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Greg Walden NRCC Chairmen


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With one fell swoop Wednesday, Walden signaled that he and his party might well try to use the entitlement reforms in President Obama’s budget against Democrats, calling Obama’s budget a “shocking attack on seniors.”

The problem? GOP leaders have actually been pushing for the White House to pursue entitlement reforms and many of them have praised that aspect of Obama’s budget — particularly when it comes to the so-called “chained CPI.” They may not like Obama’s budget, but they have recognized Obama’s proposed entitlement reforms as an olive branch and bargaining chip.

Walden’s comments, accordingly, left many confused and searching for answers. Democrats on Wednesday accused Walden of hypocrisy, and the fiscally conservative Club for Growth — which, like many other conservative groups, wants entitlement reform — called on him to clarify his remarks.

Thursday morning, MSNBC host and former GOP congressman Joe Scarborough called on Republicans to condemn Walden’s remarks, and White House press secretary Jay Carney called Walden’s comments a “cynical attempt to disown” a GOP proposal.






!@#$ing idiot :wallbash:

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You would think all the conservatives on the board would be somewhat outraged with this strategy from the NRCC chairmen. It's an egregious, dishonest approach that has significant implications. If indeed the GOP strategy is to attack from the left, moderate leftists will walk away from the deal, basically killing whatever shot we have of reforming the entitlement programs, which is the true driver of future deficits.


I mean, I think it is a long shot as it is to get anything done, but if this is the strategy, you can forget about it.


In any case.


The conservative Club for Growth wants to find a primary challenger for the chairman of the House Republican campaign arm after his comments criticizing entitlement reforms backed by President Obama.

The Club said Thursday it would add Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) to the list of members it is seeking to primary.









“We always knew Greg Walden had a liberal record, but he really cemented it with his public opposition to even modest entitlement reform,” Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said in a statement on Thursday.



I'm not a big fan of the hard core ideologues consistently primarying some of the moderates, but this happens to be one that I would support.

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You would think all the conservatives on the board would be somewhat outraged with this strategy from the NRCC chairmen.


Stupid? Yes. Incompetent? Sure. Waste of time? Absolutely.


Outraged? Please. If I thought the current Republican establishment was even the slightest bit competent, even by mistake, then maybe.


But let's not fool ourselves. If they couldn't beat the gutless chucklehead in the WH with his long list of failures and leaderless stupidity, I can't expect anything of value from NRCC moving forward. All I ask is that they hold the House in 2014, and Obamacare should help that happen regardless of who's in charge of NRCC.

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The Republican Party is dead.


Well it better not be, because if the alternative had unfettered control and was able to pass through their entire agenda, it would be one huge socialistic, liberal utopian orgy of policies that would accelerate the demise of this country... We'd UNDOUBTEDLY be Europe 2.0 minus Germany

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