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Ag Gag Laws

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I'm no fan of PETA, but it bothers me when those nutjobs, if otherwise law-abiding, can be arrested for filming something while standing in a public space. Don't know and haven't tried to verify if the blogger's take is slanted by cross-checking any other reports of the event, but FWIW:




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I'm no fan of PETA, but it bothers me when those nutjobs, if otherwise law-abiding, can be arrested for filming something while standing in a public space. Don't know and haven't tried to verify if the blogger's take is slanted by cross-checking any other reports of the event, but FWIW:




What say ye?


Couldn't read the article as the site is down for maintenance. However, a law prohibiting filming of a slaughterhouse from a public place (where she has every right to be) seems per se unconstitutional.

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I did a little googling to find other links about the same story. The link I posted above may have been an over-reaction by the blogger. Here are a few different links to the Draper, Utah "ag gag" story:




The Utah “ag-gag” law prohibits taking pictures or shooting video on private property without permission of the owner.


The blogger in the first link I posted apparently was misinformed about whether the Utah law prevented filming while standing in a public place.





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