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Now that this is in it's proper home...


I just don't feel safe on airplanes anymore. Ever since the TSA removed the ban on whiffle bats, I have a great fear for my life every time I step on a plane.


And that chick has major daddy issues. No male influence at home to help her set a proper level of self esteem.

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Don't know if tsa works or not but there is plenty of stuff found weekly I would rather not have a nutcase carrying with him/her http://blog.tsa.gov/...5-firearms.html

OMG, someone tried to bring on replica grenades, the horror! :lol: And not one, but TWO razer blades!!! And a 3" knife!!! I feel safer already. :lol:


Serously now -- none of this shows the need for TSA or extra security. The old metal detectors could already detect guns on someone, and the X-ray machines could detect guns in carry-on bags. How much of this stuff was found due to groping and molesting of innocent passengers? None.


The goal of security at the airport is to protect the airplane, NOT to protect you. You can be stabbed while at a concert, a ballgame, or shopping for your groceries. The single biggest/best security measure that makes planes more secure is the reinforced cockpit door.

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Just because you woke up in a bus station with 8 inked-up, hispanic guys going to town on you doesn't mean you're in a gang. Besides, that initiation is typically reserved for the fairer sex.

That might explain some things...

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