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Just absurd to not allow for common sense. There are plenty of medical care providers of all faiths. I can sort of get it that you might want to see a doctor who aligns with your beliefs but to not see one at all is just plain stupid. As for me I could care less about bedside manners or faith. If I have something wrong I want the best doc available period.

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Reminds me of the old joke about the man who gets caught in a flood. As he climbs out on to the roof of his house, he begins to pray to God to rescue him from this situation.


Another man in a rowboat comes by and says, "Hey, get in my boat or you're going to drown."


The prayerful man on the house replies, "No thanks. God will rescue me."


A short while later, the water is still rising and the water is up to the man's shoulder's. A helicopter buzzes over him, and a Coast Guard officer yells out, "Grab the rope or you will drown."


The prayerful man replies, "Go save others. God will rescue me."


Shortly thereafter, the water level rises to above the man's head. He treads water for a while, but eventually tires, and tragically drowns.


When he arrives at the pearly gates, he angrily asks God, "Why didn't you save me?! I put all my faith in you!"


God replies, "What do want? I sent a boat, a helicopter . . . "

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Reminds me of the old joke about the man who gets caught in a flood. As he climbs out on to the roof of his house, he begins to pray to God to rescue him from this situation.


Another man in a rowboat comes by and says, "Hey, get in my boat or you're going to drown."


The prayerful man on the house replies, "No thanks. God will rescue me."


A short while later, the water is still rising and the water is up to the man's shoulder's. A helicopter buzzes over him, and a Coast Guard officer yells out, "Grab the rope or you will drown."


The prayerful man replies, "Go save others. God will rescue me."


Shortly thereafter, the water level rises to above the man's head. He treads water for a while, but eventually tires, and tragically drowns.


When he arrives at the pearly gates, he angrily asks God, "Why didn't you save me?! I put all my faith in you!"


God replies, "What do want? I sent a boat, a helicopter . . . "


Probably an old joke, but I heard that one on "Boardwalk Empire"... a great joke!

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"If I break my leg, I believe it happened for a reason. I believe God wanted me to break my leg. I also believe he wants me to put a cast on it."


-a nun in some episode of House.


Was this before or after she started bleeding from her eyes?

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