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Mario Williams: no love for

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It's not in dispute, except in her mind. It doesn't make sense that he would want to end it, seeing as how he's having his cake and eating it too, and since there's nothing impressive about her that I can see, meaning he must have truly loved her. We'll see what the court decides. And obviously releasing relevant texts makes sense. The other stuff, again, looks like airing dirty laundry to force a settlement because their case is weak. But it didn't work, and judging by replies on PFT and elsewhere, it didn't help sway most people, while the suicide and drugs didn't even register. Meanwhile she's still racking-up the lawyer fees, and if she manages to get the ring, will probably need to sell it to pay for them.


And sure I've defended Bills players who have done stupid things. But the point was that they weren't necessarily criminal, based on the evidence, not to mention sentences they got (namely Lynch). I agree that Mario was stupid for going out with, much less proposing, to Ms. Marzouki. But luckily that situation got fixed before it got worse and hopefully he can now concentrate on football.

Edited by Doc
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I'm more worried abougt whether Mario is becoming some kind of head case and whether that will effect his play on the field. He was injured and sucked last year...let's hope for better this year.

Why would you be worried about him becoming a head case?

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It's not in dispute, except in her mind. It doesn't make sense that he would want to end it, seeing as how he's having his cake and eating it too, and since there's nothing impressive about her that I can see, meaning he must have truly loved her. We'll see what the court decides. And obviously releasing relevant texts makes sense. The other stuff, again, looks like airing dirty laundry to force a settlement because their case is weak. But it didn't work, and judging by replies on PFT and elsewhere, it didn't help sway most people, while the suicide and drugs didn't even register. Meanwhile she's still racking-up the lawyer fees, and if she manages to get the ring, will probably need to sell it to pay for them.


And sure I've defended Bills players who have done stupid things. But the point was that they weren't necessarily criminal, based on the evidence, not to mention sentences they got (namely Lynch). I agree that Mario was stupid for going out with, much less proposing, to Ms. Marzouki. But luckily that situation got fixed before it got worse and hopefully he can now concentrate on football.


Maybe my favorite quote yet in all of this. And you know this how....? And yes, he loved her so much he wanted to see other women concurrently! No doubt a jury will have tons of sympathy for Mario after hearing about that! Brady could learn a lot form this guy. Stupid Tom ended the relationship 2 months before she knew she was pregnant.


At least you have finally admitted the obvious--that "releasing relevant texts makes sense". You usually come around. However, the PFT "jury" is just pure doc silliness. My guess is that a real jury, after it reads through the 200+ pages of texts is going to get quite the portrait of our rough and tough superstar.


What's the "weak" part of her case? The multiple texts where he tells her she can keep the ring or the part where he wants to be engaged but live the life of a bachelor?


Buzbee is already looking for court and legal fee reimbursement when this is over.


Why would you be worried about him becoming a head case?


lol, yeah really? Where did he get that from?!

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Maybe my favorite quote yet in all of this. And you know this how....? And yes, he loved her so much he wanted to see other women concurrently! No doubt a jury will have tons of sympathy for Mario after hearing about that! Brady could learn a lot form this guy. Stupid Tom ended the relationship 2 months before she knew she was pregnant.


At least you have finally admitted the obvious--that "releasing relevant texts makes sense". You usually come around. However, the PFT "jury" is just pure doc silliness. My guess is that a real jury, after it reads through the 200+ pages of texts is going to get quite the portrait of our rough and tough superstar.


What's the "weak" part of her case? The multiple texts where he tells her she can keep the ring or the part where he wants to be engaged but live the life of a bachelor?


Buzbee is already looking for court and legal fee reimbursement when this is over.

We'll see how this all shakes out. Doesn't really matter one way or another. And I'm sure Buzbee will try to claim that half Mario's Bills contract should go to her.

lol, yeah really? Where did he get that from?!

No idea, that's why I asked. What issues do you fancy he has? Woman? Gone. Suicide? He's still alive. Pain-killers? What NFL player doesn't?

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I'm more worried abougt whether Mario is becoming some kind of head case and whether that will effect his play on the field. He was injured and sucked last year...let's hope for better this year.


You really think he flat sucked last year?

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I'm more worried abougt whether Mario is becoming some kind of head case and whether that will effect his play on the field. He was injured and sucked last year...let's hope for better this year.


True, he had a rough first few games, but he played pretty damned well the last half of the season. You don't "suck" and get 10.5 sacks.

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It's not in dispute, except in her mind. It doesn't make sense that he would want to end it, seeing as how he's having his cake and eating it too, and since there's nothing impressive about her that I can see, meaning he must have truly loved her. We'll see what the court decides. need to sell it to pay for them.


This case is not going to get to the deposition stage because Mario has a very weak case. His "free agent" sleeping habits is not going to advance his case. His texts stating that she could keep the ring is certainly not going to advance his case. In all probability when the he is faced with having to give testimoney {deposition} regarding his tawdry behavior he will realize that not only will he lose the legal battle but he will also lose the public battle. Even scoundrels have images to maintain.


Mario is a vindictive bully. This woman is tougher than he thought. In the end she is not only going to end up with the flashy ring but she will squeeze his nuts by having her legal bills payed by him.

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This case is not going to get to the deposition stage because Mario has a very weak case. His "free agent" sleeping habits is not going to advance his case. His texts stating that she could keep the ring is certainly not going to advance his case. In all probability when the he is faced with having to give testimoney {deposition} regarding his tawdry behavior he will realize that not only will he lose the legal battle but he will also lose the public battle. Even scoundrels have images to maintain.


Mario is a vindictive bully. This woman is tougher than he thought. In the end she is not only going to end up with the flashy ring but she will squeeze his nuts by having her legal bills payed by him.

Mario's philandering has nothing to do with the case. It's a matter of "he said, she said" WRT who ended the engagement. He sued on the grounds that she ended it and that's the basis for getting the ring back. She says he did, which is no surprise. We'll see how the court rules. But the public battle won't hurt Mario much (as PFT and other sites show) since pro athletes sleeping around is about as much a revelation as their narcotics use. And as I said before, the public would have a harder time accepting that Mario may have talked about suicide and Ms. Marzouki did nothing about it.


BTW, I did a search earlier and came across this from Mike Florio, a lawyer. Pretty much says the same stuff I've been saying. An excerpt:


And so Buzbee is fighting fire with hellfire, releasing text messages that have limited relevance to the potentially key question of whether Williams or Marzouki broke off the engagement. While the text messages arguably prove that Williams was moody and erratic, which could perhaps support a finding by a jury that Williams ended the engagement and permit Marzouki to keep the $785,000 engagement ring, that’s just cover for what Buzbee is really doing.



It’s the Reggie Hammond “

” approach. And it often works.


In some cases, however, the approach serves only to piss off the other party. Here, it could cause Williams to dig in and spend more than $785,000 in an effort to retrieve the ring.


Looks like Mario is digging-in. And Buzbee asking for court and legal fees to be paid is funny. Texas only has the loser pay if the case is thrown out in the early stages. This one looks to be going the distance.

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Dudes...deleted posts or not, we all know who is supporting detestable weakness here....and who understands the concept of honor. "The law" is based on equity, not on morality. This entire thread, to my personal amusement, is an exercise in that fact.


Lawyers, in instances like this, are the people who you hire, when you've done something dishonorable, or made a mistake, and want to get away with it/deflect as much responsibility as possible. This entire situation, and clearly, this thread, merely bears this out.


In this situation, only a lowlife needs a lawyer. And that goes for both Williams and the woman. As adults, they should have been able to work this out.


Meanwhile, we have lawyers doing what lawyers do, both in the situation, and in this thread. My objective was merely to expose this as the fact that it is.


But, the best part is: lawyers are the easiest people to troll on the planet, because they assume that passing the bar exam = the end of their need to learn things. And, my activity in this thread, and the responses and other lameness, merely bears this out as well.

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We'll see how this all shakes out. Doesn't really matter one way or another. And I'm sure Buzbee will try to claim that half Mario's Bills contract should go to her.


No idea, that's why I asked. What issues do you fancy he has? Woman? Gone. Suicide? He's still alive. Pain-killers? What NFL player doesn't?


Of course, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter who gets the ring.


Buzbee has made no claim for any of Mario's "contract". Perhaps, like the "sex tape", you made that up also? Point well made, sir.


His issues are summed up nicely in his boo hoo texts, especially his whipping out the drama queen "don't make me say suicide" nonsense. What man does this?


Mario's philandering has nothing to do with the case. It's a matter of "he said, she said" WRT who ended the engagement. He sued on the grounds that she ended it and that's the basis for getting the ring back. She says he did, which is no surprise. We'll see how the court rules. But the public battle won't hurt Mario much (as PFT and other sites show) since pro athletes sleeping around is about as much a revelation as their narcotics use. And as I said before, the public would have a harder time accepting that Mario may have talked about suicide and Ms. Marzouki did nothing about it.


BTW, I did a search earlier and came across this from Mike Florio, a lawyer. Pretty much says the same stuff I've been saying. An excerpt:




Looks like Mario is digging-in. And Buzbee asking for court and legal fees to be paid is funny. Texas only has the loser pay if the case is thrown out in the early stages. This one looks to be going the distance.


So, to summarize: multiple texts where the plaintiff tells the woman to keep the ring are "meaningless" and his philandering has "nothing to do with the case" and her blowing of his "suicidal ideation" (which you have described as nothing but drama) should be held against her.


Well, Ms. Clark, you certainly have a handle on this case! I hope his actual lawyer is more clever than that. Even "Mike Florio, Esq.", concedes the obvious:


"text messages arguably prove that Williams was moody and erratic, which could perhaps support a finding by a jury that Williams ended the engagement and permit Marzouki to keep the $785,000 engagement ring"


I would recommend not spending too much time reading into your fellow fanbro comments on "PFT". And claiming "the public" would fault her for not taking his suicide comments seriously is really just ridiculous. His only real risk is dying of embarrassment at even saying that to her or anyone.


Also, many states have no "loser pays" rules, so any winner can sue for costs in any state.

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Mario's philandering has nothing to do with the case. It's a matter of "he said, she said" WRT who ended the engagement. He sued on the grounds that she ended it and that's the basis for getting the ring back. She says he did, which is no surprise. We'll see how the court rules. But the public battle won't hurt Mario much (as PFT and other sites show) since pro athletes sleeping around is about as much a revelation as their narcotics use. And as I said before, the public would have a harder time accepting that Mario may have talked about suicide and Ms. Marzouki did nothing about it.


BTW, I did a search earlier and came across this from Mike Florio, a lawyer. Pretty much says the same stuff I've been saying. An excerpt:




Looks like Mario is digging-in. And Buzbee asking for court and legal fees to be paid is funny. Texas only has the loser pay if the case is thrown out in the early stages. This one looks to be going the distance.


If it gets to a trial, which I don't believe will happen, and his history of wayward and erratic behavior is fully exposed the jury will quickly make a decision that will not be favorable to this scoundrel.


If he has a legal strategy of depleting the opposition out of vindictiveness (as you suggest) it will be further proof of how much of a jerk he is. Mario is a self-absorbed fool who is offended that his "woman" is challenging his authority to do whatever he wants to do. I'm very confident that he is not going to get the ring back because he simply has a weak case. You may be impressed with this football player but I find this very big man to be a very small person.

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If it gets to a trial, which I don't believe will happen, and his history of wayward and erratic behavior is fully exposed the jury will quickly make a decision that will not be favorable to this scoundrel.


My money says that the judge will order them to settle.

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My money says that the judge will order them to settle.


The judge can't order them to settle. He can recommend that it is in the best interest of both parties but he can't force a settlement.


You know where I stand on this issue. Subtlety isn't a strong trait of mine especially when a self-absorbed bully priiick is involved in the dispute.


This is a case where a wealthy arrogant athlete is not going to allow his kept "woman" get the best of him regardless of his philandering behavior. I find his self-absorbed entitled attitude very distasteful. In the end I believe that he is going to lose this case. She isn't asking for a share of his earnings. She simply wants to get away from this unsavory character and keep what she believes she is entitled to keep. This scoundrel is responding out of vindictiveness, not out of sense of being truly wronged.

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The judge can't order them to settle. He can recommend that it is in the best interest of both parties but he can't force a settlement.


You know where I stand on this issue. Subtlety isn't a strong trait of mine especially when a self-absorbed bully priiick is involved in the dispute.


This is a case where a wealthy arrogant athlete is not going to allow his kept "woman" get the best of him regardless of his philandering behavior. I find his self-absorbed entitled attitude very distasteful. In the end I believe that he is going to lose this case. She isn't asking for a share of his earnings. She simply wants to get away from this unsavory character and keep what she believes she is entitled to keep. This scoundrel is responding out of vindictiveness, not out of sense of being truly wronged.


do you live in their spare bedroom? or how did you come to learn so much about their relationship?

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Why would you be worried about him becoming a head case?

Given his texting and litigation activity, that he is discussing suicide, taking unprescribed medications, and playing a season with his head not in the game, I suspect that one might consider the possibility.

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Given his texting and litigation activity, that he is discussing suicide, taking unprescribed medications, and playing a season with his head not in the game, I suspect that one might consider the possibility.


well... id venture atleast with a couple of those... wed all look like headcases if our worst texts during a major breakup were released to the media, and as far as we know all the medications were prescribed...

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Of course, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter who gets the ring.


Buzbee has made no claim for any of Mario's "contract". Perhaps, like the "sex tape", you made that up also? Point well made, sir.


His issues are summed up nicely in his boo hoo texts, especially his whipping out the drama queen "don't make me say suicide" nonsense. What man does this?

Looks like you're starting to get it. And those were meant to be private texts. And since they're private, I couldn't exactly tell you how many men do it, could I?


So, to summarize: multiple texts where the plaintiff tells the woman to keep the ring are "meaningless" and his philandering has "nothing to do with the case" and her blowing of his "suicidal ideation" (which you have described as nothing but drama) should be held against her.

Nope. As I said before, it's either you believe all the texts or none of them. I was merely replying to John's assertion that the texts, if believed in their entirety, wouldn't paint a bad picture of Ms. Marzouki.


Well, Ms. Clark, you certainly have a handle on this case! I hope his actual lawyer is more clever than that. Even "Mike Florio, Esq.", concedes the obvious:


"text messages arguably prove that Williams was moody and erratic, which could perhaps support a finding by a jury that Williams ended the engagement and permit Marzouki to keep the $785,000 engagement ring"


I would recommend not spending too much time reading into your fellow fanbro comments on "PFT". And claiming "the public" would fault her for not taking his suicide comments seriously is really just ridiculous. His only real risk is dying of embarrassment at even saying that to her or anyone.

Well Ms. Darden, try re-reading the "could" part in that sentence you quoted. Ms. Marzouki "could" find another guy to give her a $785K ring again.


Also, many states have no "loser pays" rules, so any winner can sue for costs in any state.

So he's filing a countersuit? Try saying that next time. It's not that hard.

If it gets to a trial, which I don't believe will happen, and his history of wayward and erratic behavior is fully exposed the jury will quickly make a decision that will not be favorable to this scoundrel.


If he has a legal strategy of depleting the opposition out of vindictiveness (as you suggest) it will be further proof of how much of a jerk he is. Mario is a self-absorbed fool who is offended that his "woman" is challenging his authority to do whatever he wants to do. I'm very confident that he is not going to get the ring back because he simply has a weak case. You may be impressed with this football player but I find this very big man to be a very small person.

All that matters is who broke off the engagement, according to Texas law. If that can be determined prior to a trial, it will get settled quickly. Otherwise it's Mario trying to get his ring back from a girl who he used to love and spent good money on while they were together. If she feels entitled to keep a $785K ring just because she was with him, or as payback, or because she became accustomed to a certain lifestyle that's her issue. And while the law might allow her to keep the ring, it doesn't mean it's the right.

well... id venture atleast with a couple of those... wed all look like headcases if our worst texts during a major breakup were released to the media, and as far as we know all the medications were prescribed...

This. And he's still alive, so he didn't off-himself after they broke-up. And if his head wasn't in the game because of her and it wasn't the wrist, now she's gone and he can focus on football again, so that should be good news for those who were worried.

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