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Dareus is back

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Sorry I can't believe opinion. The simple fact that he has been running with the ones this whole time, with this coaching staff they would not have let him do that if he wasn't in shape for the position he was playing.


It's not anyone's opinion that I know of, but rather a simple statement of fact from a contact I have. As I said, you can choose to believe it or not; I'm just supplying the info.


And as to the bolded, perhaps the coaching staff feels that--in spite of his weight--he's still the best player they have for that role. That doesn't mean they don't want him in better shape.

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It's not anyone's opinion that I know of, but rather a simple statement of fact from a contact I have. As I said, you can choose to believe it or not; I'm just supplying the info.


And as to the bolded, perhaps the coaching staff feels that--in spite of his weight--he's still the best player they have for that role. That doesn't mean they don't want him in better shape.

OK so your "contacts" opinion I don't agree with.

I heard from a guy who knows a guy who is next to a guy...

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OK so your "contacts" opinion I don't agree with.


Again, you can choose to believe me or not; just understand that it's not an opinion. An opinion is when you state a view or judgement; this is a relaying of information.


I heard from a guy who knows a guy who is next to a guy...



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This is not a 330lb man.120699076.0_standard_400.0.jpg

Can I get a quote or a link o on what his weight is supposed to be? All that picture shows is a man sweaty from keeping up with the pace of practice. He doesn't look like he is falling behind in the pace of practice. Looks to me like he is working hard.

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Fixed it for you and I am done arguing with you about this since you can't give any real answers.

You know what it means? I would like to ask you first since you think opinion has more then one meaning.

Wonderful u trol onn ae spelliing misteak thatt wuz auto corrected to then. That was hard to type b.c of autocorrect.

Hey, no offense, but you're making a lot of noise for someone that has been on the site for nine days. Dareus has clearly looked a heavy and a bit sluggish... yes, in my opinion. You saying you think his weight is either where the coaches want him to be or they'll address it is good enough. Let's let the conversation go back to discussing Dareus instead of discussing how we're discussing. That way if someone has some fresh insight they'll join in instead of sitting out the petty squabble.

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Don't know why you chose those comments to quote. I don't care though, I will be eating crow if Dareus doesn't but it still remains we heard no trouble of him keeping up in OTAs and MC or about him needing to gain/lose weight. Only thing I heard from Dareus is he is ready go all out this year.



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Sorry I can't believe opinion. The simple fact that he has been running with the ones this whole time, with this coaching staff they would not have let him do that if he wasn't in shape for the position he was playing.


When the coaching staff sat in the meeting room and discussed who they thought would be the best fit for each position, its obvious that Dareus is the best fit for the Nose Tackle. As big as branch is, Dareus is bigger and stronger. They envisioned Branch playing the end in the 3-4. Thats why Dareus is running with the ones. In shape our not, he's our most talented player at the NT. if our D is to succeed, we need him to be a key piece in this defense. They aren't going to out Torrell Troupe with the ones because Dareus isn't in the best of shape. He's our starting NT.

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When the coaching staff sat in the meeting room and discussed who they thought would be the best fit for each position, its obvious that Dareus is the best fit for the Nose Tackle. As big as branch is, Dareus is bigger and stronger. They envisioned Branch playing the end in the 3-4. Thats why Dareus is running with the ones. In shape our not, he's our most talented player at the NT. if our D is to succeed, we need him to be a key piece in this defense. They aren't going to out Torrell Troupe with the ones because Dareus isn't in the best of shape. He's our starting NT.

They didn't do that with our LBs that were gone they had to earn their way back. Why is it any different with Dareus?

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as someone who is a large man. 6'3 and my weight has gone from 360 down to 255(yes i said down ha). I can tell you how easy it is for a guy at Dareus size and age to shed weight if he is motivated. I say easy because of his age and the fact he has some of the worlds best nutritionists and trainers at his disposal. Dareus has all the size and talent and during his ROOKIE season i saw a guy starting to become a leader near the end of the season. Last year he was obviously distracted with what happened to his brother, we all would be. I honestly hope and being a Bills fan believe he will build on his 2011 performance and put 2012 behind him. This new staff will by nature push him to be more aggressive which should bring out the best in the big man!

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Well page 2 Badolbeelz implies it and I agreed. Seriously, maybe not bust status (yet), but no one on this board can be happy with his performance to date, especially when you see the impact of other players from that year draft


I'm not happy, or shall we say ecstatic with his performance, but i can live with it... Hard to play the hindsight is 20/20 game imho. But again.... if he averaged 5 sacks a year for his career here, i'd be happy with it. Would I like more? Sure I would.... But considering I never really liked Nix and the previous coaching staff, to at least get a productive starter with a first round pick, it's got to count for something. I mean.... how many previous first rounders did we pick up this season that have done nothing or have been of either equal or lesser value. I feel like we picked up 2, can't honestly remember if it's only the guy from the Colts.


Back on topic. Dareus might never live up to the superstar status he was supposed to be, but if he can be a productive starter for us for a decade, then i'm ok with that. Baby steps in the right direction. As long as we don't have more Maybin's running around not even sniffing the field.


As for him being.... what 20-30 lbs over weight..... if he is..... who cares? at that size, i can't image it makes much of a difference. Under the current coaching staff, if he wasn't doing well we'd just have him sit and have Branch in. Hell Kyle Williams played the nose for us the yr before we got Dareus if I remember correctly

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