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Can the Bills trade with Jets?

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So why are we helping a division rival fill that Grand Canyon? They could just as easily draft a safety at 13 and save themselves a bunch of cash

There are varying schools of thought on Kenny Vacaro..some good, some bad. Byrd is a proven player. Either sign him or get the most you can for him this year's draft. The San Fran scenario and Minnesota scenario make sense...but neither of them will allow a pick at 13 and a pick at 8.


Oh, forgot to add. What makes you think Byrd wouldn't sign a contract with the Jets, Fins or Pats if the price is right next year. In that scenario we would be f'd two ways: losing a player and getting nothing in return. Byrd's contract should have been settled before FA...as it stands, he's probably already counting the days. If the Jets were to offer their 13th pick, I'd jump at it and consider ourselves lucky for getting another 1st rounder.

Edited by BringBackFergy
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I have read alot of trade scenarios with Niners, Minnesota, etc....with the latest developments, what about our friends down I-90???


The Jets lost both Landry and Bell at safety. Unlike CB (where they still have Cromartie), the safety position is wide open.


We have Byrd, and as much as I would love to sign him for a reasonable salary, it looks like he's none too happy with the franchise tag.


The Jets just received the 13th pick from TB. They may be looking at Mingo (according to alot of mock drafts) but my money says they are looking at Kenny Vacaro.



Did you stop to think of the reason why the Jets traded Revis to TB? It was because they had no room under the cap.

If the Jets traded for Byrd, they would again be pushed over the cap.




Why not dangle the carrot in front of them for their 13th pick?? That way, the Bills can grab their QB at 8 (whichever it is) and not feel like they reached because they have another pick at 13. If Jets are not willing to give the 13th pick, then this year's 2nd rounder and next year's first or second.


If Byrd is as much of a stud as he appears to be (based on our collective opinions on TSW), the Jets would be getting a starting safety (Top 5 in the League) at a reasonable salary (well under Revis' salary). Byrd is a known commodity and is worth the trade.


What is the logic you used to think that this is good for the Bills?

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Did you stop to think of the reason why the Jets traded Revis to TB? It was because they had no room under the cap.

If the Jets traded for Byrd, they would again be pushed over the cap.





What is the logic you used to think that this is good for the Bills?

My logic is this: With the rookie wage scale, we can guarantee a solid rookie selection at pick 13 for 4-5 years whereas keeping Byrd for this year with the franchise tag means he will be looking for a big pay day from the Bills next season...if not with us, then with another team (yes, including the Jets, Dolphins or Pats). If you pay Byrd as a top safety this year or next, then you will lose other players on the team for salary cap reasons...that is the nature of the beast in the NFL this day and age. The Jets (or the Bills) need to negotiate a contract with Byrd that is salary cap friendly. They have just freed up significant cap space with the Revis deal. The Jets have cap space to a certain extent that would allow them to sign Byrd to a 4 or 5 year deal that isn't front loaded and at the same time fill a pressing need in their secondary.


The Bills, on the other hand, are able to draft a quality player at 13 (or wherever the two sides agree to meet on compensation) and remain financially sound from a cap standpoint. A pick at 8 allows you to take your QB without looking back or risking the "wait and see if our guy stays on the board for 2nd round" approach and at the 13th pick, we select our monster Offensive Guard or even a safety (if you are so inclined) or WR.


If Byrd is as good as everyone claims, the Jets should jump at the chance...

Edited by BringBackFergy
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My logic is this: With the rookie wage scale, we can guarantee a solid rookie selection at pick 13 for 4-5 years whereas keeping Byrd for this year with the franchise tag means he will be looking for a big pay day from the Bills next season...if not with us, then with another team (yes, including the Jets, Dolphins or Pats). If you pay Byrd as a top safety this year or next, then you will lose other players on the team for salary cap reasons...that is the nature of the beast in the NFL this day and age.


Why does this logic apply to the Bills and not the Jets?

Surely if we can guarantee a solid rookie selection at pick 13 for 4-5 years.....so can the Jets.


If we have to pay Byrd a big pay day(and that is bad).....don't the Jets also have to pay Byrd a big pay day if they trade for him?


As you've explained it, the Jets would be crazy to do the trade. If it is so obviously good for us to do the trade.....surely the Jets will simply draft their own guaranteed solid rookie selection at pick 13.


On top of that......the Jets do not have the cap room to sign Byrd.

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