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Still dismayed by personnel decisions

Dr. K

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Letting Levitre walk for that kind of money is the best move. He wanted way to much. Especially when we have players coming up in a few years like Spiller, Wood, Darius, Byrd, etc....All 4 of those guys are move valuable than Levitre.


WR is a bit of a problem for sure. We have Stevie, Easley, and TJ Graham with NFL experience.

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If we trade down in the draft, i think we can finally start hoping for a serious turn around in the right direction. My only gripe was the money we gave McKelvin. It's just a bit to much for me.... but at the same time he is the best PR/KR.... and a middle of the pack CB. I would have liked it a lot more at 12 million instead of 15, and of course lower.


Honestly, i think the team will be the same or better by at least having someone that blitzes and actually uses the run game and a qb that can at least throw over 10 yds if need be. Lets wait and see what happens in the draft, debate of that and then see how the first year under new coaching turns out. I'll be happy if we win a fwe more games and i'll be happy if we suck it up for a yr in transition and get earlier draft picks.


Strap yourself in, we're in for a ride.

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Remember how inept we were when Lee Evans was released?


Sure Evans went on to do nothing but at the same time the Bills got no better - it was more spinning of the wheels.


I don't get why people still defend this team's decisions. I understand on some level fans have just got to believe in order to go on watching. They convince themselves that things are going to turn around because of (insert newest reason here.) But for the past decade it simply hasn't happened and I - for one - no longer give them the benefit of the doubt. Nobody running this team has earned that. So count me as one of those who needs to be shown the baby.


That being said I tune in every Sunday and read countless offseason articles about the draft and team - I just no longer believe that things are turning around until I actually see it on the field. Until then, count me as a skeptic.

Edited by MDH
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This coming from one of the guys who banged loudest on the Ralph's gotta go before anything changes drum.


As far as I'm concerned, the FO change that needed to happen did. Also, all signs point to Nix stepping down after the draft. But I know how you operate--unless it's saying "the Bills suck," smart fans have to wait and see.


There are several people who "bang the drum" on RW going before the team wins again. And for those like you promoting Brandon in his new role as the move to end all moves, why could he not create a winner in his 2 seasons as GM? But things have changed now?


As for the Bills stinking, well, if 16-32 isn't that I don't know now what is. Are we only allowed to complain to your omniscience when Buffalo is win-less or picking top 5 three years running?

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Turnover in the front office? Where? The same GM is there. The same assistant GM is there. The same college scouting and pro personnel directors are there (both hired in 2011). What's changed? That the owner's golden boy is team president? That a bad HC was replaced with a more unknown entity?


Frankly, there's a lot of unknowns. One predictable thing is fans in their homer-dom ascribing far too much credit before anything significant happens. This is another rebuild and it's going to be painful.


Another predictable thing is fans in their palace of pessimism bemoaning that the changes "they" would make aren't happening.

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At first glance, I can see how many fans feel "dismayed" but as previous posters have stated it didn't make sense financially to keep Levitre and although it may seem like we have a lot of cap room, we don't really considering the two huge re-signings coming up (Spiller & Byrd). As far as Jones and Nelson, those guys are totally replaceable especially given the WR depth of this years draft.

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The draft is just going to be about plugging holes they created after the end of last season, with players no better and likely worse. You draft and develop a guy like Levitre, then just let him go. Same story as Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements, Ted Washington, Marshawn Lynch, Jason Peters, yada yada yada.


Let's also try to remember the difference between not re-signing an unrestricted free agent and trading a player for some compensation. Jason Peters was not "let go;" he was unhappy about his contract and we received some solid compensation for him (1st, 4th, and 6th round picks. The 1st turned into Eric Wood). Marshawn Lynch was traded for a 4th and a 6th. Granted, he is doing well in Seattle, but at the time, we had Spiller and Jackson, and Lynch seemed one misstep away from a suspension. I liked Lynch too, but I wouldn't count him in the same category as UFAs that we didn't re-sign.

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Let's also try to remember the difference between not re-signing an unrestricted free agent and trading a player for some compensation. Jason Peters was not "let go;" he was unhappy about his contract and we received some solid compensation for him (1st, 4th, and 6th round picks. The 1st turned into Eric Wood). Marshawn Lynch was traded for a 4th and a 6th. Granted, he is doing well in Seattle, but at the time, we had Spiller and Jackson, and Lynch seemed one misstep away from a suspension. I liked Lynch too, but I wouldn't count him in the same category as UFAs that we didn't re-sign.

another thing to remember is that jason peters could have been an all-time underdog story, we were collectively ready to love him. but instead, after redoing his contract he decided to rewrite the book on prima-dona-ism. and lynch, while playing the game with a mean streak and incredible strength and energy, was a menace to the buffalo community as well as a complete bonehead off the field. (i seem to remember a story of him smoking weed with some friends in a parked car with no plates and a loaded gun in the trunk) so not keeping these particular players should not be held against the team, imo.

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another thing to remember is that jason peters could have been an all-time underdog story, we were collectively ready to love him. but instead, after redoing his contract he decided to rewrite the book on prima-dona-ism. and lynch, while playing the game with a mean streak and incredible strength and energy, was a menace to the buffalo community as well as a complete bonehead off the field. (i seem to remember a story of him smoking weed with some friends in a parked car with no plates and a loaded gun in the trunk) so not keeping these particular players should not be held against the team, imo.


that and he wasnt always in particularly great shape on the field at times, if i remember correct. for instance, after his suspension.... true of peters too after his holdout.

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that and he wasnt always in particularly great shape on the field at times, if i remember correct. for instance, after his suspension.... true of peters too after his holdout.

yeah, peters went from g.o.a.t. to goat real quick. i was so happy i almost danced in the street when i found out what philly gave us for him.

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Sure Evans went on to do nothing but at the same time the Bills got no better - it was more spinning of the wheels.


I don't get why people still defend this team's decisions. I understand on some level fans have just got to believe in order to go on watching. They convince themselves that things are going to turn around because of (insert newest reason here.) But for the past decade it simply hasn't happened and I - for one - no longer give them the benefit of the doubt. Nobody running this team has earned that. So count me as one of those who needs to be shown the baby.


That being said I tune in every Sunday and read countless offseason articles about the draft and team - I just no longer believe that things are turning around until I actually see it on the field. Until then, count me as a skeptic.

I waver back and forth, but ultimately I start every season with hope that things will improve. Of course, given the track record of the last few years, that gets beaten out of me earlier and earlier every year. But the bottom line for me is, I don't feel like I would benefit from being heavily skeptical at this point. I do like the feeling of hope in the offseason. For the past 1/3 of my life it's been the only reason to be a fan, so I don't think I will ever give it up until I am done with the team.

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There are several people who "bang the drum" on RW going before the team wins again. And for those like you promoting Brandon in his new role as the move to end all moves, why could he not create a winner in his 2 seasons as GM? But things have changed now?


As for the Bills stinking, well, if 16-32 isn't that I don't know now what is. Are we only allowed to complain to your omniscience when Buffalo is win-less or picking top 5 three years running?


Honest question: do you even like the Bills?

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Remember June 1st is the date each year that many veterans are released - a second bite at FA's if you will. That's how we got Barnett (I remember knashing my teeth after Poz left and we had no one at MLB). I don't get as worried anymore and as several posters mentioned the new coaches and younger FO want to make a splash, not a thud, so I am cautiously optimistic there is a lot more good news to come!

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Remember June 1st is the date each year that many veterans are released - a second bite at FA's if you will. That's how we got Barnett (I remember knashing my teeth after Poz left and we had no one at MLB). I don't get as worried anymore and as several posters mentioned the new coaches and younger FO want to make a splash, not a thud, so I am cautiously optimistic there is a lot more good news to come!


you can now designate guys as "june 1st cuts" in march... so thats not really true anymore. you still get guys that are replaced by better options through the offseason but june 1st itself holds no real significance as far as i know with the new cba

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Every team has to let guys walk every year. They also have to replace them. The good ones choose the right spots, the bad ones the wrong. Levitre, at that price tag, is likely the right move.


What you said is partially true. Successful teams have to make these value decisions all the time... And they couldn't/shouldn't pay Levitre $7-8 Million per year... BUT... I don't see that "REPLACEMENT" you mentioned...


On a related note, I find it interesting to see so many of my fellow TBD posters espousing the idea of drafting Chance Warmack, another Guard, to replace Levitre... Wasn't drafting Levitre a mistake in itself because he is ONLY a guard (and therefore not worth $7-8Million per year) and now we want to replay that same mistake by again drafting a lowly unimportant position like OG in the 1st round?


You can't have it both ways folks... You simply can't demean the OG position by saying "we can always draft one in the lower rounds" (ESPECIALLY with Buddy's track record so far...) and if you are advocating draft Warmack you are setting yourself up for another failure down the road like Levitre...


A good GM would also have worked out a cheaper long term deal with Levitre last year and not wait till the last minute when you know his price is going to be significantly higher...

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If they extend Byrd, Spiller, and Wood I will love this staff even more but until then I am witholding judgement



i am confused about your statement. Confused about a lot of things probably.

But either this is witty or dim.

Wood is not someone i am ready to resign. regardless as to his play which is PRETTY good but not great.

When he is on the field.


The other too. Yes Sir. Those guys must be kept.

Guards are more replacable then those two. We were wise to let Andy experience free agency and get his money..



I dont think wheels are just spinning , i think the new staff is gaining traction but what direction they are headed ? not sure yet.

I am going to give them some time to field a team and see what they assembled. too early right now.

But The Big Cat had a nice thread going about the enthusiasm being generated with Marrone at the wheel.

Knowing its another change over , being a fan , i am excited again and enjoy the story unfolding. I think that is the only way to look at this for myself.

I can still see what Gailey and the players looked like mid year last season. Defeated and lost.

Now we have a Good energy going and a man who is driven to succeed.


He is building HIS team. we can audit it after the season effectively , we are just guessing right now. not that there is anything wrong with that B-)

Doug has my vote at this point

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