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Good news for Torell Troupe and Marcus Easley??


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McCargo sure was. I started the thread a couple of months back. The Bills have a history of guys that make the roster for a few years and never contribute anything. I wonder if other teams have guys like this? There have been a bunch over the last 15 years or so.


Aaron Maybin is another. But who is the worst in the past 20 years?

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Maybe the "Lief Larson Award" would be better...


He fits but Chuck Lester managed to do it for like 20 something years!! Troup and Easley are probably my current guys and if they get cut I could see Arthur Moats filling in for them. He had a few decent games as a rookie and now just is kind of there.

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Easley has no chance of making this team. There are 3 (potentially 4) rookies that were brought in to replace the guys AHEAD of him on the depth chart.

Exactly who are these players AHEAD of Easely?


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Exactly who are these players AHEAD of Easely?


Stevie, Woods, Goodwin, and Graham are locks to make the team. So if we're only keeping 6 WRs, that leaves 2 spots for Brad Smith, Easley, Rogers, and the rest of the camp bodies.

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Stevie, Woods, Goodwin, and Graham are locks to make the team. So if we're only keeping 6 WRs, that leaves 2 spots for Brad Smith, Easley, Rogers, and the rest of the camp bodies.

I think you are correct. And i believe Rogers will get the nod ahead of Smith and Easley because the Bills know he will get picked off the practice squad. The only way Rogers does not make the team is because he gets in some type of trouble, which i hope not!.

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Lets see Marcus stay healthy before we turn cartwheels....personally I think the candle is almost out on this one.......


This is exactly what I wanted though.....draft guys to push other guys......


- Graham needs to work on his hands.....because Goodwin is lapping at his heels


- Believe it or not.......Stevie needs to pick up his game as well....and Robert Woods is gonna be pushing quick. Robert Woods is a number 1 receiver in this league.


Then there is Derrik Rodgers out there lets see where this goes with him....mega talented....lets see if not getting drafted humbled him enough to turn him into Terrel Owens

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Every receiver on the roster in 2012.

You must have missed this during the offseason almost "every receiver on the roster in 2012" is no longer on the roster in 2013.

(This is a good thing BTW)

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Stevie, Woods, Goodwin, and Graham are locks to make the team. So if we're only keeping 6 WRs, that leaves 2 spots for Brad Smith, Easley, Rogers, and the rest of the camp bodies.

It will come down to special teams for the 5th and 6th WR positions, do Easley's chances rest there IMO.

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While a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted regarding the chances of Troup and Easley contributing, I don't understand the need for so many to make snide comments about these two. These guys are not slackers, they have worked very hard. In both cases, they have been injured/ill and that is out of their control.

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It will come down to special teams for the 5th and 6th WR positions, do Easley's chances rest there IMO.


Easley was a special teams standout in college that might help his chances. I hope he goes through camp healthy guy seems like he has over come a lot of injuries guy deserves a chance to make it.

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You must have missed this during the offseason almost "every receiver on the roster in 2012" is no longer on the roster in 2013.

(This is a good thing BTW)


That was the point. Easley played behind Jones, Nelson (when healthy), and RUVELL MARTIN. Easley hasn't proven that he can stay healthy and does not add anything that a different WR can't do. I would be shocked if he made the team.

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I'm glad to hear Troup is doing well. He's had a hard road back since his disc fusion operation. I had a similar procedure (if not the exact same) and 6 months later my doc still doesn't want me to run, lift heavy objects, etc.


Perhaps you should be nominated for a Chuck Lester Award?



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I would be shocked if Easley makes the roster. The Bills brought in 3 rookies to complete, al of which have more skills than Easley. Marcus is going to have to do somethign amazing in camp to make this team.

Troupe -- I keep forgetting he is still around -- he'll be cut after he hurts himself in camp - it's inevitable.



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Let me know when they hit the field, because until then..........so what

Yep. The NFL is not a weightlifting competition. With the lack of talent on this team I see maybe 5-11. Probably less with all the new schemes and players, college coaches and a rookie QB. The product on the field should have little Win and Loss success this year. Look at the schedule, they are obviously overmatched in like 14 of the games. Bills = minor league baseball team = farm system or developmental league team. Just the way it is.


McCargo sure was. I started the thread a couple of months back. The Bills have a history of guys that make the roster for a few years and never contribute anything. I wonder if other teams have guys like this? There have been a bunch over the last 15 years or so.

if you put aside the big TV contract payout and the $50 to $100 ticket prices, Bills are like a AAA baseball team or a club rugby team. Bunch of second tiers guys at the back half of their careers trying to hang on or developmental rookies or early stage guys learning the ropes. Goes for both players, coaches and management for that matter. It's all OK because at least there is a franchise, but lets call it for what it is please. They have a good time, make a bunch of money, the management and coaches are the typical clubby regional guys (brandon, whaley, marrone) who all get along because they are all the same guy. Like the local rugby club, but with $130M TV payout coming in every year to pay the players and a large gate attendance to pay for a big practice facility and high pay for the clubby guys . Its all good, lets just take it for what it is. Major league guys aren't coming to a 3rd tier market, so its kind of like the college club team, good guys, decent ability, but will get killed by the NCAA team most of the time.

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Yep. The NFL is not a weightlifting competition. With the lack of talent on this team I see maybe 5-11. Probably less with all the new schemes and players, college coaches and a rookie QB. The product on the field should have little Win and Loss success this year. Look at the schedule, they are obviously overmatched in like 14 of the games. Bills = minor league baseball team = farm system or developmental league team. Just the way it is.



if you put aside the big TV contract payout and the $50 to $100 ticket prices, Bills are like a AAA baseball team or a club rugby team. Bunch of second tiers guys at the back half of their careers trying to hang on or developmental rookies or early stage guys learning the ropes. Goes for both players, coaches and management for that matter. It's all OK because at least there is a franchise, but lets call it for what it is please. They have a good time, make a bunch of money, the management and coaches are the typical clubby regional guys (brandon, whaley, marrone) who all get along because they are all the same guy. Like the local rugby club, but with $130M TV payout coming in every year to pay the players and a large gate attendance to pay for a big practice facility and high pay for the clubby guys . Its all good, lets just take it for what it is. Major league guys aren't coming to a 3rd tier market, so its kind of like the college club team, good guys, decent ability, but will get killed by the NCAA team most of the time.


Must be a farm system since they didn't re-sign Levitre to a ridiculous contract. After all, if they hadn't let him go, there'd be absolutely nothing off of which to base that tired, lazy, totally inaccurate argument. Since, you know, the Nix-led front office had re-signed pretty much every priority FA besides Andy.


Farm teams don't sign Mario Williams. Farm teams don't re-sign Fred Jackson, Steve Johnson, Kyle Williams, Scott Chandler, etc. Farm teams don't franchise tag Jairus Byrd.


Cool story though

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The list is mostly predicated on fooling people through final cuts and then contributing zero. I guess that it should come as no surprise that these two are having a great spring!!

Did Easley return a kick for a touchdown last year? That was at least one play.....maybe that was preseason....can the board help me remember?
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