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I was watching some show on Animal Planet (River Monsters or something like that?) and it reminded me of the time I went whale watching. When I was in the 10th grade, my family and I got to take a trip to Hawaii for a couple weeks. During our stay we took a charter and went whale watching. Over the next couple hours I would be completely amazed at the immensity and beauty of several humpback whales who had taken interest in our group. I don't ever remember being in such complete awe of a living being. To this day, it remains one of the most incredible experiences of my life and one of my favorite memories.


Anyway, I thought I'd check on youtube to see what videos others had posted, and there was some really cool stuff! Here's just a few of the best ones I found. These whales aren't quite as massive as the humpbacks I got to see, but still pretty cool! Also, if any of you guys have ever been, please say a few words about your experience...would be great to hear!



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something about that river monsters show...that host is annoying as f***...such a "self aggrandizing"(?) bastard, yet everytime its on i watch it...i think it's his little notes that he displays on the screen...something rubs me the wrong way about him but i always watch


something about that river monsters show...that host is annoying as f***...such a "self aggrandizing"(?) bastard, yet everytime its on i watch it...i think it's his little notes that he displays on the screen...something rubs me the wrong way about him but i always watch

Call me crazy, but this sounds like you might be in love.


went whale watching in Monterey a couple of years back. Saw a couple of greys from a great distance as the seas were pretty rough that day. Swells way over the top of the boat. Lots of hurling (thankfully not from me or my wife). Hoping for better luck up in Alaska next week. Leaving Friday for a cruise and land tour which includes a whale watching excursion in Juneau. Can't wait.


I feel ya. Been on several and been lucky enough to have some come close to the boat like these. Complete awe.

Exactly...it was almost a spiritual experience. Seeing those things close up is something we all should do. You appreciate what those whalers did back in the day with harpoons and their longboats.


Amazing what a father and daughter can do with a green screen, some prerecorded whale noises, and video footage from a summer canoe trip....you guys don't honestly believe this is real do you??


If you just listen (and not look) it doesn't sound like they're watching a whale ....


If you just listen (and not look) it doesn't sound like they're watching a whale ....


LOL...exactly...the little girl is commenting on a spider that was inching along her sleeping bag on a camping trip last year. They dubbed the voices and whale squeaks into one track.


something about that river monsters show...that host is annoying as f***...such a "self aggrandizing"(?) bastard, yet everytime its on i watch it...i think it's his little notes that he displays on the screen...something rubs me the wrong way about him but i always watch


This was the first time I've seen him, but I could easily tell that he had strong potential for becoming annoying lol


y'all are messing with us right? they clearly say its 'going under' the boat, 'gonna hit' the boat, don't know us over, he says it stinks when it blows out the blowhole...then the sucker fish....


If you just listen (and not look) it doesn't sound like they're watching a whale ....


i love this comment

LD1FB 2 months ago

I would have sunken the canoe -- with all the bricks I'd have sh***ed!


I feel ya. Been on several and been lucky enough to have some come close to the boat like these. Complete awe.


We were on probably a 20' boat, and I remember how they would radio to the other boats in their charter group to pass along the location(s) of any whales that showed up. Once we got near one, they cut the engines so that you can hear the sounds of a handful of people all crapping their pants at the same time. It was amazing to me how naturally curious they were...still remember how it felt when it got close enough to make out just how immense it was (that's what she said) under the water. As you know, it's one thing to see these things on tv, but nothing can prepare you for what it's like to see a living creature this large...just an incredible sight.


Which part(s) of the country/world did you travel to when you've been out watching these beauties?





went whale watching in Monterey a couple of years back. Saw a couple of greys from a great distance as the seas were pretty rough that day. Swells way over the top of the boat. Lots of hurling (thankfully not from me or my wife). Hoping for better luck up in Alaska next week. Leaving Friday for a cruise and land tour which includes a whale watching excursion in Juneau. Can't wait.


Lucky bastarge! Hope you'll chime in when you get back to share some thoughts...that's going to be an amazing trip for sure!

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