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You'll have to excuse Joe.  He's a Democrat.  :lol:




I didn't mean to start anything, but of all the "realism" aspects of the show you can make fun of, it's interesting he chose to name that as one of 'em.

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I didn't mean to start anything, but of all the "realism" aspects of the show you can make fun of, it's interesting he chose to name that as one of 'em.


I wasn't making fun about the show, just pointing out the lack of realism for a supposidly reality-action show. I saw the 2nd half of the show, and during that time I saw an assassin who had to open a door first before shooting those inside instead of shooting first and then opening the door after they were incapacitated, and a black ex-President. There were probably other unrealistic aspects in the 1st half. If you're implying racism your dead wrong.

I wasn't making fun about the show, just pointing out the lack of realism for a supposidly reality-action show.  I saw the 2nd half of the show, and during that time I saw an assassin who had to open a door first before shooting those inside instead of shooting first and then opening the door after they were incapacitated, and a black ex-President.  There were probably other unrealistic aspects in the 1st half.  If you're implying racism your dead wrong.



You obviously did not watch the show then as you claim. They locked themselves in a laundry room, not a bathroom. They then barracaded the door with the washer, and hid behind the dryer as the terrorist shot the room up through the door. He then tried to open the door. That is when they climbed out the window.

I wasn't making fun about the show, just pointing out the lack of realism for a supposidly reality-action show.  I saw the 2nd half of the show, and during that time I saw an assassin who had to open a door first before shooting those inside instead of shooting first and then opening the door after they were incapacitated, and a black ex-President.  There were probably other unrealistic aspects in the 1st half.  If you're implying racism your dead wrong.


The character Palmer (the black ex presidedent) was an original cast memeber. The show chronicled his run for president (season 1) and eventual decision not to run for re-election (season 3). So if you have never seen the show you may have missed that.


You may not have meant that to be a racist remark, but it certainly came across as that. How could it be percieved as anything but? I'm not saying you are a racist (not at all, I wouldn't make that claim since I don't know anything about you), just pointing out how a comment such as that can be viewed.

BTW, it's been about 18 hours so far, and I haven't seen anyone go to the bathroom yet.



Commercials. Just like you & me.


  And also, with all the tension, I would think that several would need a shower by now. 



Uhhh, you wanna see Jack's dingdong that bad?


Also, I guess being an unnamed CTU agent is a little bit like camp fodder.  They get disposed of quickly.



CTU agent is to black ninja suit as Star Trek landing party member is to red shirt.

The character Palmer (the black ex presidedent) was an original cast memeber. The show chronicled his run for president (season 1) and eventual decision not to run for re-election (season 3). So if you have never seen the show you may have missed that.


Thank you for that information. But I would have made the same comment if it was a woman or other minority, pointing out its current implausibility that someone other than a white male would be a President in the past.

Thank you for that information.  But I would have made the same comment if it was a woman or other minority, pointing out its current implausibility that someone other than a white male would be a President in the past.



Oh, the show is also in the future (somewhat)...forgot about that too. I think it's supposed to be 2009? Something like that.

does anyone else get the idea that they write this show on the fly?  :blink:



They don't write it on the fly, but I think they are given creative liscence.. and have from the beginning of season 1.


I would have to assume that they are given a SKELETON of a script... basically what needs to happen, when, what time the MAJOR plot points need to take place... etc.


But what they do to fill in that gap they can be creative with. I think they have been doing a heck of a job with that too.


What did you think about how last night's show ended? My jaw dropped open... I didn't see that one coming.


I love being suprised (and is why I refuse to watch previews from the show next week... and ignore them all throughout the week).


Audrey going after Jack when he has that gun pointed at the surgeon... Jack working to help Paul... Paul dying, that look from Audrey to Jack... screaming "I hate you!"


Then the amazing acting on Keifer's face during the final seconds of that episode.


This is why I LOVE 24!!!

Actually, they've done a far better job portraying the terrorists accurately than they have with the government.



Except that they've pulled off three or four major operations in a 20-hour period by now (the train, kidnapping the Secretary of Defense, the nuclear reactors, shooting down Air Force 1, stealing a nuke...okay, five major ops). For anyone else on the planet, that's impossible...but not for 24's "accurately" portrayed "Super Terrorists".

Except that they've pulled off three or four major operations in a 20-hour period by now (the train, kidnapping the Secretary of Defense, the nuclear reactors, shooting down Air Force 1, stealing a nuke...okay, five major ops).  For anyone else on the planet, that's impossible...but not for 24's "accurately" portrayed "Super Terrorists".




So what? Let it go for an hour.


But then again, the doctor having a gun to his head for one minute, then the same doctor and Jack being all hearts and flowers a minute later was a bit of a stretch.

Except that they've pulled off three or four major operations in a 20-hour period by now (the train, kidnapping the Secretary of Defense, the nuclear reactors, shooting down Air Force 1, stealing a nuke...okay, five major ops).  For anyone else on the planet, that's impossible...but not for 24's "accurately" portrayed "Super Terrorists".


I wasn't talking about what they were doing, rather what their mindset is. If you read through the thread, you'll see how ridiculous I think this whole season is.

I wasn't talking about what they were doing, rather what their mindset is.  If you read through the thread, you'll see how ridiculous I think this whole season is.



I haven't read the whole thread, nor will I. I've never particularly liked the show...but this season I find 1) I'm forced to watch it with the wife, and 2) it's intolerable.


Last night, she actually said "How come no one ever goes to the bathroom on this show?" I could only respond "You mean that's the biggest problem you have with this show?"

Last night, she actually said "How come no one ever goes to the bathroom on this show?"  I could only respond "You mean that's the biggest problem you have with this show?"



This show has a number of flaws, but the whole bathroom thing doesn't make sense since there are multiple story lines going on at once and since time continues to run during commercial breaks.

I haven't read the whole thread, nor will I.  I've never particularly liked the show...but this season I find 1) I'm forced to watch it with the wife, and 2) it's intolerable. 


Last night, she actually said "How come no one ever goes to the bathroom on this show?"  I could only respond "You mean that's the biggest problem you have with this show?"


The beginning of my rant - there are plenty more on the following pages.


Anybody else hoping that Jack would just blow Audrey away in the climactic OR scene? God - I hope she just goes away now.



As someone else mentioned...I don't know why you watch it. I know why I watch it: the wife does. :w00t: But others with as much or more knowledge as you on the topic have asked me "Is it worth watching?" I simply tell them it's not, because it'll drive them up the wall with its unreality...just like Law & Order does with many attorneys.


And it's scary how many people DO actually think reality is like this show. I know my wife does, and worries that terrorists might actually use this season as a blueprint for attacking us. I try to tell her that we should be so lucky that they'd be so stupid...


One question: why do they ever bother to set up road blocks and perimeters and such? In four years they have yet to snag a single suspect with one of those. Yet, every time they lose track of a suspect which happens two or three times an episode, the first thing they do is set up a perimeter with an X mile radius and road blocks, alerting LAPD and so on. The guy always escapes resulting in Jack going "rogue" to track him down. Then, when Jack finally gets him the suspect usually sufferes a fatal injury as he is finally taken into custody but somehow manages to whisper some tid-bit of useful info with his dying breath that gives Jack something to track down next week.

Anybody else hoping that Jack would just blow Audrey away in the climactic OR scene?  God - I hope she just goes away now.


Yeah, but not until after he yells at her.


There's a real subtle Chloe/Jack thing going on (asexually so far, but hey it IS 3 a.m.). Since Chloe's now a cold-blooded killer ("I didn't feel anything . . ."), how 'bout she offs Audrey just for being annoying?

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