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Anyone have any experience in treating K.P. (chicken skin)? My son's got it on his arms and legs and he's becoming self-conscious. It's very common and, apparently, very untreatable.


There are OTC creams out there and I'm wondering if anyone has used any with any success.


mix up some franks hot sauce with butter.....oh wait...sorry.... :oops:


Anyone have any experience in treating K.P. (chicken skin)? My son's got it on his arms and legs and he's becoming self-conscious. It's very common and, apparently, very untreatable.


There are OTC creams out there and I'm wondering if anyone has used any with any success.


mix up some franks hot sauce with butter.....oh wait...sorry.... :oops:

Hilarious. Good timing (Monday morning) for a laugh, Pooj. Thanks.


Anyone have any experience in treating K.P. (chicken skin)? My son's got it on his arms and legs and he's becoming self-conscious. It's very common and, apparently, very untreatable.


There are OTC creams out there and I'm wondering if anyone has used any with any success.

I can offer nothing of substance (per usual) so my advice is to get him lots of tats.


Spoke to a co-worker who went to a dermatologist for it. There's really nothing one can do, it seems. There are lotions with certain key ingredients (urea, lactic acid, glycolic acid) that, if used daily, will make somewhat of a difference. I bought some Eucerin on my walk this afternoon, so we'll give that a shot.


Apparently more than half of all children have it. It goes away with age. I know I had it and now my skin is as smooth as Beerball's bottom.


Tea Tree oil. Although I don't have KP I've had my share of skin issues over the years would definitely reccomend trying that. Also google in this instance can be your friend for a wide range of homeopathic remedies rather than wasting hundreds of dollars on steroid creams

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