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Barack's In Trouble, Even Michelle Is Going Into Hiding

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You've got to love how he writes this...


The Obamas opted out of their annual trip to Martha’s Vineyard in 2012, likely because they were campaigning and because a luxury sojourn there would have conflicted with the campaign image Obama was trying to project as a fighter for the middle class.


...without even a hint of irony to it. :lol:

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JAY LENO: “The Obama White House is still denying he knew anything about the IRS scandal in advance. They say that would have been inappropriate because Obama was too busy not knowing about the Benghazi scandal.”

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JAY LENO: “The Obama White House is still denying he knew anything about the IRS scandal in advance. They say that would have been inappropriate because Obama was too busy not knowing about the Benghazi scandal.”

hah..I like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't want to start a new thread so I will throw this Michelle Obama bit here.


If you even remotely follow politics, you heard about her "I'm taking my ball and going home" moment yesterday when she was interrupted by a gay activist while giving a speech at a private home of some other lesbians.


You really can't watch this without seeing the real Michelle Obama. Watch as she tells everyone "well, then, I'm leaving," as her followers yell "Oh, no, please don't leave. Please don't go."


Ugh. Very embarrassing moment for Michelle. Fortunately, she surely doesn't see it that way.



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Didn't want to start a new thread so I will throw this Michelle Obama bit here.


If you even remotely follow politics, you heard about her "I'm taking my ball and going home" moment yesterday when she was interrupted by a gay activist while giving a speech at a private home of some other lesbians.


You really can't watch this without seeing the real Michelle Obama. Watch as she tells everyone "well, then, I'm leaving," as her followers yell "Oh, no, please don't leave. Please don't go."


Ugh. Very embarrassing moment for Michelle. Fortunately, she surely doesn't see it that way.




I read that. She's an entitled B word, just like her piece of garbage husband.

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Didn't want to start a new thread so I will throw this Michelle Obama bit here.


If you even remotely follow politics, you heard about her "I'm taking my ball and going home" moment yesterday when she was interrupted by a gay activist while giving a speech at a private home of some other lesbians.


You really can't watch this without seeing the real Michelle Obama. Watch as she tells everyone "well, then, I'm leaving," as her followers yell "Oh, no, please don't leave. Please don't go."


Ugh. Very embarrassing moment for Michelle. Fortunately, she surely doesn't see it that way.




Gotta love CNN describing her "I'm leaving" tantrum as "First lady confronts heckler". Confronts?

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Ya think? That's why I think Obama has something to do with the Tea Party IRS thing.


Of course he does. And I don't say that because I believe him to be an incompetent, gutless, leaderless french fry operator. You've heard him prod crowds. Agitating is what he does best, right before he makes it all look good with a little wink, and a smile, wrapped in a nuts-on-accurate Al Green impression while exiting stage right with Jay Z. This ain't DC. It's Chicago, with DC finally catching up.


No, I don't think you will ever see him directly tied to this because while they are quick and incompetent, they're not completely stupid. I think they expected everything to be better at this point so no one would care, and their timing was way off. Now they can't blame the GOP for blocking them because EVERYONE sees the incompetence, and their credibility is shot. Which is unfortunate because IRS isn't going away soon, and Obamacare is about to drop a buttload of crap on the entire party over the next two years.


Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the winner of the 2016 election is seen pulling a thumb-sucking, fetal-position Obama from under his desk. He wasn't built for this.

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Didn't want to start a new thread so I will throw this Michelle Obama bit here.


If you even remotely follow politics, you heard about her "I'm taking my ball and going home" moment yesterday when she was interrupted by a gay activist while giving a speech at a private home of some other lesbians.


You really can't watch this without seeing the real Michelle Obama. Watch as she tells everyone "well, then, I'm leaving," as her followers yell "Oh, no, please don't leave. Please don't go."


Ugh. Very embarrassing moment for Michelle. Fortunately, she surely doesn't see it that way.





OMG! That lady actually thought Obama gives a tin **** about gay people? In my best P-Bills voice, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAAA!

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