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Ben Afflek to follow in Sage's footsteps

The Poojer

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Why do you think they do it? Many do it because they make a shitload more than working.


Ha ha. Yeah there are loads of jobs for unwashed homeless people. I bet you hire plenty in your restaurant. And KD, how about you and me do a little experiment. I'll dress like a bum (not far from my usual attire) and stand with a sign on a street corner. We'll see how many people give me money.



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Ha ha. Yeah there are loads of jobs for unwashed homeless people. I bet you hire plenty in your restaurant. And KD, how about you and me do a little experiment. I'll dress like a bum (not far from my usual attire) and stand with a sign on a street corner. We'll see how many people give me money.




I recall John Stossel doing just that; went full-on homeless, hit the streets, and brought in what he said would have averaged him about twenty five grand tax free.


Out here people are giving more care packages filled with soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, bandaids, deodorant, mending kit, packaged tuna, crackers, and, if you're lucky, one free Slim Whitman download.

Edited by LABillzFan
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The article is a bit misleading. It says 'live on $1.50 a day for 5 days'.


The actual challenge is to spend just $1.50 on food a day for 5 days.


That's a lot different.


But I also wonder what is included in $1.50? Are your water or energy costs included in the $1.50 or is it just the price of food?

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Ha ha. Yeah there are loads of jobs for unwashed homeless people. I bet you hire plenty in your restaurant. And KD, how about you and me do a little experiment. I'll dress like a bum (not far from my usual attire) and stand with a sign on a street corner. We'll see how many people give me money.




Yeah because they were unwashed homeless the day that their mommas squezzed them out. Why are many people homeless? Because work is a dirty word to them. And many of those people you see begging are far from homeless.


The article is a bit misleading. It says 'live on $1.50 a day for 5 days'.


The actual challenge is to spend just $1.50 on food a day for 5 days.


That's a lot different.


But I also wonder what is included in $1.50? Are your water or energy costs included in the $1.50 or is it just the price of food?


That's what I was getting at when I asked how much his mortgage was.

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Yeah because they were unwashed homeless the day that their mommas squezzed them out. Why are many people homeless? Because work is a dirty word to them. And many of those people you see begging are far from homeless.




That's what I was getting at when I asked how much his mortgage was.


All I will say is I hope you never wind up out in the cold. I would hate for you to have to find if your opinions are indeed true.



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Are you impervious to misfortune?




Of course not. That's why you plan for as many if them as possible. I can't think of one that would have me living on the street. But I assume you'll throw a few at me. Go ahead, fire away.

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Ha ha. Yeah there are loads of jobs for unwashed homeless people. I bet you hire plenty in your restaurant. And KD, how about you and me do a little experiment. I'll dress like a bum (not far from my usual attire) and stand with a sign on a street corner. We'll see how many people give me money.




I don't think you'd be a good bum; you'd feel guilty about the con. Real bums don't feel the guilt. But if you want to give it a try on your next trip to NYC, dinner's on me.



For some reference, here's the follow up on the recent heart-warming story about a cop coming to the aid of a "homeless" person in NYC:



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