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I based my comment on the time I did jury duty a few years back. A dude was charged with DUI and his lawyer hired an "alcohol absorption expert" :blink: to testify. While I agree all the factors you cite play a role, the rule-of-thumb this guys was saying was one drink (be it beer, wine, shot or mixer) per hour.


EDIT: I found this and it looks like you're right and that guy was full of it. DUI calculator.




That calculator said I could drink 8 beers in 2 hours before I got to 0.079

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this is a terrible point man, and im about as anti-big government as they come.


the fact of the matter is, there needs to be a system in place that punishes those who step outside of what we, as a society, view as acceptable behavior. you could argue that maybe the legal limit is too low, but to say that it's just a scam to bilk us out of our money is ridiculous.


i don't see myself as "suffering" because there are laws in place to try and deter people from drinking and driving. in fact, you have to be pretty inebriated to arouse enough suspicion from an officer of the law to be pulled over, and even then, you have to be pretty inebriated to be issued a field sobriety test, AND EVEN THEN, you have to be pretty inebriated to fail it: especially if you're al freaking michaels living in america 2013. every red blooded, hetero sexual ameican male would have likely released him on the spot, had he been able to drive home safely.


and honestly, who, over the age of like, 25, gets busted for an oui without being pretty f*cked up? (and stupid).


Driving is such a banal part of life that we naturally underestimate the danger of hurtling metal and glass down the highway at 75 mph. "So what?" people say. "So I've had a few drinks."


Yeah, you've also increased the likelihood of a fatal accident by ten-fold or a hundred-fold.

Posted (edited)

he was charged as the result of a DUI checkpoint. no one condones drunken driving, but it remains to be seen if DUI checkpoints pass the constitutionality test.

Edited by dwight in philly

He blew a .08 and a .09.




Where he was arrested, .08 is the legal limit.


he was charged as the result of a DUI checkpoint. no one condones drunken driving, but it remains to be seen if DUI checkpoints pass the constitutionality test.


So he was barely over the legal limit and he wasn't pulled over for driving erratically but rather was stopped at a checkpoint.


That calculator said I could drink 8 beers in 2 hours before I got to 0.079


Yeah, I don't think anyone should be using that calculator to guage whether or not to drive. According to that I can have 5 beers in 1 hour and still be 0.07 and change. I'm pretty sure that's wrong... though it just might be a dare! :devil:

(tested by BAC, of course, not behind the wheel, before the torches and pitchforks appear)


So he was barely over the legal limit and he wasn't pulled over for driving erratically but rather was stopped at a checkpoint.


The fact of the matter is, regardless of what we all like to think when it's us involved, 0.08 - 0.09 BAC represents impaired judgement, concentration and motor skill, even if we're not falling down drunk.

Posted (edited)

I believe there was a recent report that found "distracted driving" to be a bigger cause of vehicle accidents than drinking, things like using the phone, messing with the radio and GPS, eating and drinking, loose pets, etc. Because we are a deeply Calvinist culture, we are more punitive towatds things that are "pleasureable" and more forgiving about things that are associated with work. Hence nobody from the greatest criminal theft in the history of the world has been indicted for the WallStreet meltdown while our prisons are packed with people who service our very normal desre to get a buzz from time to time. No surprise though from a country where "hard working" is considered something to be proud of. Or "I haven't taken a vacation in 10 years" is somehow a sign of moral superiority.


Impairment should be the basis for getting a ticket not alcohol use.

Edited by yungmack

That calculator said I could drink 8 beers in 2 hours before I got to 0.079


6-7 beers in two hours for me. 7 puts me just over, at .081


5-6 in one hour, 6 puts me just over at .082


And for the extreme, if I can down 5 beers in 12 minutes, .079


But quite frankly, I drink so rarely (can't remember the last time I had a beer) I think those numbers should be lower.


Done it a couple times myself, but there's no reasonable difference between driving under the influence and causing an accident and driving under the influence and not causing an accident. It's the act of willfully increasing the chances of an accident that counts.


I think you miss my point. The risks of driving while intoxicated are not at issue; I'm simply stating that unless Al caused an accident or there are some other sensational facts it's not much of a news story.


he was charged as the result of a DUI checkpoint. no one condones drunken driving, but it remains to be seen if DUI checkpoints pass the constitutionality test.


Checkpoints are constitutional. However, they must meet certain requirements and be consistently applied. There are jurisdictions that don't permit checkpoints. The checkpoint issue has been taken to the Supreme Court and the ruling in Michigan vs Sitz allowed it.




I based my comment on the time I did jury duty a few years back. A dude was charged with DUI and his lawyer hired an "alcohol absorption expert" :blink: to testify. While I agree all the factors you cite play a role, the rule-of-thumb this guys was saying was one drink (be it beer, wine, shot or mixer) per hour.


EDIT: I found this and it looks like you're right and that guy was full of it. DUI calculator.



That calculator is full of crap, or the laws are a joke.


According to this I would have to drink 6 glasses of wine in 1 hour in order for me to be impaired. 5 or less and I'm good to go. I know from experience that I can feel 3 glasses in one hour and am definitely impaired after 4 (an entire bottle of wine) in an hour or less.


Checkpoints are constitutional. However, they must meet certain requirements and be consistently applied. There are jurisdictions that don't permit checkpoints. The checkpoint issue has been taken to the Supreme Court and the ruling in Michigan vs Sitz allowed it.




Wow! Thats pushing constitutionality in my opinion. What about the 4th(Searching and Seizure)?

Checkpoints sound like entrapment to me. However its legal and its intent is to save lives. Officers should do just that. They should put the checkpoint right outside bars/restaurants. Then they are truly effecting drunk driving and saving lives. The fact that they never would do something like this proves its all about the money.

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