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Altruistic Powerball Approach to keeping Bills in Buffalo

Dean Cain

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Here is my plan on how we as Bills fans could come together to keep the Bills in Buffalo. Quite simple, it would be a reverse of the Bills Bonds plan. It requires the power of social media, expert planning, logistics, and above-all compliance via legal contract among all participants.


Create a 501c3 non-profit entity. Call it Buffalo Bills NY Forever, Bills Mafia, or whatever. Elect a beneficiary - Jim Kelly comes to mind. Also stipulate in contract that the lucky person who picks winning number would receive $50,000,000 , aka incentive.


Open membership to all 432,611 Facebook Bills fans via Facebook campaign. A minimum of 150,000 fans would be needed based on limitations of time, fatigue, logistics.


Generate a Powerball lottery matrix. The matrix would include instructions for all Bills fans to play a specific combination of numbers. Matrix would be traced to user to ensure compliance.


Wait for the next big jackpot, $600 million or more.


When the time comes distribute the money via PayPal to all 150,000 Bills fans participating.


Here's the math:


Fact: there are 432,611 Bills "fans" on Facebook. Assume 150,000 fans participate.


Fact: to win the Powerball jackpot one must purchase 175,223,510 different number combinations.


Fact: 1,169 tickets per person must be played costing the Bills fan $2,338.00 each.


Fact: Assume 2 minutes per ticket printed, 2,338 minutes total or 38 hours 58 minutes per person. Roughly 10 hours needed per day Sunday-Wednesday.


With $550,000,000 more Benjamin's Jim Kelly would have enough money after taxes to acquire the minimum 30% to suffice the owners equity rule. And one lucky guy out of 150,000 would be $50,000,000 richer.


Let's get working on this.





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So if I pick the winning ticket instead of the full jackpot I get $50,000,000? Uhhhh, no thanks. If I win the jackpot the Bills can move to Peoria. Hell they can move there without me winning the lottery and I still wouldn't care.

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That's the barrier for you and this plan?


No. Buying 2000 tickets with a 1 in half a million chance that I win 50M is the barrier. Who would do that?


Not to mention Jim's point.


And taxes.


And the whole issue of other winners.

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Nope but I do not participate in anything requiring Facebook or text messages so no need to look further.


oh dear lord - text messages are off limits too?


on a sidenote: i guess we didnt win?

Edited by NoSaint
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Can I borrow 2400 bucks? Oops, there goes your plan. ;-) :-P


So if I pick the winning ticket instead of the full jackpot I get $50,000,000? Uhhhh, no thanks. If I win the jackpot the Bills can move to Peoria. Hell they can move there without me winning the lottery and I still wouldn't care.


Don't want to go to Peoria... Too many Asian carp... ;-)

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