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(OT) I hope I'm not the onley one that's missing


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I do like hockey, especially playoff hockey. But, strangely, when it's gone I don't miss it much. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.


Same thing with the NBA. Their last strike turned me off and I haven't ever really gone back.


I think there are many people just like me. It will be very very hard for the NHL to win back a solid fan base.

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I do like hockey, especially playoff hockey.  But, strangely, when it's gone I don't miss it much.  Out of sight, out of mind I guess.


Same thing with the NBA.  Their last strike turned me off and I haven't ever really gone back.


I think there are many people just like me.  It will be very very hard for the NHL to win back a solid fan base.


I'm not so sure that they can get it back...we may be eye witnesses to the death of Pro Hockey!



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I'm not so sure that they can get it back...we may be eye witnesses to the death of Pro Hockey!






I find myself checking the Amerks website regularly. I wish Empire would televise their games with some regularity. It reminds me a little of my first pro hockey games - watching Trottier, Villemure and others in the "pepsi cap"

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WOW!!! I need something to watch!





My wife loves going to hockey games and was bumme to hear about the strike. I bought her a couple of club-level seats to the Golden Gophers game this coming Friday and she's psyched. It helps to have a top college program in our backyard.


Also, check out Indoor Lacrosse (http://www.nll.com). Awesome game. I was actually at the first ever Buffalo Bandits game with some friends from high school back in the day. We were 4 rows from the glass and it was awesome. Slashing is legal in the game (below the neck, above the knees I think it is). There's fights, end to end play, very hockey-like. Should check it out, the tickets are cheap.



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Honestly, is there some rule against the owners paying Junior hockey guys $100k a year to play NHL hockey?


I know, it's not the same, but it's better than nothing, and like I always say, I root for laundry, not players.


Let get some bodies on the ICE, and stop allowing the NBA to fill up Sportscenter.

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i miss watching the illegal hits on the news. and the lawyers arguing over charges. and players complaining about how little they make when there sport is loosing money.


there has to be some serious changed in hockey for it to come back.


i dont miss it.


i wish baseball and b-ball would do the same thing...

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My wife loves going to hockey games and was bumme to hear about the strike.  I bought her a couple of club-level seats to the Golden Gophers game this coming Friday and she's psyched.  It helps to have a top college program in our backyard.




I agree, Hockey East is solid and exciting, but not the same as rooting for the Sabres

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Honestly, is there some rule against the owners paying Junior hockey guys $100k a year to play NHL hockey?


I know, it's not the same, but it's better than nothing, and like I always say, I root for laundry, not players.


Let get some bodies on the ICE, and stop allowing the NBA to fill up Sportscenter.


I thought that myself, If I were an owner I think that I would try to get something that resembled hockey on the ice. 5,000 fans in the seats is better than 0?



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I agree, Hockey East is solid and exciting, but not the same as rooting for the Sabres





It's all about the home town team. This SUCKS.


The crappy part is i ordered NHL center ICE from DirectTV. It was only $150, for what, 80 some games. To me, that's a hell of a better deal the NFL Sunday Ticket (which is about half the price of a real season ticket at the Ralph!)



Man, woulda been cool to watch all the Sabres games down here...


this sucks. all there is to it.


Let's get some replacements and play some hockey, damn it!

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It was only $150, for what, 80 some games.


Center Ice doesn't give you all of the games. You'd be surprised how many games don't have any television coverage at all... You get a lot, but it's not 80+ (for the Sabres anyway)



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It's all about the home town team. This SUCKS.


The crappy part is i ordered NHL center ICE from DirectTV. It was only $150, for what, 80 some games. To me, that's a hell of a better deal the NFL Sunday Ticket (which is about half the price of a real season ticket at the Ralph!)



Man, woulda been cool to watch all the Sabres games down here...


this sucks. all there is to it.


Let's get some replacements and play some hockey, damn it!


Ive had Center Ice for two seasons now and I love it. You get WAY more than 80 games though. Has to be in the 700-800 range. Anyway, I wish they just would have charged me and then filled in with some canadian Jr.A games. Great hockey.

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I heard former Sabre Bob Boughner on WGR last week with Howard Simon. He was towing the company line big time. The players just don't get it. This season is done and if they refuse to open their eyes over the summer, next year will be a wash also.


They would scream like babies if the NHL ever brought in replacement players, but I like how these hypocrites run over to Europe and take the jobs of some poor shmucks who couldn't get a sniff of the NHL in a 100 years!

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I heard former Sabre Bob Boughner on WGR last week with Howard Simon.  He was towing the company line big time.  The players just don't get it.  This season is done and if they refuse to open their eyes over the summer, next year will be a wash also. 


They would scream like babies if the NHL ever brought in replacement players, but I like how these hypocrites run over to Europe and take the jobs of some poor shmucks who couldn't get a sniff of the NHL in a 100 years!



The players association will relent, there will be a salary cap and the game will come back strong and the NHL will get the big tv money in the coming years and the players will get their 2/3 cut of that dough.

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The players association will relent, there will be a salary cap and the game will come back strong and the NHL will get the big tv money in the coming years and the players will get their 2/3 cut of that dough.


I wish I could share your optimism especially in terms of big tv money. Here's hoping for hockey come October 2005!

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