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More on that,





A man thought to be a British soldier has been killed by Islamist terrorists in a horrific attack in broad daylight in a London street. Two men ran the victim over with a car before hacking him to death with knives and a machete, while shouting “Allahu Akbar.”


The attackers apparently filmed themselves carrying out the killing, and invited stunned bystanders to take photos and video of them posing beside their victim. Video has been aired on ITV news of one of the attackers brandishing a blood-stained machete and shouting at bystanders, as onlookers tried to help the slain man. He’s heard saying “I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our lands women have to see the same.”


Judging by the accent of the man speaking in the video, he’s either British born or has spent some years in the country, making it likely that the terrorists were “home-grown,” rather than from outside the country.


Thank God Britain has strong gun laws or who knows what would have happened?


I hope they won't pay those guys $278,000.


And at least we know where the British PM was and that he returned home. I wonder if it had been an ambassador having his body dragged through the street of a foreign country if the British PM would check out and never tell anyone of his whereabouts during that time. I think the answer is yes if the British people would sit idly by and accept it.


You know when we should stop sitting idly by and accepting this crap?












































I think you do know. We all do.


Obviously an obscure YouTube video is to blame.


We all know it Can't be terrorists scumbags using Islam as justification to commit terrible acts of violence.




No. Not "workplace violence." Road rage.


Shall we revisit ideology vs strategy & goals?


Shall we revisit ideology vs strategy & goals?


No need, I'm still right. Strategy and organization define terrorism, ideology merely motivates.


No need, I'm still right. Strategy and organization define terrorism, ideology merely motivates.


In that case you can't call Al Qeda & it adherents terrorists anymore, because it's no longer a classically defined organization and all it now has is a message.


In that case you can't call Al Qeda & it adherents terrorists anymore, because it's no longer a classically defined organization and all it now has is a message.


Who said "classically defined organization"? There are many, MANY different ways to organize.


Who said "classically defined organization"? There are many, MANY different ways to organize.


OK, then. Would you define Al Qeda as having a strategy and organization?

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