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Touch (on Fox) - update : canceled & 24 is back

Just Jack

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I've been enjoying it. Quite honestly, I don't even notice Keifer all that much. I like how the stories weave into each other. A few people from those random stories keep popping up each week. It's only a matter of time before Danny Glover proves that global warming did in fact cause the earthquake in Haiti.

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My Fiancee has been really into the show and I have been watching it with her.

I never watched 24, but I find this one to be pretty good, its interesting how they end up tying all the stories together. We missed the episode 2 weeks ago and it wasn't a problem getting back into it last week

I do continue to make jack bauer jokes during it though, also the occasional Lethal Weapon joke too......

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My Fiancee has been really into the show and I have been watching it with her.

I never watched 24, but I find this one to be pretty good, its interesting how they end up tying all the stories together. We missed the episode 2 weeks ago and it wasn't a problem getting back into it last week

I do continue to make jack bauer jokes during it though, also the occasional Lethal Weapon joke too......


I'm too old for this.


You're right in that missing an episode doesn't cause any trouble at all. There are a few recurring things from episode to episode though. That Iraqi kid has shown up a couple times now and Danny Glover's daughter also showed up in an earlier episode with no reference to who she was.

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I'm too old for this.


You're right in that missing an episode doesn't cause any trouble at all. There are a few recurring things from episode to episode though. That Iraqi kid has shown up a couple times now and Danny Glover's daughter also showed up in an earlier episode with no reference to who she was.

The Asian Girls that were at the dance contest/concert thing were also from anotehr episode too.

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The Asian Girls that were at the dance contest/concert thing were also from anotehr episode too.


Yeah, passing along that phone is one of the things they're being most obvious about. It was the very first thing that happened in the pilot. Glover's daughter seemed far more subtle and I could see many people not even noticing. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see some random woman on the side walk turn out to be Kiefer's future wife or something.

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I totally agree with you.

I really want to like this show but Keifer constantly yelling "jake" and looking all panicked is really f'ing annoying.





Anyone watching this? It's not holding my interest, seems half the dialogue for Keifer Sutherland is him screaming "Jake!" I'm two weeks behind right now, and don't know if I want to catch up.

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I totally agree with you.

I really want to like this show but Keifer constantly yelling "jake" and looking all panicked is really f'ing annoying.

I just want to know why that place the kid is living in has only one woman there to watch him and keep him from getting out since they don't seem to have very good locks on the doors and he keeps running away

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  • 9 months later...

It was considered two 1-hour episodes, so if you recorded 2 hours, then you have it.

Yeah, we watched and weren't that impressed, the whole "Theres a company trying to get these kids and a guy trying to kill them" just seems like they are trying to take the show somewhere much different then I thought. i figured it would be a show just about linking a bunch of stories together.
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