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IRS to pay $70M in employee bonuses


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Internal Revenue Service is about to pay $70 million in employee bonuses despite an Obama administration directive to cancel discretionary bonuses because of automatic spending cuts enacted this year, according to a GOP senator.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa says his office has learned that the IRS is executing an agreement with the employees' union on Wednesday to pay the bonuses. Grassley says the bonuses should be canceled under an April directive from the White House budget office.

The directive was written by Danny Werfel, a former budget official who has since been appointed acting IRS commissioner.

"The IRS always claims to be short on resources," Grassley said. "But it appears to have $70 million for union bonuses. And it appears to be making an extra effort to give the bonuses despite opportunities to renegotiate with the union and federal instruction to cease discretionary bonuses during sequestration."

The IRS said it is negotiating with the union over the matter but did not dispute Grassley's claim that the bonuses are imminent.


Remind me again dems, how this "slashing" sequestration is strangling good government and killing average Americans

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IRS to pay $70M in employee bonuses



WASHINGTON (AP) - The Internal Revenue Service is about to pay $70 million in employee bonuses despite an Obama administration directive to cancel discretionary bonuses because of automatic spending cuts enacted this year, according to a GOP senator.


Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa says his office has learned that the IRS is executing an agreement with the employees' union on Wednesday to pay the bonuses. Grassley says the bonuses should be canceled under an April directive from the White House budget office.


The directive was written by Danny Werfel, a former budget official who has since been appointed acting IRS commissioner.


"The IRS always claims to be short on resources," Grassley said. "But it appears to have $70 million for union bonuses. And it appears to be making an extra effort to give the bonuses despite opportunities to renegotiate with the union and federal instruction to cease discretionary bonuses during sequestration."


The IRS said it is negotiating with the union over the matter but did not dispute Grassley's claim that the bonuses are imminent.






Remind me again dems, how this "slashing" sequestration is strangling good government and killing average Americans


It's rewarding bad government for strangling average Americans.

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TAXPROF ROUNDUP: The IRS Scandals, Day 42.



From Roll Call: Coburn: Treasury’s Still Stonewalling IRS Conference Spending Inquiry.




IRS Agents ‘Accidentally’ Discharged Guns 11 Times. “Special agents at the IRS accidentally shot their firearms 11 times between 2009 and 2011, and at least three of the cases ‘may have resulted in property damage or personal injury.’ Agents actually fired their guns accidently more often than they intentionally fired them in the field, according to an audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).”





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TAXPROF ROUNDUP: The IRS Scandals, Day 42.



From Roll Call: Coburn: Treasury’s Still Stonewalling IRS Conference Spending Inquiry.




IRS Agents ‘Accidentally’ Discharged Guns 11 Times. “Special agents at the IRS accidentally shot their firearms 11 times between 2009 and 2011, and at least three of the cases ‘may have resulted in property damage or personal injury.’ Agents actually fired their guns accidently more often than they intentionally fired them in the field, according to an audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).”






Too many Desk Pops?



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IRS Agents ‘Accidentally’ Discharged Guns 11 Times. “Special agents at the IRS accidentally shot their firearms 11 times between 2009 and 2011, and at least three of the cases ‘may have resulted in property damage or personal injury.’ Agents actually fired their guns accidently more often than they intentionally fired them in the field, according to an audit by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).”





maybe I'm missing something obvious, but why do IRS agents carry guns? do tax collectors feel as if they need to extract our cash at gunpoint?

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maybe I'm missing something obvious, but why do IRS agents carry guns? do tax collectors feel as if they need to extract our cash at gunpoint?


And this is the organization that will be in charge of collecting and enforcing who gets taxed errr I mean "penalized" for not participating in obamacare.


!@#$ man the only thing obama is good at is to keep growing government bureaucracies and consolidating every bit of power he can


Well that and he's good at claiming ignorance, blaming others, shirking responsibility, politicising everything. Oh yea he's good at apologizing too. Forgot about these

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maybe I'm missing something obvious, but why do IRS agents carry guns? do tax collectors feel as if they need to extract our cash at gunpoint?


Naaaaaaa....... Apparently, they're just going postal on each other....


Nothing to worry about here, in fact, if this is true, I can hear Americans raise their voice in joyful song!!!

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The IRS Scandal, Day 46.




The IRS’s Best Friend in Congress: Rep. Elijah Cummings says the House investigation is a ‘witch hunt.’ Yet revealing evidence keeps coming.


Mr. Cummings’s enthusiasm for defending the IRS may make him a lonely figure among the 22 Republicans and 16 Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, but he is likely to find an ally in his chief counsel on the committee. She is Susanne Sachsman Grooms, who worked for the IRS between 2008 and 2011 as an adviser to the deputy commissioner for services and enforcement and then as a senior counselor to the chief of criminal investigations. At the time, the deputy commissioner for services and enforcement—her boss—was none other than Steven Miller, who held the post of IRS commissioner from November 2012 until his resignation in May after the scandal broke. Mr. Cummings also has a strong tie to the Obama administration: His staff director on the Oversight Committee, David Rapallo, is a former White House lawyer.


The door keeps revolving. Plus:

Many questions remain for the committee to address, even if Mr. Cummings might disagree. Who at the IRS, for instance, developed the intrusive and exhaustive questions that were sent to the tea-party groups? Why did so many of those groups have to wait years for their applications to be processed, and why are many more still waiting? Who specifically were the IRS officials in Washington directing the Cincinnati agents targeting the tea-party organizations?

If the House Oversight Committee can overlook the distractions thrown up by one of its members, the answers may prove illuminating about the way Washington has worked during the Obama administration.
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You know I really didn't care about this topic when I thought they were targeting Tea party types and their conservative ilk but now I find out they were targeting groups with progressive or occupy in their names and I'm extremely enraged, further I find out that the IRS is run by a known conservative and that no conservative group was disallowed but some progressive groups were and I'm furious, IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!!!!!

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You know I really didn't care about this topic when I thought they were targeting Tea party types and their conservative ilk but now I find out they were targeting groups with progressive or occupy in their names and I'm extremely enraged, further I find out that the IRS is run by a known conservative and that no conservative group was disallowed but some progressive groups were and I'm furious, IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!!!!!

Nice spin, Jay Carney. Yes, they were targeting progressive and occupy groups, but to fast tract them through the system. Can't you just pretend to be honest at least once in a while, lyrbob?
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A November 2010 version of the list obtained by National Review Online, however, suggests that while the list did contain the word “progressive,” screeners were instructed to treat progressive groups differently from tea-party groups. Whereas they were merely alerted that a designation of 501©(3) status “may not be appropriate” for progressive groups 501©(3) organizations are prohibited from conducting any political activity — they were told to send applications from tea-party groups off to IRS higher-ups for further scrutiny.



That means the applications of progressive organizations could be approved by line agents on the spot, while those of tea-party groups could not. Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT” — Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive organizations were not.




And by Paz’s account, the IRS has done little to correct the problems that allowed that targeting to continue unabated for almost two years. How will the agency ensure in the future that cases don’t languish for years, as those of so many tea-party groups did, and many still are ?



Edited by B-Man
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You know I really didn't care about this topic when I thought they were targeting Tea party types and their conservative ilk but now I find out they were targeting groups with progressive or occupy in their names and I'm extremely enraged, further I find out that the IRS is run by a known conservative and that no conservative group was disallowed but some progressive groups were and I'm furious, IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!!!!!


Why am I not surprised that a mindless progressive like yourself mocks people who take serious the fact that the IRS admittedly was used to scare, threaten and quiet groups who were vocal opponents of the current administration?


When the people fear the government...

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Why am I not surprised that a mindless progressive like yourself mocks people who take serious the fact that the IRS admittedly was used to scare, threaten and quiet groups who were vocal opponents of the current administration?


When the people fear the government...


"They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices." BO 5/5/13

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Incompetence and Abuse Call for a Clean Sweep of the IRS.


"The IRS has never been popular with Americans. Tax collectors have been unpopular since the time of Jesus, after all, and their public relations haven’t improved much in the succeeding two millennia. Lately, though, the reputation of America’s tax collectors has hit bottom. It started with a ham-handed attempt to defuse the results of an Inspector General audit that showed the tax-exempt unit had singled out conservative groups for heightened scrutiny, and arguably harassment.”




As IRS Chief Heads to Capitol Hill, GOP Rep. Introduces ‘Taxpayer Bill of Rights’.

“The IRS is in full spin mode,” Representative Peter Roskam tells National Review Online. The Illinois congressman says Werfel’s recent revelations are merely an attempt to “take the attention away” from the targeting scandal and to “muddy the issue.” “This was all about political philosophy,” he insists, “and it has to stop.” . . .


In addition to grilling Werfel on Thursday, Roskam will also introduce a package of four bills that together he is calling the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. It is intended to address the slew of scandals roiling the IRS, from the targeting of conservative groups to the lavish spending on employee conferences. The four laws would, among other things, require the IRS to notify taxpayers every time their information is shared, prohibit the agency from asking citizens questions about their political, religious, or social beliefs, and forbid the IRS from holding conferences until it implements the corrective measures made by the inspector general in mid-May.


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Incompetence and Abuse Call for a Clean Sweep of the IRS.


"The IRS has never been popular with Americans. Tax collectors have been unpopular since the time of Jesus, after all, and their public relations haven’t improved much in the succeeding two millennia. Lately, though, the reputation of America’s tax collectors has hit bottom. It started with a ham-handed attempt to defuse the results of an Inspector General audit that showed the tax-exempt unit had singled out conservative groups for heightened scrutiny, and arguably harassment.”




As IRS Chief Heads to Capitol Hill, GOP Rep. Introduces ‘Taxpayer Bill of Rights’.

“The IRS is in full spin mode,” Representative Peter Roskam tells National Review Online. The Illinois congressman says Werfel’s recent revelations are merely an attempt to “take the attention away” from the targeting scandal and to “muddy the issue.” “This was all about political philosophy,” he insists, “and it has to stop.” . . .


In addition to grilling Werfel on Thursday, Roskam will also introduce a package of four bills that together he is calling the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. It is intended to address the slew of scandals roiling the IRS, from the targeting of conservative groups to the lavish spending on employee conferences. The four laws would, among other things, require the IRS to notify taxpayers every time their information is shared, prohibit the agency from asking citizens questions about their political, religious, or social beliefs, and forbid the IRS from holding conferences until it implements the corrective measures made by the inspector general in mid-May.



What better time to implement a flat tax and do away with this terrible waste of money.

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What better time to implement a flat tax and do away with this terrible waste of money.

Wrong person in the top seat of government for that to happen. After all, it "wouldn't be fair" because everyone knows the more you have the greater percentage of what you have belongs to the government. A flat tax could pay off the federal debt, totally fund SS and Medicare, stimulate the economy, create budget surpluses through and beyond the next century, create 50,000,000 jobs, fund education, allow everyone to buy a new car every year, allow everyone to own their own home, and cure cancer - but he wouldn't do it because "it isn't fair."

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Wrong person in the top seat of government for that to happen. After all, it "wouldn't be fair" because everyone knows the more you have the greater percentage of what you have belongs to the government. A flat tax could pay off the federal debt, totally fund SS and Medicare, stimulate the economy, create budget surpluses through and beyond the next century, create 50,000,000 jobs, fund education, allow everyone to buy a new car every year, allow everyone to own their own home, and cure cancer - but he wouldn't do it because "it isn't fair."


It may make sense for the GOP to nominate a presidential candidate who can speak to the America people about the benefits of a flat tax. Or at the very least, get a VP who can sell it. So instead of the usual debate mumbo-jumbo, you'd have someone saying "Let me show you what you'll get with a flat tax..."



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