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Gay cheerleader charged for underage girlfriend

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This won't help the 'homosexuals just want to be treated like everyone else' movement. Wasn't there some black kid who got ten years in jail for fooling around with an underage girl?


Football player maybe?

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:doh: Underage cheerleaders doing the nasty...and you guys want to talk about inequitable charges and other legal stuff?


WTF is wrong with you? :lol: It's shameful.


Speaking of odd, does anybody else see the irony in:

For my daughter's sexual preferences, she's getting two felony charges.

How can something be inherent, but also, a preference, at the same time? :blink:


I don't understand the use of that word in this context. Not at all. I mean, I prefer certain types of booze, but, I will drink what you have as well. That's because I like booze, a lot. :lol: This post alone proves that.


So, in that context, does that mean a lesbian prefers girls, but, will take what you have as well? Depending on whether she likes sex, a lot?


If that is the case, I know exactly where I am going tomorrow night.

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So, in that context, does that mean a lesbian prefers girls, but, will take what you have as well? Depending on whether she likes sex, a lot?


If that is the case, I know exactly where I am going tomorrow night.


The Blue Oyster?

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Be careful what you wish for, as you will surely get it.

Of that I am well aware, which is why I did not do what I said I was going to last night. :lol:


Even a professional troll has their limits. (I just realized, given the white paper that I read today, that "professional troll" is probably the most accurate description of my existence. I make client-side IT people, and college professors, wrong, in front of their bosses, for a living. :lol:)


As I strolled by tonight things looked to be anything but funny from the outside. I detest one girl spewing loud nonsense at me, why the hell would I want to deal with more? This is why I will never understand Mormons, or anybody who wears a loin cloth. On this particular evening there were no less than 8 of them screeching idiocy at each other. The only solace was the "Behave!" glare I gave all of them, which at least quieted things down for the 10 feet I was near them.


But, the braying continued as I passed.

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