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The 20 Types of Depressed Sports Fans

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Used to be a #20 but more and more being #15.

I have never thrown a F-Bomb in a game and would not even do so if Billycheat intercepted the ball and walked into end-zone with ESPN, Hollywood Donahoe and Mr. WEO saying it was the best play ever in the game of football.

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Who was the toad wearing a Leaf jersey, sitting on the couch eating chips during the last two minutes...certainly not a fan.


I am all of those except the walks and the oh my god....but prolly more #9 than anything.

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16. But I don't go for walks, I turn the TV off and pace around the room saying that's enough of this BS. 5 min later I can't stand it and turn the set back on.


LOL, I do the same thing. If we are down by three TD's, after letting out an F-Bomb, my dogs run for cover and I switch the TV off. After going outside for 15 minutes, I come back in and turn the tv on thinking maybe they have suddenly come back and taken the lead....usually it's worse and I let out another F-Bomb.

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LOL, I do the same thing. If we are down by three TD's, after letting out an F-Bomb, my dogs run for cover and I switch the TV off. After going outside for 15 minutes, I come back in and turn the tv on thinking maybe they have suddenly come back and taken the lead....usually it's worse and I let out another F-Bomb.

It's funny you say this. My dog has been "conditioned" to think whenever I utter the F word that I am furious about something. She cowers to her chair (AKA, my recliner) and I have to comfort her and tell her Daddy's not mad. I blame it on the Bills and the Mets.

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It's funny you say this. My dog has been "conditioned" to think whenever I utter the F word that I am furious about something. She cowers to her chair (AKA, my recliner) and I have to comfort her and tell her Daddy's not mad. I blame it on the Bills and the Mets.


:D Our poor dogs...we can blame them for alot of things, but the Bills are not one of them.


(waiting for the grammar police to correct me on whether "the Bills" is singular (as a team) or plural (as in the individual players collectively)...if singular, then "the Bills is not one of them")

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:D Our poor dogs...we can blame them for alot of things, but the Bills are not one of them.


(waiting for the grammar police to correct me on whether "the Bills" is singular (as a team) or plural (as in the individual players collectively)...if singular, then "the Bills is not one of them")


Definitely plural...


One would be a Buffalo Bill.

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