few weeks ago.

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