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Fall from grace - worst movie sequels

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Depending on how you look at it, the Rocky movies were a pretty stunning fall; from an Oscar winner to whatever the !@#$ Rocky V was supposed to be (and beyond -- they might still be making them for all I know but V was the last one I saw). Of course, Sly was smart enough to make each one just a step worse than the one before so the decline was gradual enough that you kept getting sucked into the next one.


For sheer movie to move drop off, I don't think it's possilbe to exceed Caddyshack vs. Caddyshack 2.

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What do people think of the two Harrison Ford Jack Ryan movies? I always like them, but I wonder if people would want to include them on a failed sequel list or not. Either way, the Ben Affleck one would definitely go on my list.


The "Clear And Present Danger" one sucked. It could have been much better with a different writer making the script.

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Of all the people who mentioned Slap Shot 2, have any of you actually seen it? There are some movies you just know not to ever waste your time with.

Yes, I saw it. How else would I include it amongst the worst sequels of all time had I not? For a time, it was packaged with the original at no extra cost. I bought the set as a gift for my dad, and one day popper it in out of curiosity.


My expectations were low, just hoping for a cheap laugh or two, some slapstick, maybe even gross out humor. Perhaps even a fleeting glance at breasts. It failed to meet even the lowest of expectations. Slapshot 2 makes Schindler's List look like Animal House. Way funnier.

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Some off the top of my head...


Son of the Mask

Airplane II

Speed 2: Cruise Control

Batman and Robin

I like "Airplane II", yes it's not as good as the first, but nearly the entire cast of the original is in it, and the scenes with William Shatner are hilarious.

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The Matrix 2 and 3.



A-fuggin-men, brother...those movies don't even exist to me. I consider them the worst sequels given how far they fell relative to the original matrix film, which was absolute perfect sci-fi, IMO. I've seen the original probably 20 times and it still holds up to repeat viewings. One of my favorite films of all time. The sequels were cash grabs that became absolutely ABSURD by the time they were done screwing with the story. If the original wasn't such a stellar film, I wouldn't be this biased against the sequels, but I really thought they took a great thing and completely ruined it.

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I like "Airplane II", yes it's not as good as the first, but nearly the entire cast of the original is in it, and the scenes with William Shatner are hilarious.


The whole movie was worth it just for this.


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No one mentioned Oceans 12 yet? How could no one mention Oceans 12?

That one was atrocious. Turns out the plot was totally irrelevant and just a setup for the shockingly asinine twist, then actors start impersonating themselves, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, MMMAAAAAATTTTTT DAAAAAAMONNNNNN!!

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No one mentioned Oceans 12 yet? How could no one mention Oceans 12?


Your mentioning of US Marshals a few days back almost made me mention it. Releasing sequels of remakes (or movie versions of TV shows) just seems strange to me. And yes, that movie was awful. I hate that I paid money to see all those actors just sit back and have fun.

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That one was atrocious. Turns out the plot was totally irrelevant and just a setup for the shockingly asinine twist, then actors start impersonating themselves, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, MMMAAAAAATTTTTT DAAAAAAMONNNNNN!!


Actually, the whole movie was irrelevant. Pitt and Clooney admitted that they made that movie only so the cast of 11 could spend a summer hanging out drinking at Clooney's Italian villa. Apparently, only Catherine Zeta-Jones was the only who thought they were making a real movie.

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Predator 2- what was with that?


Nope, can't list that either. It's covered by the Bill Paxton rule: no movie is truly bad where Bill Paxton dies.


Seriously...if you had a "Bill Paxton Death Film Festival," it'd be a pretty awesome list.

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There was a sucky Die Hard before the last one. The last one was, I thought, terrific. Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen had crummy sequels.


The Die Hard series is a mixed bag of awesomness/suckitude IMO...


1988 - Die Hard - Awesome

1990 - Die Hard 2 - Sucked

1995 - Die Hard With a Vengance - Awesome

2007 - Live Free or Die Hard - Meh...it was okay.

2013 - A Good Day to Die Hard - Haven't seen it yet, but heard it was pretty bad. I will wait to form my own opinion.

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