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If you could have one superhero power

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If I could have just one power it would be flight.


Strength only gets you so many things...a lot of women, build a house quick, kick butt, etc.


But if my wife wanted me to get some milk and cereal - I could step outside, take off, beat the traffic and land in the parking lot, grab my groceries and head back home. Trips to Florida are a lot easier as well.


Elasticity, speed, and having a Bat Cave, although cool, have nothing on flight IMHO.

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Flight would be my first choice also.


I considered invisibility, but the only use there is sneaking around. There's also the question of would anything I'm wearing or touching be invisible when I'm invisible? If not, then I'd have to be naked while invisible. And that could cause some issues also, like if I'm somewhere cold. My teeth rattling would give me away.

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Flight would be my first choice also.


I considered invisibility, but the only use there is sneaking around. There's also the question of would anything I'm wearing or touching be invisible when I'm invisible? If not, then I'd have to be naked while invisible. And that could cause some issues also, like if I'm somewhere cold. My teeth rattling would give me away.

Nice analysis...the teeth chattering would be a giveaway although the ladies locker room might be a decent trade off (as long as it isn't cold in there) :)



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I will never forget those happy days of childhood when I was reading my colossal ego man comic books.

LOL...DC Tom is the perfect prick




Careful of shrinkage even if its invisible..

Definite shrinkage...especially if it was the Chinese Women's Volleyball team

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What about super human intelligence?? I mean, "DC Tom like" intelligence where you can engineer flying saucers and make all kinds of cash inventing new products. You could even invent a flying backpack which would negate the need for the power of flight.


Another possibility: the power to talk to animals...my daughter always uses a funny voice for our dogs and pretends to know what they are saying. She's probably right most of the time but it would be amazing to say to my dog "Hey, run down to the bank and grab me a stack of 20's...I'm a little light on cash...and while you're at it, stop and pick me up a sub. Thanks...now get going"

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Mine would be to be able to affect the movement of objects remotely. Telekenesis if you will. "Wide right" would have been just inside. Tom Brady would suddenly have trouble completing passes. And any numbers I pick in the lottery would come up.



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Ability to rewind time. Nothing crazy likes days and weeks, but maybe up to an hour or two. Do something stupid, no problem, just rewind and don't do it the next time.

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The ability to slap the **** out of stupid people through the internet.


You would definitely be the busiest superhero around.


Perfect 20/20 Hindsight



Edited by meazza
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