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(Reuters) - ESPN, the sports channel that is Walt Disney Co's most profitable unit, is cutting 300 to 400 jobs across the company and closing a small Denver office, a person with knowledge of the cuts said. The job cuts, comprising 4 to 6 percent of ESPN's staff of 7,000, include open positions that will not be filled, said the source, who asked not to be named because the information is not public.

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NFL Network now being on Time Warner might not have helped. They also ruined their own networks covering Tebow all the time instead if news.


NFL Network now being on Time Warner might not have helped. They also ruined their own networks covering Tebow all the time instead if news.


"UPDATE, 11:54 a.m.: A laid-off ESPN employee writes us:


I was laid off from ESPN today after 9 and a half years. Completely out of the blue, no warning at all. I was told it was 10% across the board, which would be roughly 400. I was told the reason was they needed to make their profit margin and they chose to do that via layoff of staff.

UPDATE, 12:10 p.m.: More from the laid-off staffer:


btw.....we were told that the layoffs ARE tied to the profit margin that ESPN needs to meet and the fact they haven't met that number. Your comments about them buying all of these live rights and now needed to reduce overhead costs is dead on."




Every time i watch there are new hosts. I don't what happened to the regulars. Seems like they were on a new hire spree.


"Mr Cowherd, please collect your belongings in this box and vacate the premises... the officer here will escort you out of the building, and to your vehicle..." :devil:


NFL Network now being on Time Warner might not have helped. They also ruined their own networks covering Tebow all the time instead if news. They had a love affair with TT


"Mr Cowherd, please collect your belongings in this box and vacate the premises... the officer here will escort you out of the building, and to your vehicle..." :devil:

. That wont happen

Internet killed print newspapers how long before it kills 24/7 news channels?


Everyday I hope we are one day closer to this 24/7 news crap burning out. Sooner or later the people have to realize the damage it is doing, and the absolute worthless nonsense it is causing. There is no bigger threat to society than the 24/7-Cycle Media Entertainment industry.


They need to show more basketball.


Or go back to their roots and show cheaper sports like Bulgarian Womens Weightlifting.


I hate that people lost their jobs but ESPN is downright unwatchable and has been for a number of years. They seem to treat the sports themselves as a sideshow with their personalities being the main event. Them arguing who would beat who in a game of one on one between Jordan and James is silly. It is about as fruitful as trying to convince someone that Napoleon would make a good helicopter pilot. Report what happened across sports and move on. I find I don't even visit their site much either. If I want Bills news I come here or go to pro football talk. Pre game shows of 16 people on the set yelling over people is pointless.


People can point to a number of reasons why espn might be needing to boost revenue but to me it is no longer quality news delivered professionally. It will only be so long before another company swoops in and does what Walmart did to Kmart.


Generally with news or sports coverage these days, it panders to the casual and uninformed, thus alienating the serious and well-informed.


I guess this approach works for ratings but it sure sucks if the quality of coverage is important to you.


Corporate America at its finest..must maximize gain! Who cares whose lives we destroy in the process! Keep stockholders happy!


This is just the suits at Disney feeling like they need another fat bonus. It's happening every day.


Management figures out that people will work harder to hang on to their jobs. So you blow out 4% of your workforce, wait and see if stuff still gets done, then give yourself a bonus for being such an awesome manager.



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