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Shades of Benghazi: State Department changes story on Afghanistan blast that killed diplomat


The State Department has acknowledged that five U.S. personnel killed in Afghanistan, including 25-year-old diplomat Anne Smedinghoff, were on foot when they were attacked by a suicide bomber, and not in an armored vehicle, as officials had told bereaved relatives earlier this week.


The violent deaths of U.S. diplomatic personnel — and the State Department’s changing account of how they died — harken back to the debacle in Benghazi, Libya, where Islamist extremists killed four Americans in assaults on the U.S. diplomatic compound on Sept. 11.





"but as Hillary would say, "What difference doesn't it make?"





Edited by B-Man
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It's extremely disingenuous to compare what happened in Benghazi to what happened in Afghanistan and reeks of a political agenda.

It depends on what aspects you are comparing. It is in no way disingenuous to draw similarities between the administration's inaccurate press releases.

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It depends on what aspects you are comparing. It is in no way disingenuous to draw similarities between the administration's inaccurate press releases.


indeed......................you might even call it.................................."fair"





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It depends on what aspects you are comparing. It is in no way disingenuous to draw similarities between the administration's inaccurate press releases.

indeed......................you might even call it.................................."fair"

I disagree. You can't compare what happens in an active war zone to what happened in Libya. It's night and day.

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It's extremely disingenuous to compare what happened in Benghazi to what happened in Afghanistan and reeks of a political agenda.

All political agendas, including this, are designed to cause fake division in the ranks and keep power with the elite.

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The press releases weren't delivered from an active war zone. They were deliberate, calculated statements given from the White House.



All political agendas, including this, are designed to cause fake division in the ranks and keep power with the elite.


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All political agendas, including this, are designed to cause fake division in the ranks and keep power with the elite.



A pattern of coordinated misinformation campaigns coming from the power elite is one of the tools they use to fake division.






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I'm curious as to how press releases coming from the White House are being delivered from a war zone.


The White House is careful with the information it releases in order to control public opinion. This isn't new, it's been going on since the first press secratary was employed. Every release is carefully crafted to project a certain image; and when they don't have any information, and for that reason can't control the narrative, they don't release any information.


When they release information that runs counter to real facts, they are doing so on purpose.


It's absolutely reasonable to draw similarities to all misinformation that comes from any White House.

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Dude. You rolled through the stop sign. Just pay the fine and enough with the conspiracy theories already.

Yes, because they are so honest. Any questioning only can come from crazies......Total transparancy

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