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Why You Should Never Take Photos With Your iPad

Just Jack

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I always think it's funny seeing someone holding up an iPad to take a photo, and even the other day during the bomber news conference saw someone in the crowd using a laptop. Here's why I think a smaller camera is ideal....


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The only reason I can think of that you shouldn't use the iPad for pics is that they're not very sharp images. Otherwise, they're a great device!

I agree, the picture quality is terrible, but in this case, it protected his face AND still worked after getting hit.

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Isn't it the opposite? The iPad saved his face.


Yes, but my thought is with a smaller camera, you would see the ball coming. With the large screen you're concentrating on this large object in front of you, and not what's happening around you.

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They are obnoxious as a camera... LoL... They literally block other people's view of the event. Parent's bringing these to their children's school events should be shot. Especially when multiple dolts attempt to use them...


"Hey down in front! You make a better door than a window!"



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