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big f'n deal. I watch football to be entertained. What Moss did entertained me. Who gives a sh-- if he mooned the fans?? What does it matter?



I think the focus on Moss' action belies a much bigger problem. Namely: if you were entertained by it, you've got issues.


I'm not going to defend Moss, mind you - stupid and immature is as stupid and immature does. That's just Randy Moss being Randy Moss; I'd as soon criticize a pig for eating garbage and wallowing in the mud. But "entertainment"? You make fart noises with your armpits in your spare time, too? :lol:

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Florio Nailed It




Could someone, anyone please 'splain to us the brouhaha that has erupted over Randy Moss' faux mooning of the folks in the end zone seats at the place which should be known from this day forward as Lambutt Field?


Frankly, we were shocked by Joe Buck's holier-than-thou reaction to the move, and in hindsight (pun intended) we think Buck believed that Moss actually dropped trou and gave the Cheeseheads a glimpse at what Randy had eaten on Friday night.


(It's ironic, of course, that Buck would have anything negative to say about Moss' antics after coming off as a flaming metrosexual -- at best -- in those Budweiser ads with the fictional football turd "Leon".)


In our view, the moon move was no big deal.  And as the loyal readers of this here site know, we rarely have defended the aforementioned Mr. Moss.  He didn't actually show his butt, and he didn't wave to the crowd with one finger a la Jake the Fake.


Given that Moss was hounded relentlessly by the Lambutt faithful prior to and during the game for Moss' ill-advised early exit from FedEx Field one week prior, his reaction was relatively mild, especially in comparison to some of the slurs and obscenities that surely were hurled his way. 


Still, the NFL likely will slap Moss with a five-figure fine, fueled by the fact that the media (starting with Mr. Buck) has been crying incessantly about the routine.  And, actually, that might be a good thing for Moss and the Vikings, since Randy needs to have that oversized chip on his shoulder in order to coax from himself the highest levels of performance.


Now that Moss has raised (or, in the view of some, lowered) the bar for touchdown celebrations, here's a quick list of the touchdown celebrations that might happen in the future as NFL players continue to try to show each other up:


1.  Player holds ball behind his back, grunts audibly, and then slowly lowers ball until dropping it onto the ground.

2.  Player gets on all fours and raises leg at goalpost.

3.  Player actually moons crowd.

4.  Player grabs female fan out of stands and they tango on the field.

5.  Player actually poops on the field.

6.  Player leaps into seats, climbs over rail, and actually leaves building.

7.  Player actually pees on field.

8.  Player grabs female fan out of the stands and they tango on the field . . . and then dance.

big f'n deal. I watch football to be entertained. What Moss did entertained me. Who gives a sh-- if he mooned the fans?? What does it matter?



I'm pretty loose about things like this. Like when TO took the pom-poms... that was funny. TO stepping on the star in Dallas? Well, he got his.


But there is eventually going to be a time when you draw the line.


I personally found it funny. I mean, it was humorous. But I'm a single 24 year old guy. I find stupid things funny.


If i was at the game, or watching the game, and I was a father with a young kid trying to watch the game, I would even THEN find it funny, and my kid would probably laugh. But that's ME. I don't get upset over little things like that.


But what you have to realize is there are people out there who are much more reserved that you or me. There are some that don't want there kid seeing some football player quite obviously mimick pulling down his pants and rubbing his ass on the opposing teams goal post guard.


And they question arises.. where do you draw the line?


If that was "OK" in your book, is it ok if he had pretended to unzip his pants and pleasure himself on the goal post? I mean, it would probably entertain some people. And after all, that's why you watch football - to be entertained.



and then rub his ass into the goal post that said PACKERS on


I don't support his action but it was a "pretend" moon and he didn't rub his a** into the goal post - he just wiggled it a bit and for a split second he did a little dance and then hs teammates ran up to hug him.


Dooooomed...the world is ending...this may be just as damaging as seeing Janet J's boob from 100 ft away, for .00345 seconds on the Super Bowl....a fake moon is the end of the world, but 58 promos of 24, showing non-stop violence is okay...UNBELIEVABLE

Classless TOOL -


God I hope the Vikes lose ..I can't stand Moss + Tice.



As much as Moss might be obnoxious, I am rooting for a Rams-Vikings NFC Championship game. This would be hilarious to me. Two 8-8 teams, at least one goes to the Super Bowl. What a crapterpiece!

big f'n deal. I watch football to be entertained. What Moss did entertained me. Who gives a sh-- if he mooned the fans?? What does it matter?



Is there a limit in your eyes at any point?


whoever made the comment earlier about a non-controversial player (detmer) doing something much more suggestive (slapping that azz) and not getting called out for it made an interesting point.

One nice thing is that the Fox announcers called him out on it right after he did it, and mentioned what a classless act it was and they were sorry their cameras were on him as he did it.



IMO, that was the worst thing to do. How about ignoring him? How about if all the idiot sportswriters and talking head just discussed something ELSE today?


The reason Moss and the rest of the showboat crowd continue to do things like this is because they enjoy the attention and the "controversy". Who gives a rat's ass what he did after the TD?

whoever made the comment earlier about a non-controversial player (detmer) doing something much more suggestive (slapping that azz) and not getting called out for it made an interesting point.



What point is that? Moss makes headlines cause he's an all pro. Most people don't even know who Detmer plays for.

IMO, that was the worst thing to do.  How about ignoring him?  How about if all the idiot sportswriters and talking head just discussed something ELSE today?


The reason Moss and the rest of the showboat crowd continue to do things like this is because they enjoy the attention and the "controversy".  Who gives a rat's ass what he did after the TD?




I agree that these things get blown out of proportion. Just b/c it is blown out of proportion or that he's doing it just for attention doesn't make it right. Also, there has to be some line somewhere. I think we can think of extreme things he might have done instead that most of us agree would definitely be out of line.


Where was a GB player to defend the honor & tradition of Lambeau Field and its fans? Some GB player should have "interfered" with his cheap act instead of just walking away, tail between your legs. You wouldn't see an NHL player get away with that and not pay the consequences.............if we had a NHL.................

You wouldn't see an NHL player get away with that and not pay the consequences



Come to think of it, I haven't seen a single over-the-top or obscene celebration this year in the NHL...



Come to think of it, I haven't seen a single over-the-top or obscene celebration this year in the NHL... 


:lol:  :lol:




I bet you there are plenty of obscenities at owner-union meetings

Where was a GB player to defend the honor & tradition of Lambeau Field and its fans?  Some GB player should have "interfered" with his cheap act instead of just walking away, tail between your legs.  You wouldn't see an NHL player get away with that and not pay the consequences.............if we had a NHL.................


yeah and while he was doing this, I am sure there were not 200 Packer fans, flipping him the bird, and MFing him all over...

yeah and while he was doing this, I am sure there were not 200 Packer fans, flipping him the bird, and MFing him all over...


Exactly, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the cheeseheads.

Not that I condone these kinds of behavior from either side... Athletes act like asses... Then they wonder why their feelings get hurt when a plastic cup assaults them?


It is just all-around bad sportsmanship... And the NFL gets its loins all in a tizzy from wardrobe malfunctions?




Reggie Wayne and Peyton Manning had career playoff games yesterday. Yet the nation is talking about Randy Moss.


He has accomplished what he wanted.

Reggie Wayne and Peyton Manning had career playoff games yesterday. Yet the nation is talking about Randy Moss.


He has accomplished what he wanted.



I guess making a ball pop out your arse and then wiping is pretty hard to not talk about?... :D

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