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Da'Rick Rogers - WR - UDFA

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Best Bills UDFA mentions:

House Ballard (11th round seelction) - If you're going to ask about "ever," you have to count the old guys that were drafted after the 7th round to level the field.

Jason Peters - Definitely the best Practice squad player in Bills history

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sorry if im late to the party--but was he busted for weed? or hard drugs?


and were there any additional felonious crimes? fighting, stealing, raping?


because if this thread is going 15 deep questioning the moral integrity of a kid who smokes grass. smh. can't wait til we're out of the freaking federally-imposed-moralistic-ice-age that we're currently in.


did he suck a guys d*ck too? CUT HIM IMMEDIATELY. BAN HIM FROM THE LEAGUE.


You obviously didn't read the posts in this thread. It's 15 pages of Bills' fans loving the pick, mainly.

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This guy has a 40 inch vertical, at 6'2'' and a 4.5 40, this guy could be the next Randy Moss

Randy's measurables blow those out of the water.


40 time was 4.25 and he's a shade over 6'4".

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Randy's measurables blow those out of the water.


40 time was 4.25 and he's a shade over 6'4".


Yeah, Randy Moss was arguably the most perfect physical freak ever to play WR. He allegedly ran a 4.25 40 into the wind and posted a 47" vertical at his pro day. (Per wikipedia, but they don't cite any sources and I can't find any corroboration online of the "into the wind" part or the vertical jump part. That the 40 time was into the wind I buy, but a 47" vertical seems impossible. Still, he was such a freak I can't discount the possibility.) I don't think Moss was ever overthrown until he went to the Raiders. I remember his rookie year, the Vikings QB's would talk about how they'd have contests in practice to see if anyone could overthrow Moss, and no one was ever able to do it. The guy was so big and so fast, with such amazing hands, coordination, and leaping ability, he was basically the perfect outside receiver. Not a guy who did a lot of damage over the middle, but why would you ever want him running over the middle? Just have him run posts, flys, corners, and fades and huck it up to him all day.

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there seems to be a misconception here that the marijuana suspensions were his only issues. it was more than that. in fact , i think the weed was probably the least of NFL teams worries.. it was more about bad attitude. i can't link everything i've read or saw, but here's a few things:


- threatened/harrassed his high school teachers

- poor attitude in games, quit on routes he wasn't the target

- appeared on games changers (NFLN), made worst impression of the bunch... seemed goal was buying best clothes and shoes (others mentioned family, etc.) and compared himself to Dez Bryant

- badgered coaches.. here is an example from a Tennessee radio show:

On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’


I'm not saying all these are true, or big factors, or that he can't change. maybe just immaturity and maybe he was humbled by going undrafted. but if he has a bad attitude, and there is no doubt concerns he does, it may be harder to change and likelier to be his downfall that weed.

Edited by Brainiac21
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there seems to be a misconception here that the marijuana suspensions were his only issues. it was more than that. in fact , i think the weed was probably the least of NFL teams worries.. it was more about bad attitude. i can't link everything i've read or saw, but here's a few things:


- threatened/harrassed his high school teachers

- poor attitude in games, quit on routes he wasn't the target

- appeared on games changers (NFLN), made worst impression of the bunch... seemed goal was buying best clothes and shoes (others mentioned family, etc.) and compared himself to Dez Bryant

- badgered coaches.. here is an example from a Tennessee radio show:

On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’


I'm not saying all these are true, or big factors, or that he can't change. maybe just immaturity and maybe he was humbled by going undrafted. but if he has a bad attitude, and there is no doubt concerns he does, it may be harder to change and likelier to be his downfall that weed.


Good recap. But he's been told by Nix and presumably Marrone that such crap won't fly here. ANd if he needs examples, he can see that Marrone kicked a bunch of malcontents off the Syr team when he took over. Knowing all that, Rogers CHOSE to sign here. He had 14 offers, presumably some from teams like the Pats, Giants, etc. I think he will have his head on straight and be a great player. AT least he's choosing to try.

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there seems to be a misconception here that the marijuana suspensions were his only issues. it was more than that. in fact , i think the weed was probably the least of NFL teams worries.. it was more about bad attitude. i can't link everything i've read or saw, but here's a few things:


- threatened/harrassed his high school teachers

- poor attitude in games, quit on routes he wasn't the target

- appeared on games changers (NFLN), made worst impression of the bunch... seemed goal was buying best clothes and shoes (others mentioned family, etc.) and compared himself to Dez Bryant

- badgered coaches.. here is an example from a Tennessee radio show:

On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’


I'm not saying all these are true, or big factors, or that he can't change. maybe just immaturity and maybe he was humbled by going undrafted. but if he has a bad attitude, and there is no doubt concerns he does, it may be harder to change and likelier to be his downfall that weed.

Agreed. And that can all be bad stuff and sometimes if you're just a bad guy, you're just a bad guy. Look at Marge Schott. But it also could just as likely be he was a 19 year old punk at the time, and they let him get away with it, and now, in the pros, two years later with a no nonsense coach and millions of dollars on the line, with his new buddy Robert Woods a model citizen, he grows up.


People really do change. 19 year guys don't have to be star athletes to be total punks.

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there seems to be a misconception here that the marijuana suspensions were his only issues. it was more than that. in fact , i think the weed was probably the least of NFL teams worries.. it was more about bad attitude. i can't link everything i've read or saw, but here's a few things:


- threatened/harrassed his high school teachers

- poor attitude in games, quit on routes he wasn't the target

- appeared on games changers (NFLN), made worst impression of the bunch... seemed goal was buying best clothes and shoes (others mentioned family, etc.) and compared himself to Dez Bryant

- badgered coaches.. here is an example from a Tennessee radio show:

On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’


I'm not saying all these are true, or big factors, or that he can't change. maybe just immaturity and maybe he was humbled by going undrafted. but if he has a bad attitude, and there is no doubt concerns he does, it may be harder to change and likelier to be his downfall that weed.

The only issue there that is a football problem is quitting on routes that aren't to him and frankly Randy Moss did a ton of that when he was young.


This guy's reality is that he has been by far the best player on every team he's ever been on and has gotten preferential treatment from Day 1 of his football life. He's far from unique in that way. Yelling at teachers and coaches? Why not? There's been no repercussions for it ever that mattered to him. Getting booted from Tennessee? So what, I'm sure in his eyes they were crap anyway and he was going to the NFL. Not getting drafted might take him down a half a peg, maybe.


We haven't had a true "diva" WR in top form before. We had a very toned down version of TO and Andre Reed was at worst slightly petulant. If this guy makes the roster he WILL be that guy. He wants the ball - period. In his mind any ball not to him is a wasted ball because he's better than anyone else you can throw it to. Being on our roster isn't going to change that. That's not necessarily a bad thing - you just need a strong leader at coach and QB who won't get run over by it. Chad Johnson was always "open" and constantly chirping at the QB about getting the ball. You have to know how to tune it out and run the offense.


If you're going to look to run a guy out on a rain this guy will give you lots of reasons to. Personally, I'll take a shot at having the next young TO even if he's occasionally "out of pocket".


Between this guy and having a black QB for the first time in a long time this board and sports radio in Buffalo will be pretty interesting.

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there seems to be a misconception here that the marijuana suspensions were his only issues. it was more than that. in fact , i think the weed was probably the least of NFL teams worries.. it was more about bad attitude. i can't link everything i've read or saw, but here's a few things:


- threatened/harrassed his high school teachers

- poor attitude in games, quit on routes he wasn't the target

- appeared on games changers (NFLN), made worst impression of the bunch... seemed goal was buying best clothes and shoes (others mentioned family, etc.) and compared himself to Dez Bryant

- badgered coaches.. here is an example from a Tennessee radio show:

On Rogers: Countless sources paint a picture of a guy who truly is allowed to operate in his own little world with little repercussion. Multiple sources say he’s constantly cussing and belittling Charlie Baggett his position coach with impunity. Say nothing of the way he talks to fellow wide receivers, other team members and support staff personnel. Jayson Swain and Wes Rucker were talking about him shouting at Baggett on the sidelines during the Kentucky game. I understand this goes on all the time. Not a one-time thing, but another day at the office. ‘This guy mouths off to anyone he can. If you got him on the show he would brag about it to ya. He doesn’t care.’


I'm not saying all these are true, or big factors, or that he can't change. maybe just immaturity and maybe he was humbled by going undrafted. but if he has a bad attitude, and there is no doubt concerns he does, it may be harder to change and likelier to be his downfall that weed.


High school? ****, a lot of teenagers acted out in high school, I'll ignore that.


Poor attitude in games? Ok, that's a little worrisome, but this is the NFL now, so he'll either have to put up, or find a new job. Not super worried about that.


Game Changers, I watched it... his statement sucked a little, but also came off as kind of joking (to me), the rest of the interview he interacted pretty well, and even mentioned how important it is to surround himself with the right people going forward, mentioned hanging out with Woods being part of that. Seemed to have a lot of respect for Irvin in the show, as well. When he dropped a pass in the show, he immediately went to the ground to do pushups.


All in all, if this is some sort of OMG BAD PERSON, then people have incredibly unrealistic expectations of people. Nothing I've seen indicates that he gets into violent altercations, rapes women, does hard drugs, etc. A bit of weed, and acting out as a teen/young adult? I can handle that, those things are relatively easy to grow out of.

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I really don't care what Rogers' past transgressions are; the Bills wasted no draft pick on him and he is an absolutely zero risk proposition. Anyone who thinks he'll stick around this coaching staff if he isn't on the straight and narrow hasn't been paying attention.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but if it hasn't Buddy said that when he talked with Rogers during their pre-deaft visit he addressed his legal issues by saying, "If you want to work for an hourly wage for your life that's available to you, but if you want to play in the NFL you need to take it seriously right now."


I thought it was great advice for a young man looking to redeem himself.

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Good recap. But he's been told by Nix and presumably Marrone that such crap won't fly here. ANd if he needs examples, he can see that Marrone kicked a bunch of malcontents off the Syr team when he took over. Knowing all that, Rogers CHOSE to sign here. He had 14 offers, presumably some from teams like the Pats, Giants, etc. I think he will have his head on straight and be a great player. AT least he's choosing to try.


How can you say this? You have no idea. You have no more clue that they had this conversation than if Nix and Rogers talked about botany.

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How was he at TT? Was he still a problem? If so, then it's a concern, but this is the big leagues. If not, then it appears he's learned.

TT coach said he wasn't a problem and didn't complain about getting the ball or anything. so sure, maybe he's growing up (even if i'm skeptical of people who belittle/harrass their teachers and coaches).


my only point was that it isn't just about weed.. he has other issues too which is probably why Honey Badger was drafted and Da'rick was not.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but if it hasn't Buddy said that when he talked with Rogers during their pre-deaft visit he addressed his legal issues by saying, "If you want to work for an hourly wage for your life that's available to you, but if you want to play in the NFL you need to take it seriously right now."


I thought it was great advice for a young man looking to redeem himself.

I thought that was a great line and great advice by Buddy.
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