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Posted (edited)

...than our own awful media?




Yes, nothing like baby beheadings. :angry: Look, as many know, I'm no "right to lifer"...but this is disgusting. There is no excuse for, or anyone that supports, this behavior.


And, yeah, this is about breaking principles, not values. Thus, we must have 0 tolerance.



Oh look, a Democratic strategist



even understands that the media is failing miserably to do its job here.


That's right, as of right now, the top links on this story are from F'ing Thailand and Britain.


Planned parenthood, the media, and anybody who supports either, should be ashamed of themselves. This is despicable. And, I thought this was about "safety, and the health of the mother"...cat piss? Morons.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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It's been on NPR, Slate, and other big network media, although it seems like most of the right wing media is reporting on the lack of attention to it.


This is an ultrapoor neighborhood and a suspect doctor office. This and worse is probably happening all over big cities.


The sad part is, and what this story hints at, is that if abortion is outlawed, you would see a lot more Kermit Gosnells popping up in the dark alleys.


Both sides are right and wrong but won't come to a common understanding on ideology. You can't preach zero tolerance for any kind of abortions without recognizing human instinct to procreate, and you can't preach for open adoptions without recognizing that the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is by taking measures not to get pregnant in the first place.

Posted (edited)

I wonder if Planned Parenthood locations are under the umbrella of Pennsylvania's Dept of Health and Human Services regulatory power. If it is, there is no way this could happen, one State survey of that environment would have had violation all over it and the State would have had the power to suspend their license to practice. My wife shuts down places all the time in Colorado- not dead babies, but facilities who have let and elederly person sit dead on a toilette for so long they have to remove the toilet seat to get the person out of the bathroom because they fluid pooled in their backside. Urgent Care centers are not regulated by the Stae in Colorado, therefore you won't see me in one of them... its !@#$ed up what people will do when nobody is watching....


That being said, I don't care for abortion and would rather we focus on reponsible prevention of unwanted pregnancy, so we could look at abortion in the rear view of this society and lament about how awful it was. Like GG said, while this was awful to read/see, I can only imagine what abortions would be like is not done in safe medical facilities (obviously, not this example)... making them illegal doesn't end abortion, just makes it terrifiying scary and underground.


Just to add, while this case is terrifying, i'd be careful making this a blanket statement to all PP accross the country that do health screenings and provide other services valuable to poor women and families. I will say that they need to hold the head of PP to account, with proper control and quality measures it should never, ever come to that.

Edited by B-Large

I wonder if Planned Parenthood locations are under the umbrella of Pennsylvania's Dept of Health and Human Services regulatory power. If it is, there is no way this could happen, one State survey of that environment would have had violation all over it and the State would have had the power to suspend their license to practice. My wife shuts down places all the time in Colorado- not dead babies, but facilities who have let and elederly person sit dead on a toilette for so long they have to remove the toilet seat to get the person out of the bathroom because they fluid pooled in their backside. Urgent Care centers are not regulated by the Stae in Colorado, therefore you won't see me in one of them... its !@#$ed up what people will do when nobody is watching....


That being said, I don't care for abortion and would rather we focus on reponsible prevention of unwanted pregnancy, so we could look at abortion in the rear view of this society and lament about how awful it was. Like GG said, while this was awful to read/see, I can only imagine what abortions would be like is not done in safe medical facilities (obviously, not this example)... making them illegal doesn't end abortion, just makes it terrifiying scary and underground.


Does making abortion illegal end the practice of abortion? No.


Does making abortion illegal significantly reduce the number of abortions? Yes.


Does making abortion illegal increase the number of orphaned and unwanted kids? Yes


But you are also correct, the 2 larger issues are preventing unwanted pregnancies, and creating realistic alternatives to abortions.


Both are tough and hard to solve, so we just focus on the legal/illegal issue instead. It's much easier to pick a side and draw a line in the sand. It would require time, effort, hard work, and actually giving a **** to figure out solutions to the real issues. American Idol commercial breaks aren't long enough to deal with those issues.


On a more lighthearted note, I propose a new government program. Hookers for High Schoolers. Supply every HS with an adequate amount of hookers that have been fixed and are regularly tested for STD's, so there's no need to worry about pregnancy. Everyone wins:

1) Guys get laid

2) Far fewer unwanted pregnancies

3) Reduction in STD's

4) Jobs created

5) If you make everyone have a 1st hour class of banging a hooker, I guarantee an improvment in attendance, grades, and grauation rates.


I wonder if Planned Parenthood locations are under the umbrella of Pennsylvania's Dept of Health and Human Services regulatory power. If it is, there is no way this could happen, one State survey of that environment would have had violation all over it and the State would have had the power to suspend their license to practice.


In 1993, “the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from [pro-life] Governor Casey to [pro-choice] Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions.”





Another abortion clinic horror story: Planned Parenthood of Delaware


It doesn’t emit the stench of delirious, inhuman evil that surrounds abortionist Kermit Gosnell and his henchpersons, but conditions were quite fearsome at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, where filthy conditions put patients at risk of contracting hepatitis, or even AIDs, according to former nurses who talked with Philadelphia ABC News affiliate WPVI:

Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, former employee said, “It was just unsafe. I couldn’t tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was.”

Werbrich alleges conditions inside the facility were unsanitary.

“He didn’t wear gloves,” said Werbrich.

Another former employee, Joyce Vasikonis told Action News, “They were using instruments on patients that were not sterile.”

The former nurses claim that a rush to get patients in and out left operating tables soiled and unclean.

Werbrich said “It’s not washed down, it’s not even cleaned off. It has bloody drainage on it.”

“They could be at risk of getting hepatitis, even AIDS,” added Vasikonis.

Both of these nurses said, they quit to protect their own medical licenses, stunned by what they called a meat-market style of assembly-line abortions.

Vasikonis said, “I felt I could be held liable if a patient was harmed.”

“Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it’s needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained, said Werbrich.”

Five patients have been rushed to the emergency room from this clinic this year. WPVI reports that a doctor and two other nurses besides Werbrich and Vasikonis left the staff under “mysterious” circumstances.


As with the Gosnell horror, we’re left to wonder how the conditions described by Werbrich and Vasikonis could have escaped notice by the watchful eyes of our lavishly funded authorities for so long. Planned Parenthood got $542 million in taxpayer support last year – wasn’t any of it spent on oversight?

As a matter of fact, WPVI asked that very question:

In Delaware, abortion clinics are not subject to routine inspections. The state only steps in when they have a patient complaint. Planned Parenthood is essentially in charge of inspecting itself.


Mary Peterson from the Delaware Department of Health and Human Services said, “
I am not going to lie to you, we don’t have the manpower to do routine inspections.





It's been on NPR, Slate, and other big network media, although it seems like most of the right wing media is reporting on the lack of attention to it.


This is an ultrapoor neighborhood and a suspect doctor office. This and worse is probably happening all over big cities.


Not to split hairs, but in her USA Today article posted today, Kirsten Powers (one of the more genuine, articulate liberals short of Joe Trippe) specifically noted that none of the three major networks has carried the story in three months. Yet she also points out how Brian Williams pissed his pants reporting on the Sandra Fluke story.


The doc has his staff snipping the spines of living babies like they're sitting at a Cocoa Beach crab shack snapping crab legs open for lunch. It would be nice if the mainstream media paid as close attention to this as it does about a Kardashian. Maybe if the world sees how poor women need to turn to a baby killing factory to abort an unwanted child, a discussion will begin on what to do about it.


But no. We can only focus on one thing at a time, and right now that one thing is apparently making Americans fear the fully automatic weapon that was never used to kill children in Newtown. Once we get done with gun owners, and illegal immigrants, we'll see if we have time for babies that aren't killed by guns.


Does making abortion illegal end the practice of abortion? No.


Does making abortion illegal significantly reduce the number of abortions? Yes.


Does making abortion illegal increase the number of orphaned and unwanted kids? Yes


But you are also correct, the 2 larger issues are preventing unwanted pregnancies, and creating realistic alternatives to abortions.


Both are tough and hard to solve, so we just focus on the legal/illegal issue instead. It's much easier to pick a side and draw a line in the sand. It would require time, effort, hard work, and actually giving a **** to figure out solutions to the real issues. American Idol commercial breaks aren't long enough to deal with those issues.


On a more lighthearted note, I propose a new government program. Hookers for High Schoolers. Supply every HS with an adequate amount of hookers that have been fixed and are regularly tested for STD's, so there's no need to worry about pregnancy. Everyone wins:

1) Guys get laid

2) Far fewer unwanted pregnancies

3) Reduction in STD's

4) Jobs created

5) If you make everyone have a 1st hour class of banging a hooker, I guarantee an improvment in attendance, grades, and grauation rates.


I like the way you think, a real out of the box kind of guy


A Creeping Sickness




As the fourth week of the murder trial of Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell draws to a close, the media blackout of one of the most hideous stories in modern American history continues.


If your primary sources of news are ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, you would be oblivious to the testimony of a clinic employee describing how he witnessed the virtual beheading of at least 100 babies born alive after unsuccessful abortions. Gosnell is alleged to have snipped the necks of the babies with scissors in order to sever their spinal cords. A witness says “blood and fetuses” covered the place. A grand-jury report states babies’ remains were stuffed in bags, cabinets and plastic jugs. Babies’ feet allegedly were stored in jars. Yet the clinic had many “repeat customers” — according to testimony elicited as a defense.


The butchering of 100 babies (at the very least), as far as the mainstream media is concerned, is far less newsworthy than the horrors of opposition research on Ashley Judd. The Times did make perfunctory mention of Gosnell at the commencement of the trial. It ran on page A17. In contrast, the Times ran the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse story on the front page . . . for 32 consecutive days.


Apples and oranges, perhaps. But if there were any parity in news coverage by the elite media, reporters would be asking for comment about the Gosnell trial from a representative of the abortion industry, lawmakers would be pressed on a legislative response, and editorials would abound on the need to protect society’s most vulnerable. You know the drill.


Indeed, if there were even a hint of news-coverage parity, reporters would be asking the president to explain his past opposition to legislation that would protect babies born alive after an abortion attempt. Just thirty seconds of his time. Less time than is spent asking your average congressman to rebuke a colleague for making a politically incorrect remark. The press does that all the time — to people they disagree with.


Instead, major media occupy themselves with Halle Berry’s “baby bump.” There are at least 100 murdered babies that deserve at least a fraction of that coverage. A press corps that can’t bring itself to even mention the story is not merely biased, not simply callous. It is sick.






In 1993, “the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from [pro-life] Governor Casey to [pro-choice] Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions.”





Another abortion clinic horror story: Planned Parenthood of Delaware


It doesn’t emit the stench of delirious, inhuman evil that surrounds abortionist Kermit Gosnell and his henchpersons, but conditions were quite fearsome at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, where filthy conditions put patients at risk of contracting hepatitis, or even AIDs, according to former nurses who talked with Philadelphia ABC News affiliate WPVI:

Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, former employee said, “It was just unsafe. I couldn’t tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was.”

Werbrich alleges conditions inside the facility were unsanitary.


“He didn’t wear gloves,” said Werbrich.


Another former employee, Joyce Vasikonis told Action News, “They were using instruments on patients that were not sterile.”

The former nurses claim that a rush to get patients in and out left operating tables soiled and unclean.


Werbrich said “It’s not washed down, it’s not even cleaned off. It has bloody drainage on it.”

“They could be at risk of getting hepatitis, even AIDS,” added Vasikonis.


Both of these nurses said, they quit to protect their own medical licenses, stunned by what they called a meat-market style of assembly-line abortions.


Vasikonis said, “I felt I could be held liable if a patient was harmed.”


“Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it’s needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained, said Werbrich.”



Five patients have been rushed to the emergency room from this clinic this year. WPVI reports that a doctor and two other nurses besides Werbrich and Vasikonis left the staff under “mysterious” circumstances.


As with the Gosnell horror, we’re left to wonder how the conditions described by Werbrich and Vasikonis could have escaped notice by the watchful eyes of our lavishly funded authorities for so long. Planned Parenthood got $542 million in taxpayer supportlast year – wasn’t any of it spent on oversight?

As a matter of fact, WPVI asked that very question:

In Delaware, abortion clinics are not subject to routine inspections. The state only steps in when they have a patient complaint. Planned Parenthood is essentially in charge of inspecting itself.


Mary Peterson from the Delaware Department of Health and Human Services said, “
I am not going to lie to you, we don’t have the manpower to do routine inspections.





Nice Work B- my wife would be utterly and totally disgusted by the bolded, underlined portion. While they often have problems getting to every location on the exact date they are due to get inspected, the Colorado Dept. of Health does get to every facility in their locus of control in the same year they are required to. The healthcare arena is a scary place sometimes, from what we have seen is this report to overwhelmning amounts of fraud to Medicare and Medicaid.


Hey, I thought you had a Colorado question?

Posted (edited)
Indeed, if there were even a hint of news-coverage parity, reporters would be asking the president to explain his past opposition to legislation that would protect babies born alive after an abortion attempt.


Totally forgot about this. Funny how a bill called the Violence Against Women Act gets filled with progressive pork to force Republicans to vote against and leads to media and talking heads jabbering about how cold Republicans are, and yet Barack Obama has no problem killing a live baby from a botched abortion, and no one has time to ask him why.

Edited by LABillzFan

I'll say this, I keep up with a lot of news, and this is not something that is being reported proportionate to the level of disgust of what how much it should be reported on. Let's be honest here, if the media were comprised of individuals who were sympathetic to the causes of the other side of the aisle they support, this would story would be front and center in every major network for at least the next few days.

Posted (edited)

Horrible beyond words. 40 or 50 years of relentless marketing of abortion by leftists and feminists desensitized enough to make this possible. At least at a legal clinic.

Strikes me as kinda odd that you can get up to 2 years in prison and fined $250,000 for screwing around with a bald eagle and killing babies is actually promoted


From fish and wildlife's own site


Edited by Dante

Photo of the Day: Media Row at the Gosnell trial





this image comes from JD Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times, who is one of the few reporters covering the trial of Kermit Gosnell. If you want to know why there aren’t more reporters sitting in these seats, Mullane explains:

Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermitt Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you.

Well, we can’t have that, can we? Patheos’ Mollie Hemingway followed up with Mullane to confirm that the media section was really this empty, and Mullane confirmed:

I was surprised by the picture and asked “really?” He responded “Local press was there, Inky, PhillyMag, NBC10 blogger. Court staff told me nobody else has shown up.”




Anderson Cooper just did a segment on it on 360. Caught it randomly (or the end of it). First I've really heard of it in the MSM.


Krauthammer said something that struck me today.


"The pro-abortion might be afraid to cover it because putting any restrictions on abortion rights is the first step to doing away with all abortion rights."


Sound familiar????

Posted (edited)

Krauthammer said something that struck me today.


"The pro-abortion might be afraid to cover it because putting any restrictions on abortion rights is the first step to doing away with all abortion rights."


Sound familiar????


Exactly right sir.


For those on this board who need it spelled out , I will do so.




The media is, by and large, ignoring the trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell because it puts the issue of late-term abortion “starkly into relief,” according to Charles Krauthammer.


Krauthammer expressed surprise that even pro-abortion forces have not condemned Dr. Gosnell and the practice of partial-birth abortion.


On this, I would think there would be unanimity in the country, and the reason that there is resistance, against either outlawing or heavily regulating it is because the pro-choice people imagine that any regulation, at any level, at any kind, is the beginning of the end of abortion rights. I think there is room for a national consensus on this.”



Substitute gun for abortion.


On this, I would think there would be unanimity in the country, and the reason that there is resistance, against either outlawing or heavily regulating it is because the pro-gun people imagine that any regulation, at any level, at any kind, is the beginning of the end of gun rights. I think there is room for a national consensus on this.



Its the same 'defense' that the Left ridicules for law-abiding gun owners, that the Left clings to for "pro-choice"



Edited by B-Man

Krauthammer said something that struck me today.


"The pro-abortion might be afraid to cover it because putting any restrictions on abortion rights is the first step to doing away with all abortion rights."


Sound familiar????

No doubt.

Posted (edited)

Very straightforward, well-written article;



Gosnell and the Media

Jay Nordlinger


Lately, I have been stressing a point I have stressed for many years: Media bias lies in selection — what you choose to cover and what you choose to ignore. Accuracy is a problem. But selection is the big manifestation of bias. It’s possible to be 100 percent accurate — white-glove clean — and yet loaded with bias.


I remember an example someone laid out 25 years ago. The Reagan administration issued its pornography report — detailing the immense harm caused by pornography. One network showed a group of people in the South burning books. That network’s message: censorship. Another network showed a shelter for boys who had been victimized by pornographers. Neither network was the slightest bit inaccurate — but what they chose to say, and show, mattered greatly.


The Gosnell trial has been dismissed as a “local crime” story. Yet somehow the Newtown massacre wasn’t. That event was covered by papers beyond the Hartford Courant. It was the biggest story in the country, something that “shocked the conscience of the nation.” The president moved, Congress moved.


The reason the media haven’t covered Gosnell is that they don’t want to — simple as that. Now, we can discuss why they don’t want to — that wouldn’t be a long discussion, because everybody knows. But the point is, they don’t want to, and they have a right not to cover the story (I guess).


When he was editor of the New York Times, Howell Raines decided to make the admission policy of Augusta National a crusade — he put it on the front page day after day. He could have focused on political prisoners in Cuba. He could have focused on the threat of nuclear attack, and America’s relative defenselessness. He could have focused on the price of eggs in Poughkeepsie. But he wanted to get Augusta National — which was his perfect right.


When I was growing up, I heard a lot about apartheid South Africa. It was in the newspapers every single day, often above the fold. I knew more about what was happening in South Africa than I knew about what was happening in Washtenaw County, Mich., where I lived. That was okay. I was interested to know. But editors were making a choice.


I knew next to nothing about what was going on behind the Iron Curtain — the papers were pretty much silent about that. I learned about the Communist countries from National Review, Commentary, and The American Spectator. I thought that was a little strange: Those organs were opinion journals, and you were supposed to get your news from the newspapers and opinion from the opinion journals. And here the opinion journals were delivering the news.


But that’s the way it was.


Liberals, I found, really didn’t want you to talk about human-rights abuses behind the Iron Curtain. You were “poisoning the atmosphere of détente,” you see. That was a big phrase of the day: “poisoning the atmosphere of détente.” You’d say, “Well, what about the Gulag? Isn’t that kinda bad?” And they’d say, “Why are you poisoning the atmosphere of détente? Do you want to start a nuclear war?” And you’d look at your shoes and say, “Well, no, I really don’t want to start a nuclear war . . .”


Editors can focus on whatever they want to focus on. And if they don’t want to report on the Gosnell trial, they don’t have to. If they don’t want to report on a story that might put abortion in a bad light, they don’t have to. What we rely on, then, is a great variety of media outlets — different editors making different choices and expressing different preferences. Then we will have something like a complete picture.


To be at the mercy of a Pravda — that’s the worst.

Edited by B-Man
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