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yea its a solid tune - and Im a big fan of the whole blak and blu album


not to nit pick - but its a new video, not song, the song is off the album which released in August - I highly recommend the album, solid mix of guitar solo's, metal, hip hop and rhythm


thanks for the link pooj!


oh, you are correct...i thought i had read it was a new song, but it is just a new video...great song though


yea its a solid tune - and Im a big fan of the whole blak and blu album


not to nit pick - but its a new video, not song, the song is off the album which released in August - I highly recommend the album, solid mix of guitar solo's, metal, hip hop and rhythm


thanks for the link pooj!


i saw him(rather i listened to him) as i was approaching the Jay-Z Made in America Festival last summer, he opened the festival. I did actually see him at the Xponential Festival in 2011, that was an awesome set


I will see him live in the next two years - its on my "short bucket list" - and If possible, I will have a drink with him as well


i saw him(rather i listened to him) as i was approaching the Jay-Z Made in America Festival last summer, he opened the festival. I did actually see him at the Xponential Festival in 2011, that was an awesome set


jealous - hes spending a lot of time this summer in Europe so I will not be seeing him - the only opportunity is at Mountain Jam in June, but I have a golf tournament that weekend so cant make it - looks like I will have to wait until next year to see him/have a beer : )


I have been a big fan of Gary Clark Jr for the last 10 years or so, but, I was pretty disappointed with the new album, "Blak and Blue" I like about hallf of it, the rest (to my ears) is just generic filler. He has been playing in clubs here for years...I am hoping the whole "next big thing"/rock star ego thing doesn't swallow him up, because he is really talented...


One of the greates live music moments I ever experienced (didn't put this in the appropriate thread!) was "little Gary Clark Jr" joining Chuck Berry on-stage at the Paramount Theater, about 7 years ago, here in Austin (sort of the Austin equivialant of Sheas) for a mind-blowing gutiar wank-off version of the Bob Seger song "Old Time Rock-N' Roll"...Chuck did his Chuck thing, but Gary Clark took the song places you never thought it could go, without losing the song...and the killer thing was, according to Gary, there was no rehersal at all...Chuck was appropriately blown away by the kids' playing.


I have been a big fan of Gary Clark Jr for the last 10 years or so, but, I was pretty disappointed with the new album, "Blak and Blue" I like about hallf of it, the rest (to my ears) is just generic filler. He has been playing in clubs here for years...I am hoping the whole "next big thing"/rock star ego thing doesn't swallow him up, because he is really talented...


One of the greates live music moments I ever experienced (didn't put this in the appropriate thread!) was "little Gary Clark Jr" joining Chuck Berry on-stage at the Paramount Theater, about 7 years ago, here in Austin (sort of the Austin equivialant of Sheas) for a mind-blowing gutiar wank-off version of the Bob Seger song "Old Time Rock-N' Roll"...Chuck did his Chuck thing, but Gary Clark took the song places you never thought it could go, without losing the song...and the killer thing was, according to Gary, there was no rehersal at all...Chuck was appropriately blown away by the kids' playing.


I agree about some tracks on the ablum being "filler"ish - but I like how its a mulititude of sounds, but still being very Gary Clark Jr


I for one, would enjoy more rock/blues rather than the hip hop


I agree about some tracks on the ablum being "filler"ish - but I like how its a mulititude of sounds, but still being very Gary Clark Jr


I for one, would enjoy more rock/blues rather than the hip hop


Agreed. Like I said, I really like, a lot, about half the tracks, but to me, it is just un-even. I think he can, and will, do much better records...he still kicks ass live!

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