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Buddy on the John Murphy show

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Giving some great insight on where the Bills defense is heading. Paraphrasing:


1. Kelving is a good pure MLB. The Bills won't be using a pure MLB. Kelvin is better suited for Indy's scheme.

2. Hughes was heavily scouted coming out of school. He's versatile and can play multiple roles and can run.

3. Pettine said during that draft that the days of the old school alignments are almost over. LB's need to be able to switch between the Mike and Will. Bringing a safety down in tight adds even more versatility. Wants all LB's to be able to switch.

4. This defense is going to have people all over. Pay little attention to the position titles next to names.


Gentlemen, I'm going to make a prediction. The Bills defense won't look anything like the garbage that Wanny ran last year. There's going to be guys all over the place. It'll take some time for it to become comfortable so I'd expect they give up some yards early on. BUT, they are gonna put some hits on people and teams are going to leave RWS bloodied and bruised.




Thanks, Mike. Great recap!


2 points to add: While we all expect early issues with learning the system, we open with the Pats*. I really hope we play 'Wanny Defense' the entire pre-season, while working on the new style only in practice. Yes, it means the fans get robbed at full ticket price, but not showing anything except 'same ole Bills' will provide a huge advantage against the Division's best on Opening weekend.


2nd, the whole 'position name is a thing of the past' is evolutionary, but with most Offenses today, it's countered with no-huddle, audible at the line play calling. Try to trap certain personnel on the field and take advantage of down/distance mismatches. DC's can talk to 1 player via helmet mic, but will the trapped personnel be able to adjust? They will HAVE to be versatile.


Looking forward to this!






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I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy.

well well thats just not good cricket then eh?

poor fellow. indeed. ; )


Chandler i wish we could vanilla what we show as much as possible and keep it simple. But I would want you to consider that Marrone can only dial it back so much.

He is running an up tempo organization top to bottom by his talk and the FO actions supported by Nix and ?Brandon!

Consider that we are going to be playing a fair share of rookies such as Alonso Woods D Williams etc that need to get a feel for NFL speed and awareness . i dont think Pettine will need to show too much but he might put some interesting alignments on the field as i expect Hackett to toss a couple deep to the burners when the O line gets comfy and push it a bit especially 3rd-4th game when the rooks get their chance to shine..

Actually by now, the more i thinkon your point, I find myself looking very much forward to the season.

Go Mike

Go Nate

Edited by 3rdand12
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2 points to add: While we all expect early issues with learning the system, we open with the Pats*. I really hope we play 'Wanny Defense' the entire pre-season, while working on the new style only in practice. Yes, it means the fans get robbed at full ticket price, but not showing anything except 'same ole Bills' will provide a huge advantage against the Division's best on Opening weekend.

I think it will be far more important for the team to get experience with the new system than to try to keep it under wraps for the first game. You won't want to show everything, but players need to experience it at game speed.

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These players have had it soft with the previous regimes. I hope Pettine is able to light a fire under their belly and make these guys give their 110% on the field.


Of course that is IMPOSSIBLE which is the point - they will never satisfy you.

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