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What I learned from watching ESPN:

-- the NFL consists of the NFC East, the NY Jets, Tim Tebow and Peyton Manning.

-- hockey does not exist

-- Stephen A. Smith is unwatchable

-- really, really tall people shoving a basketball through a hoop is a skill


What? No love for wall to wall X-Games coverage or European soccer?

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Posted (edited)

Not to burst your working man BS pity party, but management staff and "suits" get laid off, too. A lot, actually.


It's funny in a thread like this, that originates up top, that it shows just how many OWS type people frequent TBD. Taking their convaluted reasoning and tendencies to fly into hissy fits, most of them wouldn't last an hour down here. Twice recently there have been conversations in the Shoutbox regarding PPP, and there are actually people who are afraid of the place.

Edited by 3rdnlng

hehehe...fresh meat at PPP. I wonder: how many people are familiar with exactly who owns Disney stock?


I wonder how many of them would be as OUTRAGE!d as they are here, to find out that their union pension/401k mutual funds do. Therefore, THEY are, in fact, the evil stockholders that require a profit on the backs of the poor, virtuous ESPN victims. :o


Or, if it's not Disney stock then, perhaps Haliburton? :lol: Gotta love the people who decry "corporate America", but whose entire retirement is predicated on it. Clowns. And, what happens every 6 months if they don't get their evil profits? Do they stay with that fund? No, they coldly move their money elsewhere, with 0 emotion. There is no end to their evil calculations, because it's all about money for them. Bastards. :lol: No. Hypocrites, Idiots, etc., is more like it. :lol:


Any of the Wall Street Jedi Council here want to tell us the answer on Disney?




Two things are absolutely true:


1. When ESPN did the original ESPN, it was the best product they've delivered. It was perfect. For some reason, they decided to F with that. Perhaps the execs were bored with doing the same old thing, but there was absolutely no reason to change any of it. I smell ego, "creative vision" or whatever you want to call it. They've added stuff, website, blog, fantasy, but so what? Nothing they've changed has ever been "better" by any standard. It has simply changed, and the change always been worse than the original.


2. ESPN has been and forever will be a function of the North East. The original wit and charm of it was solid football analysis with pure NE satire no different than the Onion or the old National Lampoon. Trying to adjust to "reach other markets" and dumb it down to make it "more accessible" to the ignorant, has simply decreased the value of the product, and frankly they didn't need to do it. We are talking sports here, and their target demo, in every market, would have watched, ignorant and all, anyway. They tried to make it into McDonald's, when that simply wasn't necessary.


I doubt any by Tasker did. He stated upthread that he would wait to comment until this got moved to PPP. Of course that could be sarcasm after having a post deleted. Anyway, I don't have a problem with how we are moderated down here, and stay away from political stuff and name calling on the main board so don't have a problem over there.

Correct, I have waited.


The comments were in referrence to the 3+ pages of anti-capitalist/pro-union rhetoric before anyone bothered to move the thread; with none of the offending posts being removed.

Posted (edited)

Not to burst your working man BS pity party, but management staff and "suits" get laid off, too. A lot, actually.


In the last 5 years since the financial crisis the majority of times when there have been major layoffs in my company have been managers/directors/traders/VP's. Those are the salaries that make a difference to the bottom line. The lower level employees simply get shifted around to other sectors.


PTR is an idiot

Edited by meazza

I'm not sure why you are saying that. The OP here is the moderator, and as predicted this got moved to PPP. I assume he was the one to move it. When I first saw this thread yesterday I actually wondered how long it would take to turn political and get moved.

Yes, I'm the one that moved it.


I'm guessing some posts got deleted.

There were some posts I saw yesterday that I was thinking if anyone responded to them, it may have to be cleaned up, or moved. Today when I went to move it, I noticed those posts were gone. I don't know if another mod deleted them, or the person that posted it did, but either way, the thread had gotten way off track from what I expected, so I moved it.


Yes, I'm the one that moved it.


There were some posts I saw yesterday that I was thinking if anyone responded to them, it may have to be cleaned up, or moved. Today when I went to move it, I noticed those posts were gone. I don't know if another mod deleted them, or the person that posted it did, but either way, the thread had gotten way off track from what I expected, so I moved it.



Of course, that begs the question: Did you think, when you started this thread, that the Pavlovian political, "Corporations are bad, man" response wasn't coming?


Or, did you think the ESPN programming sucks enough, that it serves as a unifying force? :lol:


hehehe...fresh meat at PPP. I wonder: how many people are familiar with exactly who owns Disney stock?


I wonder how many of them would be as OUTRAGE!d as they are here, to find out that their union pension/401k mutual funds do. Therefore, THEY are, in fact, the evil stockholders that require a profit on the backs of the poor, virtuous ESPN victims. :o


I bought a fair amount when the market was in the tank. It was a conscious choice on my part. I must be the devil... :devil:


My personal assault on redistribution aside, you make a great point. Nothing like ripping your nose off....well, you know the rest.


I bought a fair amount when the market was in the tank. It was a conscious choice on my part. I must be the devil... :devil:


My personal assault on redistribution aside, you make a great point. Nothing like ripping your nose off....well, you know the rest.

You will find that exposing "ripping your nose off" activity basically comprises 80% of my reason for being on this board. Then, it's 10% drunken silliness, and 10% writing stuff that is in my head, that I need to get out of my head because if I don't, it distracts me, and there's no place else to put it, so....


Hehehe...back to the haze. Some posts got moved over here. Now, let's see if any of the posters who posted them have the cajones to stick around and back them up.


My guess: As soon as they saw it got moved, it's "run Forrest, run"! :lol:


You will find that exposing "ripping your nose off" activity basically comprises 80% of my reason for being on this board. Then, it's 10% drunken silliness, and 10% writing stuff that is in my head, that I need to get out of my head because if I don't, it distracts me, and there's no place else to put it, so....


Hehehe...back to the haze. Some posts got moved over here. Now, let's see if any of the posters who posted them have the cajones to stick around and back them up.


My guess: As soon as they saw it got moved, it's "run Forrest, run"! :lol:


Yah, I was wondering if anyone from the first 3-4 pages would show up too. It's probably pretty useless to even respond to their dolt like posts because at most all they'll do down here is lurk.




Of course, that begs the question: Did you think, when you started this thread, that the Pavlovian political, "Corporations are bad, man" response wasn't coming?


Or, did you think the ESPN programming sucks enough, that it serves as a unifying force? :lol:


I was hoping it would stay with the "ESPN talking head sucks, hope they're one of the ones going" type discussion, not delve into the union/management/stock market is evil that it became.

Posted (edited)


This is just the suits at Disney feeling like they need another fat bonus. It's happening every day.


Management figures out that people will work harder to hang on to their jobs. So you blow out 4% of your workforce, wait and see if stuff still gets done, then give yourself a bonus for being such an awesome manager.



Hate to see anyone get laid off, but why would you pay people to do job that are clearly redundant? You have to look at both sides of the coin here. Hopefully this reorg leads to a better business model and a better product.

Lol, looks like I missed all the fun.

Edited by Tenhigh

Hate to see anyone get laid off, but why would you pay people to do job that are clearly redundant? You have to look at both sides of the coin here. Hopefully this reorg leads to a better business model and a better product.

Lol, looks like I missed all the fun.

Never fear...this is PPP, therefore, all it takes is: 1. :devil:


The one thing a conversation like this tends to do is float to the top all the people who believe a job is something that companies are obligated to give to people. People are owed a job, and full bennies, and a break at 10 and another at 3 and a 90-minute lunch and vacation and sick days and personal days and maternity leave and a breakroom with coffee and gluten-free snacks.


They're owed all this because, y'know, the company has all the money. And they should spread it around evenly. Cuz, y'know, that's only fair.


For me, its not the company but the reasons behind the company's leadership for cutting workforce. Its rare for a CEO to step down because 'its whats best for the company'? From the CEO's PERSONAL POV, I'm sure it makes more sense to lay off 4% of the workforce before falling on the sword. Lots of money on the line for them.


For me, its not the company but the reasons behind the company's leadership for cutting workforce. Its rare for a CEO to step down because 'its whats best for the company'? From the CEO's PERSONAL POV, I'm sure it makes more sense to lay off 4% of the workforce before falling on the sword. Lots of money on the line for them.


All well and good. And if the workforce that is let go doesn't like what happened, they are welcome to get a job as a CEO somewhere else.


For me, its not the company but the reasons behind the company's leadership for cutting workforce. Its rare for a CEO to step down because 'its whats best for the company'? From the CEO's PERSONAL POV, I'm sure it makes more sense to lay off 4% of the workforce before falling on the sword. Lots of money on the line for them.


A company with a 4% reduction in the workforce will be just fine. No CEO? That's a different story.


Hate to see anyone get laid off, but why would you pay people to do job that are clearly redundant? You have to look at both sides of the coin here. Hopefully this reorg leads to a better business model and a better product.

Lol, looks like I missed all the fun.

Promo says things like this because he's a useless piece of **** who likes to run his mouth, but knows that with his lack of spine, integrity, or character that he can (and usually does) slink away from criticism, only to emerge again three months later saying the same indefensibly stupid ****.


Promo says things like this because he's a useless piece of **** who likes to run his mouth, but knows that with his lack of spine, integrity, or character that he can (and usually does) slink away from criticism, only to emerge again three months later saying the same indefensibly stupid ****.


Are you talking about Promo or Biscuit, because I could say the same about him?


Any of the Wall Street Jedi Council here want to tell us the answer on Disney?


ESPN has been Disney's cash cow and its most valuable property right now. It is by far the highest grossing cable network in the world, and no cable operator dares to take it off the line up, even though it represents a far disproportionate amount of programming costs. But the cutbacks are probably signaling that there's a big push back from the cable & satellite guys on ESPN fee increases. So, as ESPN has to pay sky high rights fees of its own to NFL, NBA, MLB, etc, it has less room to pass its higher costs to the cable & satellite guys. Yes, kiddies this is where the evil cable company is doing you a favor.


So to keep its profit margin, the evil corporation is cutting staff because it can't keep growing forever.

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