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I don't know which is more stupid, the TSA or that "molestation" video.


Gonna have a hard time doin a chick that doesn't like to be touched.


Probably have to pass if she's that bitchy about where I can put my hands.

Edited by Joe Miner
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This is absolute BS. I am aware of people's rights, however, if you decide to fly, I am perfectly fine with having to go through the full body scan or a pat down.


As a law enforcement officer, I can tell you that I've done my fair share of "frisks" we call them "nuts and butts" because you are literally in the convicts crack and touching testicles EVERYTIME. If yiur doing it right at least. Where do you think criminals hide weapons?


For my safety on a flight, I'm perfectly ok with officials checking this strictly. If people don't like it, don't fly. It's a damn shame the world we live in that we must check for these things at airports, but just ask any family that lost someone because a terrorist took over a plane and killed their loved one.

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This is absolute BS. I am aware of people's rights, however, if you decide to fly, I am perfectly fine with having to go through the full body scan or a pat down.

Security theater, nothing more. TSA doesn't make us safer.

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Believe what you want. Regardless if criminals actually get through security with items that should not be in a plane or not. It's a deterrent of some form. They do find weapons, drugs, and other illegal for plane items and that works better than nothing.

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Believe what you want. Regardless if criminals actually get through security with items that should not be in a plane or not. It's a deterrent of some form. They do find weapons, drugs, and other illegal for plane items and that works better than nothing.

It's not a deterrent at all. Yeah, maybe you catch stupid criminals, but that's about it. Especially since, like the article says, I can opt out of the screening and just not go on the plane. So bad guy walks through security, hopes he isn't picked up for extra screening. If he is, he opts out and leaves. No harm, no foul.


Also - airport security theater treats everyone as a criminal. People were up in arms about throwing grandma off the cliff, but it's ok to molest her?


But that's not the focus of the thread, so I'll stop for now since I could go on... :)

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It's weird the kinds of indignation you nuts will cling to.


Girls who kill people? Ok.

Girls who seduce children? Ok.


Girls who antagonize on some lame hot-button political issue that bugs you? Nope



Incidentally, I'm a YES on this one. She's pretty hot. And it's not like I'm gonna stick around to share ideologies with the ditzy skank.

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It's not a deterrent at all. Yeah, maybe you catch stupid criminals, but that's about it. Especially since, like the article says, I can opt out of the screening and just not go on the plane. So bad guy walks through security, hopes he isn't picked up for extra screening. If he is, he opts out and leaves. No harm, no foul.


Also - airport security theater treats everyone as a criminal. People were up in arms about throwing grandma off the cliff, but it's ok to molest her?


But that's not the focus of the thread, so I'll stop for now since I could go on... :)

refardless of threats of terrorism in public or on planes. In the end, society really is ignorant to the insane amount of criminals on the streets.
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It's not a deterrent at all. Yeah, maybe you catch stupid criminals, but that's about it. Especially since, like the article says, I can opt out of the screening and just not go on the plane. So bad guy walks through security, hopes he isn't picked up for extra screening. If he is, he opts out and leaves. No harm, no foul.


Most law enforcement is merely the impression of natural selection on the criminal element.

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refardless of threats of terrorism in public or on planes. In the end, society really is ignorant to the insane amount of criminals on the streets.

Mostly because our government chooses to ignore sensible law enforcement practices and sentencing, instead choosing to pander to the stupid.

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Don't know if tsa works or not but there is plenty of stuff found weekly I would rather not have a nutcase carrying with him/her http://blog.tsa.gov/2013/05/tsa-week-in-review-record-65-firearms.html

my fiancé works for CBP and I can tell you that there's a lot of stuff found all over. TSA might be a little different but I get a bit of the info from agency to agency.



Mostly because our government chooses to ignore sensible law enforcement practices and sentencing, instead choosing to pander to the stupid.

that. And the fact that America is absolutely clueless to the gang activity in this country.
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that. And the fact that America is absolutely clueless to the gang activity in this country.


No ****. When I got sexed-in to the MS-13 none of my family would even get me a cake. It was like they didn't know what I had accomplished.

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No ****. When I got sexed-in to the MS-13 none of my family would even get me a cake. It was like they didn't know what I had accomplished.

Just because you woke up in a bus station with 8 inked-up, hispanic guys going to town on you doesn't mean you're in a gang. Besides, that initiation is typically reserved for the fairer sex.

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