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Forgot to add this in, I wanna say that The Ralph has more arrests on Sundays than all the other NFL teams combined or something like that. He did say something along those lines. Defenately said highest in the league by far.


I can believe that. Go to any other NFL game and it's like a police state. Especially Pats* games. They have a zero tolerance policy on douchebaggery.


And even though we choke miserably on national television every freaking year, at least get some exposure for a couple hours. Its embarrassing how many times I run into people that are in disbelief that Buffalo has (or still has) a team - seriously.

We only had one prime time game in the last 3 years and we won it.



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So fans of quality football go when the team is good, and the drunken !@#$s go when they are not. That's not hard to believe.

i think it's more the same or similar fans but more of a reason to stay sober. Something decent to actually watch. Got me. But that's what he said.
Posted (edited)

I can believe that. Go to any other NFL game and it's like a police state. Especially Pats* games. They have a zero tolerance policy on douchebaggery



How is that possible? They don't allow any douchebag Pats* fans in to watch the games?????

Edited by CodeMonkey

To add to that PTR, I wanna say he quoted another teams arrests for a game. I think he said the Pats but don't bet on it. Said they had like 4. Yup, just 4.


While I'm no longer a resident in the area, I have to say that it's about time. The Ralph as I remember it was a train wreck. People were hammered hours before games even started and then went into the game to drink even more. It's a shame really. Every where else I've gone, they sweep the drunks out quickly and toss them in jail. Soldier Field, Candlestick, Gilette, Lambeau, Century Link, etc. To the defense of some of those fans (not all), they have a reason to drink. 13 years without the playoffs marks the longest of any NFL team.


That would be quite staggering if true. I've never been to an NFL game except at the Ralph, but the power drinking by some all day long can only lead to bad things.


It's not true, at least not according to Wiki...San Francisco has the worst fans...and we're talking stabbings, shootings, etc.


Here's a pretty good article with some data from several teams (Raiders, Broncos, Packers, Patriots and Cardinals in addition to SF), which apparently say that their numbers are close to SF's:




I'm sure we could pull the articles from last year's games at the Ralph and add up the arrests....I'd bet it's right in the same ballpark.

Posted (edited)

To add to that PTR, I wanna say he quoted another teams arrests for a game. I think he said the Pats but don't bet on it. Said they had like 4. Yup, just 4.


That's because they have a 30,000 wait list for season tickets and they will cancel your seats for looking cross-eyed at a security guard. Happened to a buddy of mine. His company had 10 seats for 30 years. Used them to entertain clients. One game a client decides to go pee in the ladies room because the line for the men's room was too long. BLAMM-O...All ten tickets cancelled.



Edited by PromoTheRobot

i was told a majority of the arrests every Sunday are Canadians. I don't want to quote anyone but I wanna say he said something like 70-90% of the arrests are from our neighbors to the north.


Those numbers also mirror the percentage of college aged straight dudes who find themselves naked in some older gay dudes house in OP on the Monday after a Bills game.




It's not true, at least not according to Wiki...San Francisco has the worst fans...and we're talking stabbings, shootings, etc.


Here's a pretty good article with some data from several teams (Raiders, Broncos, Packers, Patriots and Cardinals in addition to SF), which apparently say that their numbers are close to SF's:




I'm sure we could pull the articles from last year's games at the Ralph and add up the arrests....I'd bet it's right in the same ballpark.

either the Bills are lying, or every other team is. And considering my buddy worked for the Sheriffs as security. Actually made arests, got into many fights, and fought many court battles. And the fact that trust this person more than just about anyone when it comes to telling the truth, I am pretty confident that he's not lying about it.
Posted (edited)

Wow! So much Canadian bashing going on here lol j/k


Please don’t include all us Canadians together. I agree with the poster who said it would be scary to be arrested in a different country which should instill fear in all Canadians.


I think there are a couple reasons why some (or most) Canadians get stupid drunk while attending Bills games.

  1. There is no tailgating whatsoever allowed in Ontario so if they want alcohol they have to wait until they are in the venue to purchase it.
  2. Like most venues, beer is crazy expensive and only sells select brands

Now take those Canadians and bring them to an NFL game in the States, tell them that not only can they tailgate before the game, but they can bring however much alcohol they want with them to drink before, and tell them that it’s legal. Most Canadians would go crazy.


It’s kind of like telling a kid that they are not allowed to have a certain kind of candy and then they go to a friend’s house that has tons of it. Chances are that kid is gonna go nuts.


I think that most of the Canadians that get arrested are first timers (or just really stupid)


I have been going to games for a long time now and I enjoy drinking a few tall boys while walking around Abbot Rd and looking at the vendors.


Also, and call me crazy but I actually want to remember the game and stay for all of it which is why I don’t drink myself into oblivion each time I am at the Ralph.. I will never understand why people who pay for their tickets would get so drunk that they don’t remember any of the game.


If you want to get that drunk then stay home where you have a bed and toilet near by.




Edited by Canadian_Bills_Fan

Those numbers also mirror the percentage of college aged straight dudes who find themselves naked in some older gay dudes house in OP on the Monday after a Bills game.

Hey don't be an ageist ... I'm sure not all of the gay dudes are old!


I could deal with this. If you really want to drink and walk (I typically can live without), pocket one. Finish your beer before you get to the sidewalk/street, then after you cross to Billsland, just crack your other beer.


I could deal with this. If you really want to drink and walk (I typically can live without), pocket one. Finish your beer before you get to the sidewalk/street, then after you cross to Billsland, just crack your other beer.

If they really wanted to be that strict, they could still get you for an open container even if it's pocketed.


either the Bills are lying, or every other team is. And considering my buddy worked for the Sheriffs as security. Actually made arests, got into many fights, and fought many court battles. And the fact that trust this person more than just about anyone when it comes to telling the truth, I am pretty confident that he's not lying about it.


I'm not calling your friend's info into question...it doesn't mean that anyone is lying. It could be as simple as he didn't know the stats for other teams' fans; or it could mean that what was true in the past is no longer the case.


And since the EC Sheriff's Dept. are the ones that provide the statistics to the Buffalo News every Monday for publishing in the paper, I sincerely doubt there's any shenanigans going on there.


But like I said, I haven't reviewed the articles from last season. I do seem to remember the most arrests in any given game being about 130 though; even if that were the case for every home game you're still talking less than 1,000 for the season in comparison to the 3,000+ in SF.


Those numbers also mirror the percentage of college aged straight dudes who find themselves naked in some older gay dudes house in OP on the Monday after a Bills game.

Boy I hate it when THAT happens.


Those numbers also mirror the percentage of college aged straight dudes who find themselves naked in some older gay dudes house in OP on the Monday after a Bills game.

Boy I hate it when THAT happens.

Posted (edited)

Philadelphia prohibits open containers as well. Yet there is plenty of tailgating. I was ignorant to this law having gone to Bills games my whole life. I was drinking a beer in the parking lot and was instructed by a police officer to pour it out. After I'd poured it out he told me to put the next one into a plastic cup. Plastic cups are looked past because they could be anything from a distance. Beer cans are obvious. I sort of suspect that this is where enforcement of this will go. Don't be sloppy, have it in a red plastic cup and you're good to go. Cops have better and more obvious violations to address than to look into every red cup they see but they can spot a beer bottle or a sloppy moron 100 yards away.

Edited by DJasper Probincrux III

Is it that hard to arrest the idiots???


Go to a party and you can see who the drunken fools are.


If I want to walk with a beer in hand going to the stadium what the hell is wrong with that?


Seems to me, not enough security and police to do the job.


A few idiots will always spoil the fun!


By the way...as a Canadian, I feel like im watching a South Park episode!

Posted (edited)



I'm not calling your friend's info into question...it doesn't mean that anyone is lying. It could be as simple as he didn't know the stats for other teams' fans; or it could mean that what was true in the past is no longer the case.


And since the EC Sheriff's Dept. are the ones that provide the statistics to the Buffalo News every Monday for publishing in the paper, I sincerely doubt there's any shenanigans going on there.


But like I said, I haven't reviewed the articles from last season. I do seem to remember the most arrests in any given game being about 130 though; even if that were the case for every home game you're still talking less than 1,000 for the season in comparison to the 3,000+ in SF.

other information that was stated, that I did not include was that there are many, many incidents that also go without arrest. Kind of because the security is so understaffed they can't possibly tackle every issue. So they break up fights but don't arrest anyone, confiscate alcohol but not arrest anyone, confiscate tickets but not arrest scalpers, confiscate merchandise but not arrest the illegal vendors.


I really can't, or won't mention other stories here. All I can say is your basing your information based on articles and I'm basing my information based on real actual people that I know that have worked the stadium for years.


With all that said, most of you know my opinion on the tailgating and partying situation in he past. I was all for the craziness. Knowing how stubborn I am, and I'm sure all of you know I am, I have changed my opinion of the tailgating and partying situation after speaking with my friend about this. That should tell you something about the situation if its changing my views on it.

Edited by mrags
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