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Sanchez could go to Tampa with Revis if trade is made

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I live in Tampa and this has been discussed for days. Everyone at one Bucs place loves freeman, but possibly Schiano. he is not sure. Freeman's problems were a result of having to always comeback given having the worst pass defense in the league last year. Hence they pick up Dashawn Goldsden (sorry on spelling), draft Mark Barron at #8 last year at SS, and now want Revis. They also restructured Eric Wright from Detroit this year after being suspended last years for performance enhancing stuff.


There's NO WAY the Bucs take Sanchez as they would have to eat the 8 mil against the cap this year. It's not happening after accepting paying Revis 14-16 mil per year.


This will come down to Revis getting through the Tampa Docs to clear for next year. The Bucs are farther along than the Bills with talent, and this secondary could really make an impact with impending drafts. Certainly as much as I like and follow the Bucs, I still want our Bills to beat them in Tampa.

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(Twenty minutes later)


Jets: "Okay, final offer. You take Sanchez and we give you Revis, a first, and a third."


Tampa: "We'll get back to you on that."

(still later that night)

nyj: "ok, this is our final, final offer. we'll give you revis, our first and third this year, our second next year, you have to take sanchez but we'll pay his salerie. but now you bastards have to take tebew! and no backsies!"

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(still later that night)

nyj: "ok, this is our final, final offer. we'll give you revis, our first and third this year, our second next year, you have to take sanchez but we'll pay his salerie. but now you bastards have to take tebew! and no backsies!"


Jets: "Okay, this is the final, final, final offer. You take Revis, Sanchez, a boat for him to go to Cuba on, Tebow, our first and third picks, and we'll also throw in a free lunch from Katz's Deli once a month."

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