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Star Wars vs Star Trek in San Fran

Just Jack

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That was awesome.


Love the comments for the video too; people arguing about the validity of Star Wars armaments versus Star Trek shield technology.


I want to think these people are mostly kidding but part me knows they're not.

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Ok I thought it was going to be dumb when I watched it but it was actually pretty cool. Maybe because I've been there and recognize so many things. Like that little hilltop spot where the dude almost got his head taken off. I remember being there when it was so foggy I could barely see 10ft in front of yourself.

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Star Trek > Star Wars.... but I gotta admitt, that was kind of cool. Feel like I have seen something similar on the interwebs over the years...


Kirk > JarJar > Picard

Edited by ajzepp
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Star Trek > Star Wars.... but I gotta admitt, that was kind of cool. Feel like I have seen something similar on the interwebs over the years...


Most definitely. I think the original was a few years back, and just star wars stuff around sf.


Sweet video!

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Oh, come on. They show the refurbished Enterprise from ST-TMP, but then beam down a crew dressed in TOS uniforms?


And an Imperial Star Destroyer's about a mile long. The USS Enterprise is about a quarter of that. Idiots didn't get the scale right.

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