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All your children are belong to us

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Everyone knows NAMBLA is the National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. Dr. Alphonse Mephesto is a member.


Is that somehow connected to "The Last Tango In Paris"? I know Marie Schneider wasn't a boy, but certainly looked underage and very doable, if you liked young, sexy, dirty little girls. Not that I do.

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Give your kids to me!


I will run them, and run them. They will hear nothing but whistles in their dreams. That serves my purpose, and the + for you is: healthy kids.


Then, I will teach them to shoot paintguns, wrist rockets, and super soakers. I will educate them in basic ambush tactics, and tactical maneuver. Rest assured, I will identify their strengths, and any interests they have, and those will be folded into the plan. For example: if little Suzy has an art capability, we will use it to great effect. If little Jimmy likes music, we will use that too. Any potential strength will be exploited fully, and directed towards the enemy's weakness.


Why? I will transport your kids, tactically and with the highest level of security, to DC and unleash them on...the media. In fact, the following weekend will be a field trip to NYC, so we can get the rest of the media. Th MSNBC b_tch who said this? She gets it 3 weekends in a row.


Do not fret. I will cover all travel, lodging, food, and training expenses. If some of you want to come with, for the lulz, that's fine, as long as you don't interfere with my operational control, or F about in the AO. And, no, you can't shoot any paintguns. The conditions of the operation is: deniability, mobility and ease of egress. Therefore, I can't have you stumbling around getting us caught.


And yes, everybody will get a trophy upon successful conclusion, but, only if you pay a nominal fee prior to start of training.


Edit: And...when asked, I will simply say "What? You turds said they belong to the community. Well, this part of the community has used the resources that apparently belong to me...with great effect, and now you are crying and all pissed off at the parents? I thought the parent's weren't responsible? Make up your mind". :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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I think this falls under the phrase


It takes a village to raise a child.

Well that was f@#$ing profound. We've only been discussing the merits of this concept for four pages, and then you come and sum it up. Poorly.

Edited by Jauronimo
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Well that was f@#$ing profound. We've only been discussing the merits of this concept for four pages, and then you come and sum it up. Poorly.


I felt the previous 4 pages were dribble and wanted to introduce and old saying into the mix to give this topic some balance.

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Lol.......Harris-Perry and MSNBC just won't stop digging..............


This isn’t about me wanting to take your kids, and this isn’t even about whether children are property. This is about whether we as a society, expressing our collective will through our public institutions, including our government, have a right to impinge on individual freedoms in order to advance a common good. And that is exactly the fight that we have been having for a couple hundred years.” Apr 14, 2013
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There are no longer digging. They're becoming brazen, because they are winning. We're past the tipping point. It's time to draw your line in the sand and defend it.


What, exactly, are they winning? Idiot of the year? (*^*&%^$^#of the decade?

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Lol.......Harris-Perry and MSNBC just won't stop digging..............


Mr WeComeinPeace, could you pleae remind me again how the OP is ridiculous based on what this nutjob just said?



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Mr WeComeinPeace, could you pleae remind me again how the OP is ridiculous based on what this nutjob just said?



:blink: Wait, I never defended her statement nor meant to imply that I was in support of it. Unless I was posting and drinking again... and by drinking I mean smoking. All I said was:


Dismissing the existence of a society is as intellectually dishonest and dangerous as saying everyone's children belong to the collective.

I do not believe in what she is saying -- I may have been willing to give her a mulligan on her first statement as there is some inherent truth in the notion that we're all in this together, but I'd never defend her follow up.

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